Trait gut::FaceVertex[][src]

pub trait FaceVertex {
    fn vertex<I>(&self, i: I) -> VertexIndex
        I: Copy + Into<FaceVertexIndex>
fn face_vertex<I>(&self, i: I, k: usize) -> Option<FaceVertexIndex>
        I: Copy + Into<FaceIndex>
fn num_face_vertices(&self) -> usize;
fn num_vertices_at_face<I>(&self, i: I) -> usize
        I: Copy + Into<FaceIndex>
; fn face_to_vertex<I>(&self, i: I, k: usize) -> Option<VertexIndex>
        I: Copy + Into<FaceIndex>
, { ... }
fn reverse_topo(&self) -> (Vec<usize, Global>, Vec<usize, Global>)
        Self: NumFaces + NumVertices
, { ... }
fn reverse_source_topo(&self) -> (Vec<usize, Global>, Vec<usize, Global>)
        Self: NumVertices
, { ... } }

Required methods

Index of the destination element given the topology index.

Toplogy index: where the data lives in an attribute array.

Topology quantifier. Number of connectors in total.

Topology quantifier. Number of connectors at a particular element.

Provided methods

Index of the destination element from the source index.

Generate the reverse topology structure.

Generate the reverse topology structure from the destination element to the source topology element.

For example the reverse_source_topo for face->vertex is vetex->(face->vertex), where face->vertex is the ‘source’ of the original topology.
