Type Definition graphannis::graph::NodeID[][src]

type NodeID = u64;

Unique internal identifier for a single node.

Trait Implementations

impl AnnotationStorage<NodeID> for Graph

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Get all annotations for an item (node or edge).

Return the total number of annotations contained in this AnnotationStorage.

Return the number of annotations contained in this AnnotationStorage filtered by name and optional namespace (ns).

Returns an iterator for all items that exactly match the given annotation constraints. The annotation name must be given as argument, the other arguments are optional. Read more

Returns an iterator for all items where the value matches the regular expression. The annotation name and the pattern for the value must be given as argument, the namespace argument is optional and can be used as additional constraint. Read more

Estimate the number of results for an annotation exact search for a given an inclusive value range. Read more

Estimate the number of results for an annotation regular expression search for a given pattern. Read more

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Return a list of all existing values for a given annotation key. If the most_frequent_firstparameter is true, the results are sorted by their frequency. Read more

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Get all the annotation keys which are part of this annotation storage