Crate hackfn

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Fake implementation of std::ops::Fn for user-defined data types.

Place a #[hackfn] attribute on an impl block containing a single method to use that method as the implementation of the function call operator.


  • The function must receive &self. Functions that receive &mut self or self are not supported.

  • The function may not have generic parameters or where-clause.

  • The Self type must implement Sized.


use hackfn::hackfn;

/// Function object that adds some number to its input.
struct Plus(u32);

impl Plus {
    fn call(&self, other: u32) -> u32 {
        self.0 + other

fn main() {
    let plus_one = Plus(1);
    let sum = plus_one(2);
    assert_eq!(sum, 3);

The next example is somewhat more elaborate:

  • Interior mutability can be used to approximate a FnMut impl.

  • Generic parameters and where-clause are permitted on the impl block (though not on the function).

  • The function may take any number of arguments.

use hackfn::hackfn;

use std::cell::Cell;
use std::ops::Add;

/// Function object that accumulates a pair of values per call.
struct AccumulatePairs<T> {
    first: Cell<T>,
    second: Cell<T>,

impl<T> AccumulatePairs<T> where T: Copy + Add<Output = T> {
    fn call(&self, first: T, second: T) {
        self.first.set(self.first.get() + first);
        self.second.set(self.second.get() + second);

fn main() {
    let accumulate = AccumulatePairs::default();
    accumulate(30, 1);
    accumulate(20, 2);
    accumulate(10, 3);
    assert_eq!(accumulate.first.get(), 60);
    assert_eq!(accumulate.second.get(), 6);

Attribute Macros