Expand description

This is a linked list allocator, inspired by the dlmalloc algorithm, to be used in no_std environments such as operating system kernels. The overhead for each allocation is a single usize. The implementation prioritizes runtime efficiency over memory efficiency, but also provides very good memory utilization. The allocator is heavily tested with test cases covering almost all code paths; fuzzing is used to cover the rest.


Create a static allocator:

use good_memory_allocator::SpinLockedAllocator;

static ALLOCATOR: SpinLockedAllocator = SpinLockedAllocator::empty();

Before using this allocator, you need to initialize it:

pub fn init_heap() {
    unsafe {
        ALLOCATOR.init(heap_start, heap_size);


  • spin (default): Provide a SpinLockedAllocator type that implements the GlobalAlloc trait by using a spinlock.
  • allocator: Provides an implementation of the unstable Allocator trait for the SpinLockedAllocator type.


A linked list memory allocator.
A spin locked memory allocator that can be used as the global allocator.