Crate gomez

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A pure Rust framework and implementation of (derivative-free) methods for solving nonlinear (bound-constrained) systems of equations.

This library provides a variety of solvers of nonlinear equation systems with n equations and n unknowns written entirely in Rust. Bound constraints for variables are supported first-class, which is useful for engineering applications. All solvers implement the same interface which is designed to give full control over the process and allows to combine different components to achieve the desired solution. The implemented methods are historically-proven numerical methods or global optimization algorithms.

The convergence of the numerical methods is tested on several problems and the implementation is benchmarked against with GSL library.


  • Trust region – Recommended method to be used as a default and it will just work in most of the cases.
  • Cuckoo search – A global optimization algorithm useful for initial guesses search in combination with a numerical solver.
  • Steffensen – Fast and lightweight method for one-dimensional systems.
  • Nelder-Mead – Not generally recommended, but may be useful for low-dimensionality problems with ill-defined Jacobian matrix.


The problem of solving systems of nonlinear equations (multidimensional root finding) is about finding values of n variables given n equations that have to be satisfied. In our case, we consider a general algebraic form of the equations (compare with specialized solvers for systems of linear equations).

Mathematically, the problem is formulated as

F(x) = 0,

where F(x) = { f1(x), ..., fn(x) }
and x = { x1, ..., xn }

Moreover, it is possible to add bound constraints to the variables. That is:

Li <= xi <= Ui for some bounds [L, U] for every i

The bounds can be negative/positive infinity, effectively making the variable unconstrained.

More sophisticated constraints (such as (in)equalities consisting of multiple variables) are currently out of the scope of this library. If you are in need of those, feel free to contribute with the API design incorporating them and the implementation of appropriate solvers.

When it comes to code, the problem is any type that implements the System and Problem traits.

// Gomez is based on `nalgebra` crate.
use gomez::nalgebra as na;
use gomez::prelude::*;
use na::{Dim, DimName, IsContiguous};

// A problem is represented by a type.
struct Rosenbrock {
    a: f64,
    b: f64,

impl Problem for Rosenbrock {
    // The numeric type. Usually f64 or f32.
    type Scalar = f64;
    // The dimension of the problem. Can be either statically known or dynamic.
    type Dim = na::U2;

    // Return the actual dimension of the system.
    fn dim(&self) -> Self::Dim {

impl System for Rosenbrock {
    // Evaluate trial values of variables to the system.
    fn eval<Sx, Sfx>(
        x: &na::Vector<Self::Scalar, Self::Dim, Sx>,
        fx: &mut na::Vector<Self::Scalar, Self::Dim, Sfx>,
    ) -> Result<(), ProblemError>
        Sx: na::storage::Storage<Self::Scalar, Self::Dim> + IsContiguous,
        Sfx: na::storage::StorageMut<Self::Scalar, Self::Dim>,
        // Compute the residuals of all equations.
        fx[0] = (self.a - x[0]).powi(2);
        fx[1] = self.b * (x[1] - x[0].powi(2)).powi(2);


And that’s it. There is no need for defining gradient vector, Hessian or Jacobian matrices. The library uses finite difference technique (usually sufficient in practice) or algorithms that are derivative-free by definition.

By default, the variables are considered unconstrained, but for constrained problems it is just matter of overriding the default implementation of the domain method.

impl Problem for Rosenbrock {
    // ...

    fn domain(&self) -> Domain<Self::Scalar> {
        vec![var!(-10.0, 10.0), var!(-10.0, 10.0)].into()


When you have your system available, pick a solver of your choice and iterate until the solution under certain convergence criteria is found or termination limits are reached.

NOTE: The following example uses low-level solver interface where you are in full control of the iteration process and access to all intermediate results. We plan to provide high-level drivers for convenience in the future.

use gomez::nalgebra as na;
use gomez::prelude::*;
// Pick your solver.
use gomez::solver::TrustRegion;

let f = Rosenbrock { a: 1.0, b: 1.0 };
let dom = f.domain();

let mut solver = TrustRegion::new(&f, &dom);

// Initial guess. Good choice helps the convergence of numerical methods.
let mut x = na::vector![-10.0, -5.0];

// Residuals vector.
let mut fx = na::vector![0.0, 0.0];

for i in 1.. {
    // Do one iteration in the solving process.
        .next(&f, &dom, &mut x, &mut fx)
        .expect("solver encountered an error");

        "iter = {}\t|| fx || = {}\tx = {:?}",

    // Check the termination criteria.
    if fx.norm() < 1e-6 {
    } else if i == 100 {
        println!("maximum number of iteration exceeded");


Listed not in order of priority.

  • Homotopy continuation method to compare the performance with Trust region method.
  • Conjugate gradient method
  • Experimentation with various global optimization techniques for initial guesses search
    • Evolutionary/nature-inspired algorithms
    • Bayesian optimization
  • Focus on initial guesses search and tools in general
  • High-level drivers encapsulating the low-level API for users that do not need the fine-grained control.


Licensed under MIT.


pub use nalgebra;


Various analyses for supporting the solving.

Core abstractions and types for Gomez.

Tools for derivative-based methods.

Abstractions and types for population-based methods.

Gomez prelude.

The collection of implemented solvers.

Testing systems and utilities useful for benchmarking, debugging and smoke testing.


A convenience macro over VariableBuilder.