Crate granges

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§GRanges: Generic Genomic Range and Data Containers

GRanges is a Rust library for working with genomic ranges and their associated data. GRanges also implements a bedtools-like command line tool as a test and benchmark of the library. In benchmarks, this command line tool is reliably 30-40% faster than bedtools. Internally, GRanges uses the very fast coitrees library written by Daniel C. Jones for overlap operations.

The GRanges library aims to simplify the creation of powerful, performant genomics tools in Rust. GRanges is inspired by the design and ease of use of Bioconductor’s GenomicRanges and plyranges packages, but tools using GRanges are optimized at compile time and thus are typically much faster.

§Table of Contents

§GRanges Design

Nearly all common data processing and analytics tasks in science can be thought of as taking some raw input data and refining it down some pipeline, until eventually outputting some sort of statistical result. In bioinformatics, genomics data processing workflows are often composed from command line tools and Unix pipes. Analogously, tidyverse unifies data tidying, summarizing, and modeling by passing and manipulating a datafame down a similar pipeline. Unix pipes and tidyverse are powerful because they allow the scientist to build highly specialized analytic tools just by remixing the same core set of data operations.

GRanges implements many of the same core data joining and manipulation operations as the plyranges library and R’s tidyverse.

§The GRanges container

Central to the GRanges library is the generic GRanges<R, T> data container. This is generic over the range container type R, because range data structures have inherent performance tradeoffs for different tasks. For example, when parsing input data into memory, the total size is often not known in advanced. Consequently, the most efficient range container data structure is a dynamically-growing Vec<U>. However, when overlaps need to be computed between ranges across two containers, the interval tree data structures are needed. GRanges supports conversion between these range container types.

GRanges<R, T> is also generic over its data container, T. This allows it to hold any type of data, in any data structure: a Vec<f64> of numeric stores, an ndarray::Array2 matrix, a polars dataframe, custom structs, etc. Each range in the ranges container indexes an element in the data container. There is also a special GRangesEmpty type for data-less GRanges objects.

The GRanges type implements a small but powerful set of methods that can be used to process and analyze genomic data. GRanges relies heavily on method-chaining operations that pass genomic range data down a pipeline, similar to tidyverse and Unix pipes.

§The Overlaps–Map-Combine Pattern

A very common data analysis strategy is Split-Apply-Combine pattern (Wickham, 2011). When working with genomic overlaps and their data, GRanges library relies on its own data analysis pattern known as Overlaps–Map-Combine pattern, which is better suited for common genomic operations and analyses.

§Overlap Joins and the Left Grouped Join

In this pattern, the left genomic ranges are “joined” by their overlaps with another right genomic ranges. In other words, the right ranges that overlap a single left range can be thought of “joined” to this left range.

With genomic data, downstream processing is greatly simplified if the results of this join are grouped by what left range they overlap (see illustration below). This is a special kind of join known as a left grouped join.

    Left range:   ███████████████████████████████████
  Right ranges:     ██    ██████        ██████    ██████

In GRanges, a left grouped join (GRanges::left_overlaps()) returns a GRanges object containing the exact same ranges as the input left ranges. In other words, left grouped joins are endomorphic in the range container. Computationally, this is also extremely efficient, because the left ranges can be passed through to the results directly (a zero-overheard operation).

The GRanges object returned by GRanges::left_overlaps() contains a JoinData (or related) type as its data container. The JoinData contains information about each left range’s overlaps (e.g. number of overlapping bases, fraction of overlaps, etc) in a Vec<LeftGroupedJoin>. This information about overlapping ranges may then be used by downstream calculations. Additionally JoinData stores the left ranges’ data container, and has a reference to the right ranges’ data container. In both cases, the data is unchanged by the join. Downstream processing can also easily access the left ranges’s data and all overlapping right ranges’ data for calculations.

§Map-Combine over Joins

After a left grouped join, each left range can have zero or more overlapping right ranges. A map-combine operation (optionally) maps a function over all right ranges’ data and overlaps information, and then combines that into a single data entry per left range. These combined data entries make up a new GRanges<R, Vec<V>> data container, returned by GRanges::map_joins().

Note that like GRanges::left_overlaps(), the GRanges::map_joins() is endomorphic over its range container. This means it can be passed through without modification, which is computationally efficient. This results from a Map-Combine operation then can be overlap joined with other genomic ranges, filtered, have its data arbitrarily manipulated by GRanges::map_data(), etc.

§Example GRanges Workflow

To illustrate these ideas, lets look at an example of how we might use GRanges to do a a commonly-encountered genomic calculation. Suppose you had a set of exon genomic ranges (the left ranges) and a multicolumn TSV (right ranges) of various genomic features (e.g. assay results, recombination hotspots, variants, etc). Imagine you wanted to form some statistic per each exon, based on data in the overlapping right ranges. This operation is very similar to bedtools map, except that suppose the statistic you want to calculate is not one of the few offered by bedtools. GRanges makes it simple to compose your own, very fast genomic tools to answer these questions.

To see how GRanges would make it simple to compose a specialized fast tool to solve this problem, let’s fist see how few lines of code it would take to implement bedtools map, since our problem is akin to using bedtools map with our own function to calculate our statistic. Let’s start by getting the mean score by seeing how to get the mean BED5 score across all overlapping right ranges for each left range (i.e. bedtools map -a <left> -b <right> -c 5 mean). Here is the Rust code to do this using GRanges:

// Mock sequence lengths (e.g. "genome" file)
let genome = seqlens!("chr1" => 100, "chr2" => 100);

// Create parsing iterators to the left and right BED files.
let left_iter = Bed3Iterator::new("tests_data/bedtools/map_a.txt")?;
let right_iter = Bed5Iterator::new("tests_data/bedtools/map_b.txt")?;

// Filter out any ranges from chromosomes not in our genome file.
let left_gr = GRangesEmpty::from_iter(left_iter, &genome)?;
let right_gr = GRanges::from_iter(right_iter, &genome)?;

// Create the "right" GRanges object, convert the ranges to an
// interval trees, and tidy it by selecting out a f64 score.
let right_gr = right_gr
        // Convert to interval trees.
        // Extract out just the score from the additional BED5 columns.
        .map_data(|bed5_cols| {

// Find the overlaps by doing a *left grouped join*.
let left_join_gr = left_gr.left_overlaps(&right_gr)?;

// Process all the overlaps.
let results_gr = left_join_gr.map_joins(|join_data| {
    // Get the "right data" -- the BED5 scores.
    let overlap_scores: Vec<f64> = join_data.right_data.into_iter()
           // filter out missing values ('.' in BED)
           .filter_map(|x| x).collect();

    // calculate the mean
    let score_sum: f64 = overlap_scores.iter().sum();
    score_sum / (overlap_scores.len() as f64)

// Write to a TSV file, using the BED TSV format standards
// for missing values, etc.
let tempfile = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
results_gr.write_to_tsv(Some(tempfile.path()), &BED_TSV)?;

In relatively few lines of code, we can implement core functionality of bedtools. As mentioned earlier, GRanges code typically runs 30-40% faster than bedtools.

§Loading Data into GRanges

Nearly all genomic range data enters GRanges through parsing iterators (see the parsers module). Parsing iterators read input data from some bioinformatics file format (e.g. .bed, .gtf.gz, etc) and it then goes down one of two paths:

  1. Streaming mode: the entire data set is never read into memory all at once, but rather is processed entry by entry.

  2. In-memory mode: the entire data set is read into memory all at once, usually as a GRanges<R, T> object. The GRanges<R, T> object is composed of two parts: a ranges container (ranges) and a data container (data). GRanges objects then provide high-level in-memory methods for working with this genomic data.

In the example above, we loaded the items in the parsing iterators directly into GRanges objects, since we had to do overlap operations (in the future, GRanges will support streaming overlap joins for position-sorted input data).

Both processing modes eventually output something, e.g. a TSV of some statistic calculated on the genomic data, the output of 10 million block bootstraps, or the coefficients of linear regressions run every kilobase on sequence data.

The GRanges workflow idea is illustrated in this (super cool) ASCII diagram:

  +-------+           +-------------------+           +----------------------+          
  | Input |  ----->   |  Parsing Iterator |  ----->   |    GRanges object    |
  +------ +           |  (streaming mode) |           |   (in-memory mode)   |          
                      +-------------------+           +----------------------+          
                                |                                |            
                                |                                |            
                                v                                v            
                       +-----------------+               +-----------------+       
                       | Data Processing |               | Data Processing |       
                       +-----------------+               +-----------------+       
                                |                                |            
                                v                                v            
                            +--------+                       +--------+       
                            | Output |                       | Output |       
                            +--------+                       +--------+       

§Sequence types

Genomic processing also involves working with sequence data types, which abstractly are per-basepair data that cover the entire genome (and in the case of the reference sequence, define the genome coordinates). Nucleotide sequences are just a special case of this, where the per-basepair data are nucleotides (which under the hood are just an unsigned byte-length integer). There are many other per-basepair data types, e.g. conservation scores.

Sequence data types are like a GRanges where the range container is implied as per-basepair, and the data container contains the per-basepair data. GRanges allows arbitrary data to be stored and manipulated (see the sequences module) in sequence types: numeric data, nucleotides, and arrays per basepair. Since loading an entire genome’s per-basepair data into memory would be inefficient, sequence types implement lazy-loading.

§Manipulating GRanges objects

  1. Creation: GRanges::new_vec(), GRanges::from_iter(), GRangesEmpty::from_windows().

  2. Range-modifying functions: GRanges::into_coitrees(), GRanges::adjust_ranges(), GRanges::sort(), GRanges::flanking_ranges(), GRanges::filter_overlaps().

  3. Data-modifying functions: GRanges::left_overlaps(), GRanges::map_joins(), GRanges::map_data().

  4. Range and Data modifying functions: GRanges::push_range().

Note that not all range and data container types support these operations, e.g. GRanges::push_range() is not available for ranges stored in an interval tree. However, by design, this is known at compile time, due Rust’s typing system. Thus there is lower risk of runtime panics, since more potential issues are caught at compile time.

§Future Development

When I was first learning Rust as a developer, one thing that struck me about the language is that it feels minimal but never constraining. This is quite a contrast compared to languages like C++. As Rust developers know, the minimalness was by design; the cultural norm of slow growth produced a better final product in the end.

The GRanges library attempts to follow this design too. Currently, the alpha release is about implementating a subset of essential core functionality to benchmark against alternative software. Since the design and ergonomics of the API are under active development, please, please, create a GitHub issue if:

  1. You want a particular feature.

  2. You don’t know how you’d implement a feature yourself with GRanges.

  3. The “ergonomics” don’t feel right.

§Current Limitations

The biggest current limitations are:

  1. No native support for GTF/GFF/VCF. It is relatively easy to write custom parsers for these types, or use the noodles libary’s parsers.

  2. No out-of-memory overlap operations. This is relatively easy to add, and will be added in future.

  3. No BAM (BCF, or other binary) file support. Again, these formats can be easily loaded by wrapping the parsers in the noodles libary. Future version of GRanges will likely have a --features=nooodles option, which will provide convenience for this.

  4. Parallelized operations are not in the main branch yet. I have written parallel iterators that can be used for operations, but these need to be ported over to the latest design.

  5. Lack of TSV column type inference methods. This would make loading and working with arbitrary TSV files with heterogeneous column types easier.

⚠️:Note that the GRanges API, as well as type names, may change.


If you are interested in contributing to GRanges, please contact Vince Buffalo (@vsbuffalo on Twitter and GitHub), starting a new discussion, or creating a GitHub issue.

§Documentation Guide

  • ⚙️ : technical details that might only be useful to developers handling tricky cases.
  • ⚠️: indicates a method or type that is unstable (it may change in future implementations), or is “sharp” (developer error could cause a panic).
  • 🚀: optimization tip.
  • 🐌: indicates slow code in need of future optimization.





Type Aliases§

  • The main position type in GRanges.
  • The main signed position type in GRanges, to represent offsets (e.g. for adjust range coordinates, etc).