
There is no detailed description.

Selection ranges sent from the client.

Selection ranges for the most recent content version.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

Central instance to access all Books related resource activities

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

Retrieves metadata for a specific bookshelf for the specified user.

Retrieves a list of public bookshelves for the specified user.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on bookshelve resources. It is not used directly, but through the Books hub.

Retrieves volumes in a specific bookshelf for the specified user.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

A list of onboarding categories.

Add a user-upload volume and triggers processing.

Remove the book and its contents

A builder providing access to all methods supported on cloudloading resources. It is not used directly, but through the Books hub.

Updates a user-upload volume.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

Returns a list of offline dictionary metadata available

A builder providing access to all methods supported on dictionary resources. It is not used directly, but through the Books hub.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

The source, url and attribution for this dictionary data.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

The words with different meanings but not related words, e.g. “go” (game) and “go” (verb).

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); } The JSON representation for Empty is empty JSON object {}.

There is no detailed description.

Family membership info of the user that made the request.

Gets information regarding the family that the user is part of.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on familysharing resources. It is not used directly, but through the Books hub.

Initiates sharing of the content with the user’s family. Empty response indicates success.

Initiates revoking content that has already been shared with the user’s family. Empty response indicates success.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

The viewport for showing this location. This is a latitude, longitude rectangle.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

Gets the annotation data.

Gets the annotation data for a volume and layer.

Gets the layer summary for a volume.

List the layer summaries for a volume.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on layer resources. It is not used directly, but through the Books hub.

Gets the volume annotation.

Gets the volume annotations for a volume and layer.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

A list of offline dictionary metadata.

Gets the current settings for the user.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on myconfig resources. It is not used directly, but through the Books hub.

Release downloaded content access restriction.

Request concurrent and download access restrictions.

Request downloaded content access for specified volumes on the My eBooks shelf.

Sets the settings for the user. If a sub-object is specified, it will overwrite the existing sub-object stored in the server. Unspecified sub-objects will retain the existing value.

Deletes an annotation.

Inserts a new annotation.

Retrieves a list of annotations, possibly filtered.

Gets the summary of specified layers.

Updates an existing annotation.

Adds a volume to a bookshelf.

Clears all volumes from a bookshelf.

Retrieves metadata for a specific bookshelf belonging to the authenticated user.

Retrieves a list of bookshelves belonging to the authenticated user.

Moves a volume within a bookshelf.

Removes a volume from a bookshelf.

Gets volume information for volumes on a bookshelf.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on mylibrary resources. It is not used directly, but through the Books hub.

Retrieves my reading position information for a volume.

Sets my reading position information for a volume.

There is no detailed description.

Returns notification details for a given notification id.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on notification resources. It is not used directly, but through the Books hub.

There is no detailed description.

A list of offers.

There is no detailed description.

List categories for onboarding experience.

List available volumes under categories for onboarding experience.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on onboarding resources. It is not used directly, but through the Books hub.

Returns a stream of personalized book clusters

A builder providing access to all methods supported on personalizedstream resources. It is not used directly, but through the Books hub.

Accepts the promo offer.

Marks the promo offer as dismissed.

Returns a list of promo offers available to the user

A builder providing access to all methods supported on promooffer resources. It is not used directly, but through the Books hub.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

Author of this review.

Information regarding the source of this review, when the review is not from a Google Books user.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

Returns Series metadata for the given series ids.

Returns Series membership data given the series id.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on sery resources. It is not used directly, but through the Books hub.

There is no detailed description.

User settings in sub-objects, each for different purposes.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

Any information about a volume related to reading or obtaining that volume text. This information can depend on country (books may be public domain in one country but not in another, e.g.).

Information about epub content. (In LITE projection.)

Information about pdf content. (In LITE projection.)

Return a list of associated books.

Gets volume information for a single volume.

What layers exist in this volume and high level information about them.

A layer should appear here if and only if the layer exists for this book.

Performs a book search.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on volume resources. It is not used directly, but through the Books hub.

Return a list of books in My Library.

Recommendation related information for this volume.

Return a list of recommended books for the current user.

Rate a recommended book for the current user.

Any information about a volume related to the eBookstore and/or purchaseability. This information can depend on the country where the request originates from (i.e. books may not be for sale in certain countries).

Suggested retail price. (In LITE projection.)

Offers available for this volume (sales and rentals).

Offer list (=undiscounted) price in Micros.

The rental duration (for rental offers only).

Offer retail (=discounted) price in Micros

The actual selling price of the book. This is the same as the suggested retail or list price unless there are offers or discounts on this volume. (In LITE projection.)

Search result information related to this volume.

User specific information related to this volume. (e.g. page this user last read or whether they purchased this book)

Copy/Paste accounting information.

Information on the ability to share with the family.

Period during this book is/was a valid rental.

There is no detailed description.

Return a list of books uploaded by the current user.

General volume information.

Physical dimensions of this volume.

A list of image links for all the sizes that are available. (In LITE projection.)

Industry standard identifiers for this volume.

A top-level summary of the panelization info in this volume.

The reading modes available for this volume.

There is no detailed description.

The content ranges to identify the selected text.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

There is no detailed description.

List of issues. Applicable only for Collection Edition and Omnibus.


Identifies the an OAuth2 authorization scope. A scope is needed when requesting an authorization token.