
The “Arm” Architecture I don’t actually know much about this one, so it may get incorrect results!
CPUs make your computer a “computer”
Darwin-Based Operating System
Linux-Based Operating System
The Best or uh I mean The MIPS Architecture WARNING! this doesn’t actually detect MIPSI, MIPSII, MIPSIII, or MIPSIV yet you can only detect MIPS32 or MIPS64
An operating system that runs off of the NT kernel WARNING! This will not detect Windows Servers yet, so don’t add cases for NTKernel::WindowsServer until i stop being lazy and add support for it
Operating Systems are what makes your computer do things without you having to manually connect pins on your CPU
An operating system that is in some way “Unix-like” Usually means that it will use forward slashes for paths and be in some way better than windows
Window Systems let you see things on your screen that aren’t just text I mean I guess there are also text based window systems but we aren’t detecting those yet
The x86 Architecture WARNING! I don’t think this will actually properly detect 8086 cpus yet so you might not want to use this crate for DOS programming until i fix this


Detects what CPU Architecture the program is running on, and returns the CPU enum
Detects what operating system the program is running on, and returns the OperatingSystem enum
Detects what window system the program is running under, and returns the WindowSystem enum