Crate golink

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The Golink crate is an engine for resolving URLs for link shortening services. You provide a link to expand and a function for mapping short URLs to long URLs, and this crate will:

  • Normalize your input to ignore case and hyphenation: http://go/My-Service and http://go/myservice are treated as the same input into your mapping function

  • Append secondary paths to your resolved URL: if your mapping function returns for the given shortlink foo, then a request to http://go/foo/bar/baz will resolve to

  • Apply templating, when applicable: Using a simple templating language, your long URLs can powerfully place remaining path segments in your URL ad-hoc and provide a fallback value when there are no remaining path segments. For example, if your mapping function returns for the given shortlink prs the following URL:{{ if path }}{ path }{{ else }}@me{{ endif }}+archived:false

    then a request to http://go/prs returns the URL to all Github PRs to which you are assigned:

    and a request to http://go/prs/jameslittle230 returns the URL to all Github PRs to which I (@jameslittle230) am assigned:

This resolver performs all the functionality described in Tailscale’s Golink project

This crate doesn’t provide a web service or an interface for creating shortened links; it only provides an algorithm for resolving short URLs to long URLs.


The Golink crate doesn’t care how you store or retrieve long URLs given a short URL; you can store them in memory, in a database, or on disk, as long as they are retrievable from within a closure you pass into the resolve() function:

fn lookup(input: &str) -> Option<String> {
    if input == "foo" {
        return Some("".to_string());

let resolved = golink::resolve("/foo", &lookup);
 //         or golink::resolve("foo", &lookup);
 //         or golink::resolve("", &lookup);

match resolved {
   Ok(golink::GolinkResolution::RedirectRequest(url, shortname)) => {
       // Redirect to `url`
       // If you collect analytics, then increment the click count for shortname

   Ok(golink::GolinkResolution::MetadataRequest(key)) => {
       // `key` is the original shortlink.
       // Return JSON that displays metadata/analytics about `key`

   Err(e) => {
       // Return a 400 error to the user, with a message based on `e`

