Macro glib::glib_wrapper [] [src]

macro_rules! glib_wrapper {
        pub struct $name:ident(Boxed<$ffi_name:path>);

        match fn {
            copy => |$copy_arg:ident| $copy_expr:expr,
            free => |$free_arg:ident| $free_expr:expr,
    ) => { ... };
        pub struct $name:ident(Shared<$ffi_name:path>);

        match fn {
            ref => |$ref_arg:ident| $ref_expr:expr,
            unref => |$unref_arg:ident| $unref_expr:expr,
    ) => { ... };
        pub struct $name:ident(Object<$ffi_name:path>);

        match fn {
            get_type => || $get_type_expr:expr,
    ) => { ... };
        pub struct $name:ident(Object<$ffi_name:path>): [$($implements:tt)+];

        match fn {
            get_type => || $get_type_expr:expr,
    ) => { ... };
        pub struct $name:ident(Object<$ffi_name:path>): $($implements:path),+;

        match fn {
            get_type => || $get_type_expr:expr,
    ) => { ... };

Defines a wrapper type and implements the appropriate traits.

The basic syntax is

glib_wrapper! {
    /// Documentation
    pub struct $name($kind<$foreign>);

    match fn {
        $fn_name => /* a closure-like expression */,

This creates a wrapper named $name around the foreign type $foreign of $kind (one of Boxed, Shared, Object) using expressions from the match fn block to implement type-specific low-level operations (the expression will be evaluated in unsafe context).


Boxed records with single ownership.

glib_wrapper! {
    /// Text buffer iterator
    pub struct TextIter(Boxed<ffi::GtkTextIter>);

    match fn {
        copy => |ptr| ffi::gtk_text_iter_copy(ptr),
        free => |ptr| ffi::gtk_text_iter_free(ptr),

copy: |*const $foreign| -> *mut $foreign creates a copy of the value.

free: |*mut $foreign| frees the value.


Records with reference counted shared ownership.

glib_wrapper! {
    /// Object holding timing information for a single frame.
    pub struct FrameTimings(Shared<ffi::GdkFrameTimings>);

    match fn {
        ref => |ptr| ffi::gdk_frame_timings_ref(ptr),
        unref => |ptr| ffi::gdk_frame_timings_unref(ptr),

ref: |*mut $foreign| increases the refcount.

unref: |*mut $foreign| decreases the refcount.


Objects -- classes and interfaces.

glib_wrapper! {
    /// Object representing an input device.
    pub struct Device(Object<ffi::GdkDevice>);

    match fn {
        get_type => || ffi::gdk_device_get_type(),
glib_wrapper! {
    /// A container with just one child.
    pub struct Bin(Object<ffi::GtkBin>): Container, Widget, Buildable;

    match fn {
        get_type => || ffi::gtk_bin_get_type(),

Implementing types from other crates requires specifying their FFI counterparts as well:

glib_wrapper! {
    pub struct Application(Object<ffi::GtkApplication>): [
        gio::Application => gio_ffi::GApplication,
        gio::ActionGroup => gio_ffi::GActionGroup,
        gio::ActionMap => gio_ffi::GActionMap,

    match fn {
        get_type => || ffi::gtk_application_get_type(),

get_type: || -> GType returns the type identifier of the class or interface.