Crate googletest

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Matches a value which all of the given matchers match.
Asserts that the given predicate applied to the given arguments returns true, panicing if it does not.
Matches the given value against the given matcher, panicing if it does not match.
Matches a container’s elements to each matcher in order.
Evaluates to a Result which contains an Err variant with the given test failure message.
Matches a structure or enum with a given field which is matched by a given matcher.
Matches a value according to a pattern of matchers.
An alias for matches_pattern.
Generates a matcher which matches a container each of whose elements match the given matcher name applied respectively to each element of the given container.
Matches a tuple whose elements are matched by each of the given matchers.
Matches a container elements but does not require that the element order matches.
Asserts that the given predicate applied to the given arguments returns true.
Checks whether the Matcher given by the second argument matches the first argument.


Adds to Result support for GoogleTest Rust functionality.
Adds to Result support for ergonomically mapping the Err variant to a [TestAssertionFailure].

Type Definitions

A Result whose Err variant indicates a test failure.

Attribute Macros

Marks a test to be run by the Google Rust test runner.