Expand description

Higher level wallet functions which can be used by callers to operate on the wallet, as well as helpers to invoke and instantiate wallets and listeners


Wrapper for ECDH Public keys

Wrapper for Secret Keys

Wrapper for secure JSON requests

Wrapper for secure JSON requests

Wrapper for encryption error responses

Main interface into all wallet API functions. Wallet APIs are split into two seperate blocks of functionality called the ‘Owner’ and ‘Foreign’ APIs

Main interface into all wallet API functions. Wallet APIs are split into two seperate blocks of functionality called the ‘Owner’ and ‘Foreign’ APIs

Wrapper for API Tokens


Middleware Identifiers for each function

Represents a compliant JSON RPC 2.0 id. Valid id: Integer, String.

Helper module for jsonrpc clients. Automatically generated by easy-jsonrpc.


Public definition used to generate Foreign jsonrpc api.

Public definition used to generate Owner jsonrpc api. Secure version containing wallet lifecycle functions. All calls to this API must be encrypted. See init_secure_api for details of secret derivation and encryption.


helper to set up a real environment to run integrated doctests

helper to set up a real environment to run integrated doctests

attempt to send slate synchronously with TOR

Type Definitions

ForeignAPI Middleware Check callback