[][src]Function grin_wallet::libwallet::internal::selection::build_send_tx_slate

pub fn build_send_tx_slate<T: ?Sized, C, K>(
    wallet: &mut T,
    num_participants: usize,
    amount: u64,
    current_height: u64,
    minimum_confirmations: u64,
    lock_height: u64,
    max_outputs: usize,
    change_outputs: usize,
    selection_strategy_is_use_all: bool,
    parent_key_id: Identifier
) -> Result<(Slate, Context, impl FnOnce(&mut T, &Transaction) -> Result<(), Error>), Error> where
    T: WalletBackend<C, K>,
    C: NodeClient,
    K: Keychain

Initialize a transaction on the sender side, returns a corresponding libwallet transaction slate with the appropriate inputs selected, and saves the private wallet identifiers of our selected outputs into our transaction context