Expand description

A library that allows managing GUID partition tables.


Reading all the partitions of a disk:

let mut f = std::fs::File::open("tests/fixtures/disk1.img")
    .expect("could not open disk");
let gpt = gptman::GPT::find_from(&mut f)
    .expect("could not find GPT");

println!("Disk GUID: {:?}", gpt.header.disk_guid);

for (i, p) in gpt.iter() {
    if p.is_used() {
        println!("Partition #{}: type = {:?}, size = {} bytes, starting lba = {}",
            p.size().unwrap() * gpt.sector_size,

Creating new partitions:

let mut f = std::fs::File::open("tests/fixtures/disk1.img")
    .expect("could not open disk");
let mut gpt = gptman::GPT::find_from(&mut f)
    .expect("could not find GPT");

let free_partition_number = gpt.iter().find(|(i, p)| p.is_unused()).map(|(i, _)| i)
    .expect("no more places available");
let size = gpt.get_maximum_partition_size()
    .expect("no more space available");
let starting_lba = gpt.find_optimal_place(size)
    .expect("could not find a place to put the partition");
let ending_lba = starting_lba + size - 1;

gpt[free_partition_number] = gptman::GPTPartitionEntry {
    partition_type_guid: [0xff; 16],
    unique_partition_guid: [0xff; 16],
    attribute_bits: 0,
    partition_name: "A Robot Named Fight!".into(),

Creating a new partition table with one entry that fills the entire disk:

let ss = 512;
let data = vec![0; 100 * ss as usize];
let mut cur = std::io::Cursor::new(data);
let mut gpt = gptman::GPT::new_from(&mut cur, ss as u64, [0xff; 16])
    .expect("could not create partition table");

gpt[1] = gptman::GPTPartitionEntry {
    partition_type_guid: [0xff; 16],
    unique_partition_guid: [0xff; 16],
    starting_lba: gpt.header.first_usable_lba,
    ending_lba: gpt.header.last_usable_lba,
    attribute_bits: 0,
    partition_name: "A Robot Named Fight!".into(),


A type representing a GUID partition table including its partitions, the sector size of the disk and the alignment of the partitions to the sectors.

A GUID Partition Table header as describe on Wikipedia’s page.

A GPT partition’s entry in the partition array.

A wrapper type for String that represents a partition’s name.


An error that can be produced while reading, writing or managing a GPT.

Type Definitions

The result of reading, writing or managing a GPT.