Crate gphoto

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Describes the abilities of a device.
A structure representing a camera connected to the system.
A file stored on a camera’s storage.
A libgphoto2 library context.
An error type for working with gphoto2.
Media stored as a local file.
A structure that describes the version of the libgphoto2 library.
A structure describing a port.
Structure containing information about a camera’s storage.


Types of access permissions.
Operations that can be performed on a device.
Types of devices.
Stability of camera driver.
Types of errors reported by gphoto2.
Operations that can be performed on files on a device’s storage.
Types of filesystem hierarchies.
Operations that can be performed on folders on a device’s storage.
Types of ports.
Types of storage hardware.


A trait for types that can store media.


Returns a structure with the version of the libgphoto2 C library.

Type Definitions

A specialized Result type for working with gphoto2.