
Marks target Account as soft-deleted (ie: “trashed”) and returns it. This API does not have a method to restore soft-deleted accounts. However, they can be restored using the Trash Can UI. If the accounts are not restored before the expiration time, the account and all child resources (eg: Properties, GoogleAdsLinks, Streams, UserLinks) will be permanently purged. Returns an error if the target is not found.

Lookup for a single Account.

Get data sharing settings on an account. Data sharing settings are singletons.

Returns all accounts accessible by the caller. Note that these accounts might not currently have GA4 properties. Soft-deleted (ie: “trashed”) accounts are excluded by default. Returns an empty list if no relevant accounts are found.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on account resources. It is not used directly, but through the GoogleAnalyticsAdmin hub.

Updates an account.

Requests a ticket for creating an account.

Searches through all changes to an account or its children given the specified set of filters.

Returns summaries of all accounts accessible by the caller.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on accountSummary resources. It is not used directly, but through the GoogleAnalyticsAdmin hub.

Lists all user links on an account or property, including implicit ones that come from effective permissions granted by groups or organization admin roles. If a returned user link does not have direct permissions, they cannot be removed from the account or property directly with the DeleteUserLink command. They have to be removed from the group/etc that gives them permissions, which is currently only usable/discoverable in the GA or GMP UIs.

Creates information about multiple users’ links to an account or property. This method is transactional. If any UserLink cannot be created, none of the UserLinks will be created.

Deletes information about multiple users’ links to an account or property.

Gets information about multiple users’ links to an account or property.

Updates information about multiple users’ links to an account or property.

Creates a user link on an account or property. If the user with the specified email already has permissions on the account or property, then the user’s existing permissions will be unioned with the permissions specified in the new UserLink.

Deletes a user link on an account or property.

Gets information about a user’s link to an account or property.

Lists all user links on an account or property.

Updates a user link on an account or property.

Central instance to access all GoogleAnalyticsAdmin related resource activities

A resource message representing a Google Analytics account.

A virtual resource representing an overview of an account and all its child GA4 properties.

Request message for AcknowledgeUserDataCollection RPC.

Response message for AcknowledgeUserDataCollection RPC.

Request message for ApproveDisplayVideo360AdvertiserLinkProposal RPC.

Response message for ApproveDisplayVideo360AdvertiserLinkProposal RPC.

Request message for ArchiveCustomDimension RPC.

Request message for ArchiveCustomMetric RPC.

Read-only resource used to summarize a principal’s effective roles.

Request message for AuditUserLinks RPC.

Response message for AuditUserLinks RPC.

Request message for BatchCreateUserLinks RPC.

Response message for BatchCreateUserLinks RPC.

Request message for BatchDeleteUserLinks RPC.

Response message for BatchGetUserLinks RPC.

Request message for BatchUpdateUserLinks RPC.

Response message for BatchUpdateUserLinks RPC.

Request message for CancelDisplayVideo360AdvertiserLinkProposal RPC.

A description of a change to a single Google Analytics resource.

A snapshot of a resource as before or after the result of a change in change history.

A set of changes within a Google Analytics account or its child properties that resulted from the same cause. Common causes would be updates made in the Google Analytics UI, changes from customer support, or automatic Google Analytics system changes.

A conversion event in a Google Analytics property.

Request message for CreateUserLink RPC. Users can have multiple email addresses associated with their Google account, and one of these email addresses is the “primary” email address. Any of the email addresses associated with a Google account may be used for a new UserLink, but the returned UserLink will always contain the “primary” email address. As a result, the input and output email address for this request may differ.

A definition for a CustomDimension.

A definition for a custom metric.

Settings values for data retention. This is a singleton resource.

A resource message representing data sharing settings of a Google Analytics account.

A resource message representing a data stream.

Data specific to Android app streams.

Request message for DeleteUserLink RPC.

A link between a GA4 property and a Display & Video 360 advertiser.

A proposal for a link between a GA4 property and a Display & Video 360 advertiser. A proposal is converted to a DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLink once approved. Google Analytics admins approve inbound proposals while Display & Video 360 admins approve outbound proposals.

A link between a GA4 property and a Firebase project.

Read-only resource with the tag for sending data from a website to a DataStream. Only present for web DataStream resources.

A link between a GA4 property and a Google Ads account.

Settings values for Google Signals. This is a singleton resource.

Status information for a link proposal.

Response message for ListAccountSummaries RPC.

Request message for ListAccounts RPC.

Response message for ListConversionEvents RPC.

Response message for ListCustomDimensions RPC.

Response message for ListCustomMetrics RPC.

Response message for ListDataStreams RPC.

Response message for ListDisplayVideo360AdvertiserLinkProposals RPC.

Response message for ListDisplayVideo360AdvertiserLinks RPC.

Response message for ListFirebaseLinks RPC

Response message for ListGoogleAdsLinks RPC.

Response message for ListMeasurementProtocolSecret RPC

Response message for ListProperties RPC.

Response message for ListUserLinks RPC.

A secret value used for sending hits to Measurement Protocol.

A resource message representing a Google Analytics GA4 property.

A virtual resource representing metadata for a GA4 property.

Request message for ProvisionAccountTicket RPC.

Response message for ProvisionAccountTicket RPC.

Request message for SearchChangeHistoryEvents RPC.

Response message for SearchAccounts RPC.

Request message for UpdateUserLink RPC.

A resource message representing a user’s permissions on an Account or Property resource.

A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); } The JSON representation for Empty is empty JSON object {}.

Acknowledges the terms of user data collection for the specified property. This acknowledgement must be completed (either in the Google Analytics UI or via this API) before MeasurementProtocolSecret resources may be created.

Creates a conversion event with the specified attributes.

Deletes a conversion event in a property.

Retrieve a single conversion event.

Returns a list of conversion events in the specified parent property. Returns an empty list if no conversion events are found.

Creates an “GA4” property with the specified location and attributes.

Archives a CustomDimension on a property.

Creates a CustomDimension.

Lookup for a single CustomDimension.

Lists CustomDimensions on a property.

Updates a CustomDimension on a property.

Archives a CustomMetric on a property.

Creates a CustomMetric.

Lookup for a single CustomMetric.

Lists CustomMetrics on a property.

Updates a CustomMetric on a property.

Creates a DataStream.

Deletes a DataStream on a property.

Lookup for a single DataStream.

Returns the Site Tag for the specified web stream. Site Tags are immutable singletons.

Lists DataStreams on a property.

Creates a measurement protocol secret.

Deletes target MeasurementProtocolSecret.

Lookup for a single “GA4” MeasurementProtocolSecret.

Returns child MeasurementProtocolSecrets under the specified parent Property.

Updates a measurement protocol secret.

Updates a DataStream on a property.

Marks target Property as soft-deleted (ie: “trashed”) and returns it. This API does not have a method to restore soft-deleted properties. However, they can be restored using the Trash Can UI. If the properties are not restored before the expiration time, the Property and all child resources (eg: GoogleAdsLinks, Streams, UserLinks) will be permanently purged. Returns an error if the target is not found, or is not an GA4 Property.

Creates a DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLink. This can only be utilized by users who have proper authorization both on the Google Analytics property and on the Display & Video 360 advertiser. Users who do not have access to the Display & Video 360 advertiser should instead seek to create a DisplayVideo360LinkProposal.

Deletes a DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLink on a property.

Look up a single DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLink

Lists all DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLinks on a property.

Updates a DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLink on a property.

Approves a DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLinkProposal. The DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLinkProposal will be deleted and a new DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLink will be created.

Cancels a DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLinkProposal. Cancelling can mean either: - Declining a proposal initiated from Display & Video 360 - Withdrawing a proposal initiated from Google Analytics After being cancelled, a proposal will eventually be deleted automatically.

Creates a DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLinkProposal.

Deletes a DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLinkProposal on a property. This can only be used on cancelled proposals.

Lookup for a single DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLinkProposal.

Lists DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLinkProposals on a property.

Creates a FirebaseLink. Properties can have at most one FirebaseLink.

Deletes a FirebaseLink on a property

Lists FirebaseLinks on a property. Properties can have at most one FirebaseLink.

Lookup for a single “GA4” Property.

Returns the singleton data retention settings for this property.

Lookup for Google Signals settings for a property.

Creates a GoogleAdsLink.

Deletes a GoogleAdsLink on a property

Lists GoogleAdsLinks on a property.

Updates a GoogleAdsLink on a property

Returns child Properties under the specified parent Account. Only “GA4” properties will be returned. Properties will be excluded if the caller does not have access. Soft-deleted (ie: “trashed”) properties are excluded by default. Returns an empty list if no relevant properties are found.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on property resources. It is not used directly, but through the GoogleAnalyticsAdmin hub.

Updates a property.

Updates the singleton data retention settings for this property.

Updates Google Signals settings for a property.

Lists all user links on an account or property, including implicit ones that come from effective permissions granted by groups or organization admin roles. If a returned user link does not have direct permissions, they cannot be removed from the account or property directly with the DeleteUserLink command. They have to be removed from the group/etc that gives them permissions, which is currently only usable/discoverable in the GA or GMP UIs.

Creates information about multiple users’ links to an account or property. This method is transactional. If any UserLink cannot be created, none of the UserLinks will be created.

Deletes information about multiple users’ links to an account or property.

Gets information about multiple users’ links to an account or property.

Updates information about multiple users’ links to an account or property.

Creates a user link on an account or property. If the user with the specified email already has permissions on the account or property, then the user’s existing permissions will be unioned with the permissions specified in the new UserLink.

Deletes a user link on an account or property.

Gets information about a user’s link to an account or property.

Lists all user links on an account or property.

Updates a user link on an account or property.


Identifies the an OAuth2 authorization scope. A scope is needed when requesting an authorization token.