Struct google_tagmanager1::AccountMethods [] [src]

pub struct AccountMethods<'a, C, A> where
    C: 'a,
    A: 'a, 
{ /* fields omitted */ }

A builder providing access to all methods supported on account resources. It is not used directly, but through the TagManager hub.


Instantiate a resource builder

extern crate hyper;
extern crate hyper_rustls;
extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
extern crate google_tagmanager1 as tagmanager1;
use std::default::Default;
use oauth2::{Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, ApplicationSecret, MemoryStorage};
use tagmanager1::TagManager;
let secret: ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
let auth = Authenticator::new(&secret, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate,
                              <MemoryStorage as Default>::default(), None);
let mut hub = TagManager::new(hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())), auth);
// Usually you wouldn't bind this to a variable, but keep calling *CallBuilders*
// like `containers_create(...)`, `containers_delete(...)`, `containers_environments_create(...)`, `containers_environments_delete(...)`, `containers_environments_get(...)`, `containers_environments_list(...)`, `containers_environments_patch(...)`, `containers_environments_update(...)`, `containers_folders_create(...)`, `containers_folders_delete(...)`, `containers_folders_entities_list(...)`, `containers_folders_get(...)`, `containers_folders_list(...)`, `containers_folders_update(...)`, `containers_get(...)`, `containers_list(...)`, `containers_move_folders_update(...)`, `containers_reauthorize_environments_update(...)`, `containers_tags_create(...)`, `containers_tags_delete(...)`, `containers_tags_get(...)`, `containers_tags_list(...)`, `containers_tags_update(...)`, `containers_triggers_create(...)`, `containers_triggers_delete(...)`, `containers_triggers_get(...)`, `containers_triggers_list(...)`, `containers_triggers_update(...)`, `containers_update(...)`, `containers_variables_create(...)`, `containers_variables_delete(...)`, `containers_variables_get(...)`, `containers_variables_list(...)`, `containers_variables_update(...)`, `containers_versions_create(...)`, `containers_versions_delete(...)`, `containers_versions_get(...)`, `containers_versions_list(...)`, `containers_versions_publish(...)`, `containers_versions_restore(...)`, `containers_versions_undelete(...)`, `containers_versions_update(...)`, `get(...)`, `list(...)`, `permissions_create(...)`, `permissions_delete(...)`, `permissions_get(...)`, `permissions_list(...)`, `permissions_update(...)` and `update(...)`
// to build up your call.
let rb = hub.accounts();


impl<'a, C, A> AccountMethods<'a, C, A>


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Lists all Containers that belongs to a GTM Account.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

List all users that have access to the account along with Account and Container Permissions granted to each of them.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID. @required tagmanager.accounts.permissions.list


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Creates a GTM Environment.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Creates a user's Account & Container Permissions.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Deletes a GTM Environment.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • environmentId - The GTM Environment ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Removes a user from the account, revoking access to it and all of its containers.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • permissionId - The GTM User ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets a Container.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Updates a GTM Environment. This method supports patch semantics.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • environmentId - The GTM Environment ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Lists all Container Versions of a GTM Container.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Updates a GTM Trigger.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • triggerId - The GTM Trigger ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets a GTM Trigger.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • triggerId - The GTM Trigger ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Deletes a Container.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Deletes a GTM Folder.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • folderId - The GTM Folder ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Creates a Container.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Deletes a GTM Tag.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • tagId - The GTM Tag ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

List all entities in a GTM Folder.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • folderId - The GTM Folder ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Undeletes a Container Version.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • containerVersionId - The GTM Container Version ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Lists all GTM Environments of a GTM Container.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Lists all GTM Tags of a Container.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Publishes a Container Version.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • containerVersionId - The GTM Container Version ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets a GTM Folder.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • folderId - The GTM Folder ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets a GTM Environment.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • environmentId - The GTM Environment ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Creates a GTM Tag.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Lists all GTM Triggers of a Container.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Deletes a Container Version.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • containerVersionId - The GTM Container Version ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Updates a GTM Account.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Creates a Container Version.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets a user's Account & Container Permissions.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • permissionId - The GTM User ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Moves entities to a GTM Folder.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • folderId - The GTM Folder ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Restores a Container Version. This will overwrite the container's current configuration (including its variables, triggers and tags). The operation will not have any effect on the version that is being served (i.e. the published version).


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • containerVersionId - The GTM Container Version ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Creates a GTM Variable.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Lists all GTM Variables of a Container.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets a GTM Tag.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • tagId - The GTM Tag ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets a GTM Variable.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • variableId - The GTM Variable ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Deletes a GTM Trigger.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • triggerId - The GTM Trigger ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Creates a GTM Trigger.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Updates a GTM Folder.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • folderId - The GTM Folder ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Lists all GTM Accounts that a user has access to.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Updates a user's Account & Container Permissions.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • permissionId - The GTM User ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Deletes a GTM Variable.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • variableId - The GTM Variable ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Re-generates the authorization code for a GTM Environment.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • environmentId - The GTM Environment ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets a GTM Account.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Updates a Container.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Updates a GTM Tag.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • tagId - The GTM Tag ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Updates a GTM Environment.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • environmentId - The GTM Environment ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Creates a GTM Folder.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Lists all GTM Folders of a Container.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Updates a Container Version.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • containerVersionId - The GTM Container Version ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Updates a GTM Variable.


  • request - No description provided.
  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • variableId - The GTM Variable ID.


Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets a Container Version.


  • accountId - The GTM Account ID.
  • containerId - The GTM Container ID.
  • containerVersionId - The GTM Container Version ID. Specify published to retrieve the currently published version.

Trait Implementations

impl<'a, C, A> MethodsBuilder for AccountMethods<'a, C, A>