[][src]Function gmsh_sys::gmshModelMeshAddElements

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gmshModelMeshAddElements(
    dim: c_int,
    tag: c_int,
    elementTypes: *mut c_int,
    elementTypes_n: usize,
    elementTags: *mut *const usize,
    elementTags_n: *const usize,
    elementTags_nn: usize,
    nodeTags: *mut *const usize,
    nodeTags_n: *const usize,
    nodeTags_nn: usize,
    ierr: *mut c_int

Add elements classified on the entity of dimension dim and tag tag. types contains the MSH types of the elements (e.g. 2 for 3-node triangles: see the Gmsh reference manual). elementTags is a vector of the same length as types; each entry is a vector containing the tags (unique, strictly positive identifiers) of the elements of the corresponding type. nodeTags is also a vector of the same length as types; each entry is a vector of length equal to the number of elements of the given type times the number N of nodes per element, that contains the node tags of all the elements of the given type, concatenated: [e1n1, e1n2, ..., e1nN, e2n1, ...].