Trait graphene::core::BaseGraph [] [src]

pub trait BaseGraph<'a> {
    type Vertex: Copy + Eq;
    type Weight: Copy + Eq;
    type VertexIter: IntoIterator<Item = Self::Vertex>;
    type EdgeIter: IntoIterator<Item = BaseEdge<Self::Vertex, Self::Weight>>;
    fn all_vertices(&'a self) -> Self::VertexIter;
    fn all_edges(&'a self) -> Self::EdgeIter;
    fn add_vertex(&'a mut self, v: Self::Vertex) -> Result<(), ()>;
    fn remove_vertex(&'a mut self, v: Self::Vertex) -> Result<(), ()>;
    fn add_edge(
        &'a mut self,
        e: BaseEdge<Self::Vertex, Self::Weight>
    ) -> Result<(), ()>; fn remove_edge(
        &'a mut self,
        e: BaseEdge<Self::Vertex, Self::Weight>
    ) -> Result<(), ()>; }

The basic graph interface.

This is the main trait for all types graphs.

The vertices in a graph are identified by their value, and must therefore be unique in the graph.

The edges in a graph are identified by the vertices they connect and their weight. Edges do not have to be unique, but if there are duplicates (i.e. two or more edges connecting the same vertices with the same weights) then any operation intended for one of the edges may happen on any one of them. E.g. If one of the edges is to be removed, then any one of them will be so.

Associated Types

Type of the vertices in the graph.

Type of the weights in the graph.

Type of the collection returned with vertices.

Required Methods

Returns copies of all current vertices in the graph.

Returns copies of all current edges in the graph.

Adds the given vertex to graph as long as no equal vertex is already present i the graph and the graph is capable of storing it.


  • Ok if the vertex is valid and has been added.
  • Err if the vertex is already present in the graph or the graph doesn't have capacity for it.

Ok properties :

  • All vertices present before the call are also present after it.
  • All edges present before the call are also present after it.
  • No edge weights are changed.
  • No new edges are introduced.
  • Only the given vertex is added to the graph.

Err properties :

  • The graph is unchanged.

Removes the given vertex from the graph, assuming it is present.


  • Ok if the vertex was removed.
  • Err if the vertex was not present in the graph.

Ok properties:

  • Only the given vertex is removed from the graph.
  • Any edge connecting to the removed vertex is also removed.
  • All other edges are unchanged.
  • No new vertices are introduced.
  • No new edges are introduced.
  • No edge weights are changed.

Err properties:

  • The graph is unchanged.

Adds the given edge to the graph assuming it connects to valid vertices.


  • Ok if the edge connects to valid vertices and the edge was added successfully.
  • Err if the edge connects to invalid vertices or was not added.

Ok properties:

  • Only the given edge is added to the graph.
  • Existing edges are unchanged.
  • No vertices are introduced or removed.

Err properties:

  • The graph is unchanged.

Removes the given edge from the graph, assuming it is already present.


  • Ok if the edge was present before the call and was removed successfully.
  • Err if the edge was not found in the graph.

Ok properties:

  • Only the given edge is removed.
  • No new edges are introduced.
  • No edge weights are changed.
  • No new vertices are introduced or removed.

Err properties:

  • The graph is unchanged.
