
Reason for having this is that neither multiqueue nor crossbeam_channel implement UnwindSafe currently.


Returns a Err(String), prepending the current location (file name and line number) to the string.

Prepends file name and line number to the given message.

A helper to build a string on the stack.

Returns on error, prepending the current location to a stringified error, then passing the string to From::from.

Lifts an error into a boxed future. Box<Future<Item=_, Error=_>>.

Lifts an error into a boxed future. Box<Future<Item=_, Error=String>>.

Returns on error, converting the Err value to String and prepending the current location.

Like try_s, but takes a reference.



A cell that can be initialized, but only once.
Once initialized the cell remains immutable, allowing us to alias the value.

Allows several threads or processes to compete for a shared resource by tracking resource ownership with a file.
If the lock file is older than ttl_sec then it is removed, allowing us to recover from a thread or process dying while holding the lock.

Process entry in /proc.

Iterate over processes in /proc.


Useful with panic handlers.

Bedstead to row-major bits, 2x3

Helps logging binary data (particularly with text-readable parts, such as bencode, netstring) by replacing all the non-printable bytes with the blank character.

Row-major bits, 2x3, to Bedstead

Run a command, printing it first. Stdout and stderr are forwarded through (inherit).

Converts the duration into a number of seconds with fractions.

Converts the duration into a number of milliseconds.

Shortcut to path->filename conversion.

Last-modified of the file in seconds since the UNIX epoch, with fractions.
Returns 0 if the file does not exists.

Converts time in milliseconds into a number of seconds with fractions.

Takes a netstring from the front of the slice.

The current number of seconds since UNIX epoch, with fractions.

The current number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

Read contents of the file into a Vec.

Runs a command in a shell, returning stderr+stdout on success.