[][src]Trait gobble::ptrait::Parser

pub trait Parser<V>: Sized {
    fn parse<'a>(&self, i: &LCChars<'a>) -> ParseRes<'a, V>;

    fn parse_s(&self, s: &str) -> Result<V, ParseError> { ... }
fn then<P: Parser<V2>, V2>(self, p: P) -> Then<Self, P> { ... }
fn then_ig<P: Parser<V2>, V2>(self, p: P) -> ThenIg<Self, P, V, V2> { ... }
fn ig_then<P: Parser<V2>, V2>(self, p: P) -> IgThen<Self, P, V, V2> { ... }
fn or<P: Parser<V>>(self, p: P) -> Or<Self, P> { ... }
fn map<F: Fn(V) -> V2, V2>(self, f: F) -> Map<Self, V, V2, F> { ... }
fn try_map<F: Fn(V) -> Result<V2, ECode>, V2>(
        f: F
    ) -> TryMap<Self, V, V2, F> { ... } }

The core trait for parsing

Required methods

fn parse<'a>(&self, i: &LCChars<'a>) -> ParseRes<'a, V>

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Provided methods

fn parse_s(&self, s: &str) -> Result<V, ParseError>

fn then<P: Parser<V2>, V2>(self, p: P) -> Then<Self, P>

returns a parser that will combine the results of this and the given parser into a tuple

fn then_ig<P: Parser<V2>, V2>(self, p: P) -> ThenIg<Self, P, V, V2>

returns a Parser that will require the given parser completes, but ignores its result useful for dropping brackets and whitespace

fn ig_then<P: Parser<V2>, V2>(self, p: P) -> IgThen<Self, P, V, V2>

returns a Parser that will require this parser completes, but only return the result of the given parser useful for dropping brackets and whitespace etc

fn or<P: Parser<V>>(self, p: P) -> Or<Self, P>

Returns a Parser that will try both child parsers, (A first) and return the first successfl result

fn map<F: Fn(V) -> V2, V2>(self, f: F) -> Map<Self, V, V2, F>

Returns a Parser that converts the result of a successful parse to a different type. Much like map on iterators and Result

fn try_map<F: Fn(V) -> Result<V2, ECode>, V2>(
    f: F
) -> TryMap<Self, V, V2, F>

Returns a Parser that converts the result of a successful parse to a different type. however the map function can fail and return a result The Error type should be err::ECode, this does not have line associated. That will be attacked by the TryMap object so this will pass that error up correctly

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impl Parser<&'static str> for Tag[src]

impl Parser<String> for Escape[src]

impl Parser<String> for TakeN[src]

impl<A, B, AV, BV> Parser<(AV, BV)> for Then<A, B> where
    A: Parser<AV>,
    B: Parser<BV>, 

impl<A, B, AV, BV> Parser<Vec<AV>> for Separated<A, B, AV, BV> where
    A: Parser<AV>,
    B: Parser<BV>, 

impl<A, B, AV, BV> Parser<AV> for ThenIg<A, B, AV, BV> where
    A: Parser<AV>,
    B: Parser<BV>, 

impl<A, B, AV, BV> Parser<BV> for IgThen<A, B, AV, BV> where
    A: Parser<AV>,
    B: Parser<BV>, 

impl<A, B, C, AV, BV, CV> Parser<(Vec<AV>, BV, Vec<CV>)> for Reflect<A, B, C, AV, BV, CV> where
    A: Parser<AV>,
    B: Parser<BV>,
    C: Parser<CV>, 

impl<A, B, C, AV, BV, CV> Parser<Vec<AV>> for SepUntil<A, B, C, AV, BV, CV> where
    A: Parser<AV>,
    B: Parser<BV>,
    C: Parser<CV>, 

impl<A, B, V> Parser<V> for Or<A, B> where
    A: Parser<V>,
    B: Parser<V>, 

impl<A, B, VA, VB> Parser<VB> for Wrap<A, B, VA, VB> where
    A: Parser<VA>,
    B: Parser<VB>, 

impl<A, V> Parser<Option<V>> for Maybe<A> where
    A: Parser<V>, 

impl<A: Parser<AV>, AV> Parser<Vec<AV>> for RepeatN<A, AV>[src]

impl<A: Parser<AV>, AV> Parser<Vec<AV>> for Repeater<A, AV>[src]

impl<A: Parser<AV>, AV, B, F: Fn(AV) -> Result<B, ECode>> Parser<B> for TryMap<A, AV, B, F>[src]

impl<A: Parser<AV>, AV, B, F: Fn(AV) -> B> Parser<B> for Map<A, AV, B, F>[src]

impl<A: Parser<AV>, B: Parser<BV>, AV, BV> Parser<(Vec<AV>, BV)> for RepUntil<A, B, AV, BV>[src]

impl<F> Parser<()> for Take<F> where
    F: Fn(char) -> bool

impl<F> Parser<()> for Skip<F> where
    F: Fn(char) -> bool

impl<F> Parser<String> for Read<F> where
    F: Fn(String, char) -> ReadResult<String>, 

impl<V, F: for<'a> Fn(&LCChars<'a>) -> ParseRes<'a, V>> Parser<V> for F[src]

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