[][src]Trait gtk::StaticType

pub trait StaticType {
    fn static_type() -> Type;

Types that are supported by GLib dynamic typing.

Required methods

fn static_type() -> Type

Returns the type identifier of Self.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl StaticType for f32[src]

impl StaticType for VariantType[src]

impl StaticType for TimeZone[src]

impl<'a> StaticType for [&'a str][src]

impl StaticType for KeyFile[src]

impl StaticType for f64[src]

impl StaticType for String[src]

impl StaticType for u8[src]

impl StaticType for Bytes[src]

impl StaticType for Variant[src]

impl StaticType for DateTime[src]

impl StaticType for ValueArray[src]

impl StaticType for GString[src]

impl StaticType for Vec<GString>[src]

impl<'a, T> StaticType for &'a mut T where
    T: StaticType + ?Sized

impl StaticType for u32[src]

impl StaticType for IOCondition[src]

impl StaticType for ParamSpec[src]

impl StaticType for BindingFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Closure[src]

impl StaticType for ByteArray[src]

impl StaticType for bool[src]

impl StaticType for i32[src]

impl StaticType for String[src]

impl<'a, T> StaticType for &'a T where
    T: StaticType + ?Sized

impl StaticType for MainContext[src]

impl StaticType for Vec<String>[src]

impl StaticType for str[src]

impl StaticType for i8[src]

impl StaticType for Checksum[src]

impl StaticType for u64[src]

impl StaticType for MainLoop[src]

impl StaticType for InitiallyUnowned[src]

impl StaticType for Source[src]

impl StaticType for VariantTy[src]

impl StaticType for Date[src]

impl StaticType for Binding[src]

impl StaticType for i64[src]

impl StaticType for Table

impl StaticType for Range

impl StaticType for GObjectAccessible

impl StaticType for StateType[src]

impl StaticType for NoOpObjectFactory

impl StaticType for Registry

impl StaticType for Socket

impl StaticType for NoOpObject

impl StaticType for Action

impl StaticType for Role[src]

impl StaticType for EditableText

impl StaticType for Util

impl StaticType for Hypertext

impl StaticType for Relation

impl StaticType for Value

impl StaticType for Layer[src]

impl StaticType for Plug

impl StaticType for Selection

impl StaticType for Document

impl StaticType for StateSet

impl StaticType for ValueType[src]

impl StaticType for HyperlinkStateFlags[src]

impl StaticType for RelationType[src]

impl StaticType for Misc

impl StaticType for Component

impl StaticType for Rectangle

impl StaticType for TextRange

impl StaticType for ObjectFactory

impl StaticType for TextClipType[src]

impl StaticType for TextBoundary[src]

impl StaticType for TextAttribute[src]

impl StaticType for CoordType[src]

impl StaticType for StreamableContent

impl StaticType for Image

impl StaticType for RelationSet

impl StaticType for Window

impl StaticType for Text

impl StaticType for Object

impl StaticType for TableCell

impl StaticType for TextGranularity[src]

impl StaticType for HyperlinkImpl

impl StaticType for ScaledFont

impl StaticType for Surface

impl StaticType for Content

impl StaticType for FontWeight

impl StaticType for HintStyle

impl StaticType for Filter

impl StaticType for RectangleInt

impl StaticType for PathDataType

impl StaticType for RecordingSurface

impl StaticType for FontSlant

impl StaticType for LineJoin

impl StaticType for RegionOverlap

impl StaticType for FontOptions

impl StaticType for Rectangle

impl StaticType for Region

impl StaticType for Format

impl StaticType for Extend

impl StaticType for Operator

impl StaticType for FontFace

impl StaticType for DeviceType

impl StaticType for SubpixelOrder

impl StaticType for SurfaceType

impl StaticType for Device

impl StaticType for FillRule

impl StaticType for LineCap

impl StaticType for Status

impl StaticType for PatternType

impl StaticType for HintMetrics

impl StaticType for Context

impl StaticType for Antialias

impl StaticType for ImageSurface

impl StaticType for TextClusterFlags

impl StaticType for FontType

impl StaticType for WindowState[src]

impl StaticType for EventMask[src]

impl StaticType for CrossingMode[src]

impl StaticType for EventSequence

impl StaticType for InputSource[src]

impl StaticType for Device

impl StaticType for FrameClock

impl StaticType for PropertyState[src]

impl StaticType for GrabStatus[src]

impl StaticType for Screen

impl StaticType for Gravity[src]

impl StaticType for ByteOrder[src]

impl StaticType for GrabOwnership[src]

impl StaticType for EventType[src]

impl StaticType for NotifyType[src]

impl StaticType for WindowWindowClass[src]

impl StaticType for DeviceManager

impl StaticType for CursorType[src]

impl StaticType for WMDecoration[src]

impl StaticType for DevicePadFeature[src]

impl StaticType for OwnerChange[src]

impl StaticType for WindowHints[src]

impl StaticType for DragAction[src]

impl StaticType for Cursor

impl StaticType for PropMode[src]

impl StaticType for AppLaunchContext

impl StaticType for Event

impl StaticType for Window

impl StaticType for Visual

impl StaticType for AxisUse[src]

impl StaticType for WMFunction[src]

impl StaticType for ScrollDirection[src]

impl StaticType for DragContext

impl StaticType for DeviceType[src]

impl StaticType for Display

impl StaticType for ModifierType[src]

impl StaticType for DisplayManager

impl StaticType for VisibilityState[src]

impl StaticType for InputMode[src]

impl StaticType for FullscreenMode[src]

impl StaticType for ModifierIntent[src]

impl StaticType for FrameClockPhase[src]

impl StaticType for WindowType[src]

impl StaticType for RGBA[src]

impl StaticType for WindowTypeHint[src]

impl StaticType for VisualType[src]

impl StaticType for WindowEdge[src]

impl StaticType for SettingAction[src]

impl StaticType for DragProtocol[src]

impl StaticType for FrameTimings

impl StaticType for PixbufSimpleAnim

impl StaticType for PixbufAlphaMode[src]

impl StaticType for PixbufLoader

impl StaticType for PixbufError[src]

impl StaticType for InterpType[src]

impl StaticType for PixbufFormat

impl StaticType for Pixbuf

impl StaticType for Colorspace[src]

impl StaticType for PixbufAnimation

impl StaticType for PixbufAnimationIter

impl StaticType for PixbufRotation[src]

impl StaticType for Settings

impl StaticType for ResolverRecordType[src]

impl StaticType for FileMonitor

impl StaticType for ZlibCompressor

impl StaticType for SocketAddressEnumerator

impl StaticType for AppInfo

impl StaticType for MountUnmountFlags[src]

impl StaticType for TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags[src]

impl StaticType for DriveStartFlags[src]

impl StaticType for SocketListener

impl StaticType for BytesIcon

impl StaticType for InetSocketAddress

impl StaticType for FileAttributeMatcher

impl StaticType for TlsCertificateFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Action

impl StaticType for SocketFamily[src]

impl StaticType for Notification

impl StaticType for Menu

impl StaticType for SocketClientEvent[src]

impl StaticType for ResourceError[src]

impl StaticType for TlsConnection

impl StaticType for Resource

impl StaticType for TlsServerConnection

impl StaticType for FileMeasureFlags[src]

impl StaticType for DataStreamByteOrder[src]

impl StaticType for ResourceLookupFlags[src]

impl StaticType for ProxyResolver

impl StaticType for TlsRehandshakeMode[src]

impl StaticType for SimplePermission

impl StaticType for Credentials

impl StaticType for PropertyAction

impl StaticType for DataStreamNewlineType[src]

impl StaticType for MemoryOutputStream

impl StaticType for ApplicationFlags[src]

impl StaticType for BufferedOutputStream

impl StaticType for Volume

impl StaticType for ConverterFlags[src]

impl StaticType for SettingsBackend

impl StaticType for FileCreateFlags[src]

impl StaticType for AskPasswordFlags[src]

impl StaticType for NetworkAddress

impl StaticType for FileInputStream

impl StaticType for SimpleAction

impl StaticType for FileAttributeStatus[src]

impl StaticType for IOStream

impl StaticType for ZlibDecompressor

impl StaticType for TlsCertificate

impl StaticType for CredentialsType[src]

impl StaticType for SubprocessFlags[src]

impl StaticType for MenuAttributeIter

impl StaticType for TlsPassword

impl StaticType for UnixOutputStream

impl StaticType for ApplicationCommandLine

impl StaticType for PollableInputStream

impl StaticType for ThemedIcon

impl StaticType for BufferedInputStream

impl StaticType for ActionMap

impl StaticType for SocketType[src]

impl StaticType for FilterOutputStream

impl StaticType for PollableOutputStream

impl StaticType for FileAttributeType[src]

impl StaticType for SimpleActionGroup

impl StaticType for OutputStreamSpliceFlags[src]

impl StaticType for File

impl StaticType for TlsFileDatabase

impl StaticType for ConverterInputStream

impl StaticType for AppInfoCreateFlags[src]

impl StaticType for TlsInteraction

impl StaticType for FilenameCompleter

impl StaticType for NotificationPriority[src]

impl StaticType for SubprocessLauncher

impl StaticType for CharsetConverter

impl StaticType for EmblemedIcon

impl StaticType for SocketConnectable

impl StaticType for Application

impl StaticType for Mount

impl StaticType for InputStream

impl StaticType for Vfs

impl StaticType for FileIOStream

impl StaticType for TlsCertificateRequestFlags[src]

impl StaticType for SrvTarget

impl StaticType for FileMonitorEvent[src]

impl StaticType for ConverterResult[src]

impl StaticType for PasswordSave[src]

impl StaticType for EmblemOrigin[src]

impl StaticType for Icon

impl StaticType for ZlibCompressorFormat[src]

impl StaticType for Seekable

impl StaticType for NetworkService

impl StaticType for FileIcon

impl StaticType for Proxy

impl StaticType for Converter

impl StaticType for DesktopAppInfo

impl StaticType for DriveStartStopType[src]

impl StaticType for SocketClient

impl StaticType for Emblem

impl StaticType for IOErrorEnum[src]

impl StaticType for UnixInputStream

impl StaticType for LoadableIcon

impl StaticType for SettingsSchemaSource

impl StaticType for SocketService

impl StaticType for SocketConnection

impl StaticType for Permission

impl StaticType for Drive

impl StaticType for TlsDatabaseLookupFlags[src]

impl StaticType for MountOperation

impl StaticType for ProxyAddress

impl StaticType for FileInfo

impl StaticType for RemoteActionGroup

impl StaticType for FileCopyFlags[src]

impl StaticType for SocketAddress

impl StaticType for FileOutputStream

impl StaticType for MenuItem

impl StaticType for IOStreamSpliceFlags[src]

impl StaticType for TcpConnection

impl StaticType for FileMonitorFlags[src]

impl StaticType for AppLaunchContext

impl StaticType for TlsDatabase

impl StaticType for TlsPasswordFlags[src]

impl StaticType for InetAddress

impl StaticType for VolumeMonitor

impl StaticType for ActionGroup

impl StaticType for MountOperationResult[src]

impl StaticType for InetAddressMask

impl StaticType for MenuLinkIter

impl StaticType for SettingsBindFlags[src]

impl StaticType for MountMountFlags[src]

impl StaticType for DataInputStream

impl StaticType for MemoryInputStream

impl StaticType for UnixSocketAddressType[src]

impl StaticType for Cancellable

impl StaticType for ConverterOutputStream

impl StaticType for SocketProtocol[src]

impl StaticType for TlsClientConnection

impl StaticType for NetworkMonitor

impl StaticType for Socket

impl StaticType for Subprocess

impl StaticType for TlsInteractionResult[src]

impl StaticType for FileType[src]

impl StaticType for Resolver

impl StaticType for SettingsSchemaKey

impl StaticType for DataOutputStream

impl StaticType for UnixSocketAddress

impl StaticType for OutputStream

impl StaticType for TlsAuthenticationMode[src]

impl StaticType for FilterInputStream

impl StaticType for FileQueryInfoFlags[src]

impl StaticType for MenuModel

impl StaticType for ThreadedSocketService

impl StaticType for SettingsSchema

impl StaticType for AppInfoMonitor

impl StaticType for Fontset

impl StaticType for Renderer

impl StaticType for Style[src]

impl StaticType for TabArray

impl StaticType for CoverageLevel[src]

impl StaticType for Direction[src]

impl StaticType for GlyphString

impl StaticType for Variant[src]

impl StaticType for Weight[src]

impl StaticType for Layout

impl StaticType for GravityHint[src]

impl StaticType for Matrix

impl StaticType for EngineLang

impl StaticType for EngineShape

impl StaticType for RenderPart[src]

impl StaticType for FontFace

impl StaticType for AttrList

impl StaticType for EllipsizeMode[src]

impl StaticType for Context

impl StaticType for Gravity[src]

impl StaticType for Item

impl StaticType for Font

impl StaticType for LayoutIter

impl StaticType for FontMetrics

impl StaticType for Alignment[src]

impl StaticType for GlyphItemIter

impl StaticType for FontsetSimple

impl StaticType for Underline[src]

impl StaticType for Script[src]

impl StaticType for BidiType[src]

impl StaticType for FontDescription

impl StaticType for FontFamily

impl StaticType for Stretch[src]

impl StaticType for FontMap

impl StaticType for GlyphItem

impl StaticType for Color

impl StaticType for FontMask[src]

impl StaticType for LayoutLine

impl StaticType for TabAlign[src]

impl StaticType for AttrType[src]

impl StaticType for WrapMode[src]

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impl StaticType for Align[src]

impl StaticType for ArrowType[src]

impl StaticType for AssistantPageType[src]

impl StaticType for BaselinePosition[src]

impl StaticType for BorderStyle[src]

impl StaticType for BuilderError[src]

impl StaticType for ButtonBoxStyle[src]

impl StaticType for ButtonsType[src]

impl StaticType for CellRendererAccelMode[src]

impl StaticType for CellRendererMode[src]

impl StaticType for CornerType[src]

impl StaticType for CssProviderError[src]

impl StaticType for CssSectionType[src]

impl StaticType for DeleteType[src]

impl StaticType for DirectionType[src]

impl StaticType for DragResult[src]

impl StaticType for EntryIconPosition[src]

impl StaticType for EventSequenceState[src]

impl StaticType for FileChooserAction[src]

impl StaticType for FileChooserConfirmation[src]

impl StaticType for FileChooserError[src]

impl StaticType for IMPreeditStyle[src]

impl StaticType for IMStatusStyle[src]

impl StaticType for IconSize[src]

impl StaticType for IconThemeError[src]

impl StaticType for IconViewDropPosition[src]

impl StaticType for ImageType[src]

impl StaticType for InputPurpose[src]

impl StaticType for Justification[src]

impl StaticType for LevelBarMode[src]

impl StaticType for License[src]

impl StaticType for MenuDirectionType[src]

impl StaticType for MessageType[src]

impl StaticType for MovementStep[src]

impl StaticType for NotebookTab[src]

impl StaticType for NumberUpLayout[src]

impl StaticType for Orientation[src]

impl StaticType for PackDirection[src]

impl StaticType for PackType[src]

impl StaticType for PageOrientation[src]

impl StaticType for PageSet[src]

impl StaticType for PanDirection[src]

impl StaticType for PolicyType[src]

impl StaticType for PositionType[src]

impl StaticType for PrintDuplex[src]

impl StaticType for PrintError[src]

impl StaticType for PrintOperationAction[src]

impl StaticType for PrintOperationResult[src]

impl StaticType for PrintPages[src]

impl StaticType for PrintQuality[src]

impl StaticType for PrintStatus[src]

impl StaticType for PropagationPhase[src]

impl StaticType for RecentChooserError[src]

impl StaticType for RecentManagerError[src]

impl StaticType for RecentSortType[src]

impl StaticType for ReliefStyle[src]

impl StaticType for ResizeMode[src]

impl StaticType for ResponseType[src]

impl StaticType for RevealerTransitionType[src]

impl StaticType for ScrollStep[src]

impl StaticType for ScrollType[src]

impl StaticType for ScrollablePolicy[src]

impl StaticType for SelectionMode[src]

impl StaticType for SensitivityType[src]

impl StaticType for ShadowType[src]

impl StaticType for SizeGroupMode[src]

impl StaticType for SizeRequestMode[src]

impl StaticType for SortType[src]

impl StaticType for SpinButtonUpdatePolicy[src]

impl StaticType for SpinType[src]

impl StaticType for StackTransitionType[src]

impl StaticType for gtk::StateType[src]

impl StaticType for TextDirection[src]

impl StaticType for TextViewLayer[src]

impl StaticType for TextWindowType[src]

impl StaticType for ToolbarStyle[src]

impl StaticType for TreeViewColumnSizing[src]

impl StaticType for TreeViewDropPosition[src]

impl StaticType for TreeViewGridLines[src]

impl StaticType for Type[src]

impl StaticType for Unit[src]

impl StaticType for WidgetHelpType[src]

impl StaticType for WindowPosition[src]

impl StaticType for gtk::WindowType[src]

impl StaticType for gtk::WrapMode[src]

impl StaticType for AboutDialog

impl StaticType for AccelFlags[src]

impl StaticType for AccelGroup

impl StaticType for AccelLabel

impl StaticType for ActionBar

impl StaticType for Actionable

impl StaticType for Adjustment

impl StaticType for AppChooser

impl StaticType for AppChooserButton

impl StaticType for AppChooserDialog

impl StaticType for AppChooserWidget

impl StaticType for gtk::Application

impl StaticType for ApplicationInhibitFlags[src]

impl StaticType for ApplicationWindow

impl StaticType for AspectFrame

impl StaticType for Assistant

impl StaticType for Bin

impl StaticType for Border

impl StaticType for Box

impl StaticType for Buildable

impl StaticType for Builder

impl StaticType for Button

impl StaticType for ButtonBox

impl StaticType for Calendar

impl StaticType for CalendarDisplayOptions[src]

impl StaticType for CellArea

impl StaticType for CellAreaBox

impl StaticType for CellAreaContext

impl StaticType for CellEditable

impl StaticType for CellLayout

impl StaticType for CellRenderer

impl StaticType for CellRendererAccel

impl StaticType for CellRendererCombo

impl StaticType for CellRendererPixbuf

impl StaticType for CellRendererProgress

impl StaticType for CellRendererSpin

impl StaticType for CellRendererSpinner

impl StaticType for CellRendererState[src]

impl StaticType for CellRendererText

impl StaticType for CellRendererToggle

impl StaticType for CellView

impl StaticType for CheckButton

impl StaticType for CheckMenuItem

impl StaticType for Clipboard

impl StaticType for ColorButton

impl StaticType for ColorChooser

impl StaticType for ColorChooserDialog

impl StaticType for ColorChooserWidget

impl StaticType for ComboBox

impl StaticType for ComboBoxText

impl StaticType for Container

impl StaticType for CssProvider

impl StaticType for CssSection

impl StaticType for DestDefaults[src]

impl StaticType for Dialog

impl StaticType for DialogFlags[src]

impl StaticType for DrawingArea

impl StaticType for Editable

impl StaticType for Entry

impl StaticType for EntryBuffer

impl StaticType for EntryCompletion

impl StaticType for Error[src]

impl StaticType for EventBox

impl StaticType for EventController

impl StaticType for Expander

impl StaticType for FileChooser

impl StaticType for FileChooserButton

impl StaticType for FileChooserDialog

impl StaticType for FileChooserWidget

impl StaticType for FileFilter

impl StaticType for FileFilterFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Fixed

impl StaticType for FlowBox

impl StaticType for FlowBoxChild

impl StaticType for FontButton

impl StaticType for FontChooser

impl StaticType for FontChooserDialog

impl StaticType for FontChooserWidget

impl StaticType for Frame

impl StaticType for Gesture

impl StaticType for GestureDrag

impl StaticType for GestureLongPress

impl StaticType for GestureMultiPress

impl StaticType for GesturePan

impl StaticType for GestureRotate

impl StaticType for GestureSingle

impl StaticType for GestureSwipe

impl StaticType for GestureZoom

impl StaticType for Grid

impl StaticType for HeaderBar

impl StaticType for IMContext

impl StaticType for IMContextSimple

impl StaticType for IMMulticontext

impl StaticType for IconInfo

impl StaticType for IconLookupFlags[src]

impl StaticType for IconTheme

impl StaticType for IconView

impl StaticType for gtk::Image

impl StaticType for InfoBar

impl StaticType for InputHints[src]

impl StaticType for Invisible

impl StaticType for JunctionSides[src]

impl StaticType for Label

impl StaticType for gtk::Layout

impl StaticType for LevelBar

impl StaticType for LinkButton

impl StaticType for ListBox

impl StaticType for ListBoxRow

impl StaticType for ListStore

impl StaticType for LockButton

impl StaticType for gtk::Menu

impl StaticType for MenuBar

impl StaticType for MenuButton

impl StaticType for gtk::MenuItem

impl StaticType for MenuShell

impl StaticType for MenuToolButton

impl StaticType for MessageDialog

impl StaticType for gtk::Misc

impl StaticType for gtk::MountOperation

impl StaticType for Notebook

impl StaticType for gtk::Object[src]

impl StaticType for OffscreenWindow

impl StaticType for Orientable

impl StaticType for Overlay

impl StaticType for PageSetup

impl StaticType for Paned

impl StaticType for PaperSize

impl StaticType for PlacesOpenFlags[src]

impl StaticType for PlacesSidebar

impl StaticType for gtk::Plug

impl StaticType for Popover

impl StaticType for PrintContext

impl StaticType for PrintOperation

impl StaticType for PrintOperationPreview

impl StaticType for PrintSettings

impl StaticType for ProgressBar

impl StaticType for RadioButton

impl StaticType for RadioMenuItem

impl StaticType for RadioToolButton

impl StaticType for gtk::Range

impl StaticType for RecentChooser

impl StaticType for RecentChooserDialog

impl StaticType for RecentChooserMenu

impl StaticType for RecentChooserWidget

impl StaticType for RecentFilter

impl StaticType for RecentFilterFlags[src]

impl StaticType for RecentInfo

impl StaticType for RecentManager

impl StaticType for gtk::Rectangle[src]

impl StaticType for RegionFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Revealer

impl StaticType for Scale

impl StaticType for ScaleButton

impl StaticType for Scrollable

impl StaticType for Scrollbar

impl StaticType for ScrolledWindow

impl StaticType for SearchBar

impl StaticType for SearchEntry

impl StaticType for SelectionData

impl StaticType for Separator

impl StaticType for SeparatorMenuItem

impl StaticType for SeparatorToolItem

impl StaticType for gtk::Settings

impl StaticType for SizeGroup

impl StaticType for gtk::Socket

impl StaticType for SpinButton

impl StaticType for Spinner

impl StaticType for Stack

impl StaticType for StackSwitcher

impl StaticType for StateFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Statusbar

impl StaticType for StyleContext

impl StaticType for StyleProperties

impl StaticType for StyleProvider

impl StaticType for Switch

impl StaticType for TargetEntry[src]

impl StaticType for TargetFlags[src]

impl StaticType for TargetList

impl StaticType for TextAttributes

impl StaticType for TextBuffer

impl StaticType for TextChildAnchor

impl StaticType for TextIter

impl StaticType for TextMark

impl StaticType for TextSearchFlags[src]

impl StaticType for TextTag

impl StaticType for TextTagTable

impl StaticType for TextView

impl StaticType for ToggleButton

impl StaticType for ToggleToolButton

impl StaticType for ToolButton

impl StaticType for ToolItem

impl StaticType for ToolItemGroup

impl StaticType for ToolPalette

impl StaticType for ToolPaletteDragTargets[src]

impl StaticType for ToolShell

impl StaticType for Toolbar

impl StaticType for Tooltip

impl StaticType for TreeDragDest

impl StaticType for TreeDragSource

impl StaticType for TreeIter

impl StaticType for TreeModel

impl StaticType for TreeModelFilter

impl StaticType for TreeModelFlags[src]

impl StaticType for TreeModelSort

impl StaticType for TreePath

impl StaticType for TreeRowReference

impl StaticType for TreeSelection

impl StaticType for TreeSortable

impl StaticType for TreeStore

impl StaticType for TreeView

impl StaticType for TreeViewColumn

impl StaticType for Viewport

impl StaticType for VolumeButton

impl StaticType for Widget

impl StaticType for WidgetPath

impl StaticType for gtk::Window

impl StaticType for WindowGroup

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