Expand description

A library providing embedded_hal::digital traits for gpiocdev::Request and therefore for any Linux platform supporting the GPIO character device.

The requests contain only a single pin which must be configured as an input or output.

Asynchronous wrappers providing embedded_hal_async::digital::Wait traits are available for various async reactors.

The library can also be used to provide a simplified interface to gpiocdev for simple use cases.

§Example Usage

Reading an input pin:

use embedded_hal::digital::InputPin;

let mut pin = gpiocdev_embedded_hal::InputPin::new("/dev/gpiochip0", 4)?;
if pin.is_high()? {
    println!("Input is high.");

Setting an output pin:

use embedded_hal::digital::{OutputPin, PinState};

// level is set as part of the request
let mut led0 = gpiocdev_embedded_hal::OutputPin::from_name("LED0", PinState::High)?;

// change the level later

Waiting for edges on an input pin:

use embedded_hal::digital::InputPin;
use embedded_hal_async::digital::Wait;

let mut pin = gpiocdev_embedded_hal::tokio::InputPin::new("/dev/gpiochip0", 4)?;

if pin.is_high()? {
   println!("Input is high.");


  • Asynchronous wrappers for the async-io reactor.
  • Asynchronous wrappers for the Tokio reactor.

