pub trait Datetime {
    fn set(&self, value: Option<Datetime>);
    fn test_get_value<'a, S: Into<Option<&'a str>>>(
        ping_name: S
    ) -> Option<Datetime>; fn test_get_num_recorded_errors<'a, S: Into<Option<&'a str>>>(
        error: ErrorType,
        ping_name: S
    ) -> i32; }
Expand description

A description for the DatetimeMetric type.

When changing this trait, make sure all the operations are implemented in the related type in ../metrics/.

Required Methods

Sets the metric to a date/time which including the timezone offset.

  • value - Some Datetime, with offset, to set the metric to. If None, the current local time is used.

Exported for test purposes.

Gets the currently stored value as a Datetime.

The precision of this value is truncated to the time_unit precision.

This doesn’t clear the stored value.

  • ping_name - represents the optional name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Defaults to the first value in send_in_pings.

Exported for test purposes.

Gets the number of recorded errors for the given metric and error type.

  • error - The type of error
  • ping_name - represents the optional name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Defaults to the first value in send_in_pings.

The number of errors reported.
