
Represents a Google Tag Manager Account.
Defines the Google Tag Manager Account access permissions.
Creates a Container.
Deletes a Container.
Creates a GTM Environment.
Deletes a GTM Environment.
Gets a GTM Environment.
Lists all GTM Environments of a GTM Container.
Re-generates the authorization code for a GTM Environment.
Updates a GTM Environment.
Gets a Container.
Lists all Containers that belongs to a GTM Account.
Updates a Container.
Deletes a Container Version.
Gets a Container Version.
Gets the latest container version header
Lists all Container Versions of a GTM Container.
Gets the live (i.e. published) container version
Publishes a Container Version.
Sets the latest version used for synchronization of workspaces when detecting conflicts and errors.
Undeletes a Container Version.
Updates a Container Version.
Creates one or more GTM Built-In Variables.
Deletes one or more GTM Built-In Variables.
Lists all the enabled Built-In Variables of a GTM Container.
Reverts changes to a GTM Built-In Variables in a GTM Workspace.
Lists all GTM Clients of a GTM container workspace.
Reverts changes to a GTM Client in a GTM Workspace.
Creates a Container Version from the entities present in the workspace, deletes the workspace, and sets the base container version to the newly created version.
List all entities in a GTM Folder.
Lists all GTM Folders of a Container.
Reverts changes to a GTM Folder in a GTM Workspace.
Finds conflicting and modified entities in the workspace.
Lists all Workspaces that belong to a GTM Container.
Quick previews a workspace by creating a fake container version from all entities in the provided workspace.
Resolves a merge conflict for a workspace entity by updating it to the resolved entity passed in the request.
Syncs a workspace to the latest container version by updating all unmodified workspace entities and displaying conflicts for modified entities.
Lists all GTM Tags of a Container.
Reverts changes to a GTM Tag in a GTM Workspace.
Creates a GTM Custom Template.
Lists all GTM Templates of a GTM container workspace.
Reverts changes to a GTM Template in a GTM Workspace.
Lists all GTM Triggers of a Container.
Reverts changes to a GTM Trigger in a GTM Workspace.
Lists all GTM Variables of a Container.
Reverts changes to a GTM Variable in a GTM Workspace.
Lists all GTM Zones of a GTM container workspace.
Reverts changes to a GTM Zone in a GTM Workspace.
Gets a GTM Account.
Lists all GTM Accounts that a user has access to.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on account resources. It is not used directly, but through the TagManager hub.
Updates a GTM Account.
Creates a user’s Account & Container access.
Removes a user from the account, revoking access to it and all of its containers.
Gets a user’s Account & Container access.
List all users that have access to the account along with Account and Container user access granted to each of them.
Updates a user’s Account & Container access.
Built-in variables are a special category of variables that are pre-created and non-customizable. They provide common functionality like accessing propeties of the gtm data layer, monitoring clicks, or accessing elements of a page URL.
There is no detailed description.
Represents a predicate.
Represents a Google Tag Manager Container, which specifies the platform tags will run on, manages workspaces, and retains container versions.
Defines the Google Tag Manager Container access permissions.
Represents a Google Tag Manager Container Version.
Represents a Google Tag Manager Container Version Header.
There is no detailed description.
Options for new container versions.
Create container versions response.
Represents a Google Tag Manager Custom Template’s contents.
A workspace entity that may represent a tag, trigger, variable, or folder in addition to its status in the workspace.
Represents a Google Tag Manager Environment. Note that a user can create, delete and update environments of type USER, but can only update the enable_debug and url fields of environments of other types.
Represents a Google Tag Manager Folder.
Represents a Google Tag Manager Folder’s contents.
Represents the link between a custom template and an entry on the Community Template Gallery site.
The changes that have occurred in the workspace since the base container version.
List Accounts Response.
There is no detailed description.
List container versions response.
List Containers Response.
A list of enabled built-in variables.
List Environments Response.
List Folders Response.
List Tags Response.
There is no detailed description.
List triggers response.
List user permissions response.
List Variables Response.
A list of workspaces in a container.
There is no detailed description.
Represents a merge conflict.
Represents a Google Tag Manager Parameter.
Publish container version response.
Response to quick previewing a workspace.
The result of reverting a built-in variable in a workspace.
The result of reverting a client in a workspace.
The result of reverting folder changes in a workspace.
The result of reverting a tag in a workspace.
The result of reverting a template in a workspace.
The result of reverting a trigger in a workspace.
The result of reverting a variable in a workspace.
The result of reverting a zone in a workspace.
Represents a reference to atag that fires before another tag in order to set up dependencies.
The status of a workspace after synchronization.
A response after synchronizing the workspace to the latest container version.
Represents a Google Tag Manager Tag.
There is no detailed description.
Central instance to access all TagManager related resource activities
Represents a tag that fires after another tag in order to tear down dependencies.
Represents a Google Tag Manager Trigger
Represents a user’s permissions to an account and its container.
Represents a Google Tag Manager Variable.
There is no detailed description.
Represents a Google Tag Manager Container Workspace.
Represents a Google Tag Manager Zone’s contents.
Represents a Zone’s boundaries.
Represents a child container of a Zone.
Represents a Zone’s type restrictions.


Identifies the an OAuth2 authorization scope. A scope is needed when requesting an authorization token.