Crate grin_util

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Logging, as well as various low-level utilities that factor Rust patterns that are frequent within the grin codebase.


pub extern crate secp256k1zkp as secp;
pub use logger::init_logger;
pub use logger::init_test_logger;
pub use secp_static::static_secp_instance;
pub use types::LogLevel;
pub use types::LoggingConfig;


File util
Logging wrapper to be used throughout all crates in the workspace
Macros to support Rust BIP-32 code (though could conceivably be used for other things)
Globally accessible static instance of secp256k1, to avoid initialization overhead
Logging configuration types
Compress and decompress zip bz2 archives



Encapsulation of a RwLock<Option> for one-time initialization. This implementation will purposefully fail hard if not used properly, for example if not initialized before being first used (borrowed).


Decode a hex string into bytes.
Construct msg bytes from tx fee and lock_height
Encode an utf8 string to a base64 string
Encode the provided bytes into a hex string

Type Definitions

A mutual exclusion primitive useful for protecting shared data
A reader-writer lock