[−][src]Crate gl_matrix
A Rust implementation of glMatrix
gl_matrix provides utilities or all glMatrix functions in Rust.
Quick Start
Getting started should be easy if you are already familiar with glMatrix and Rust. All functions have been re-named to be idiomatic Rust.
use gl_matrix::common::*; use gl_matrix::{vec3, mat4}; let canvas_w = 800_f32; let canvas_h = 600_f32; let mut world_matrix: Mat4 = [0.; 16]; let mut view_matrix: Mat4 = [0.; 16]; let mut proj_matrix: Mat4 = [0.; 16]; let eye = vec3::from_values(0., 0., -8.); let center = vec3::from_values(0., 0., 0.); let up = vec3::from_values(0., 1., 0.); mat4::identity(&mut world_matrix); mat4::look_at(&mut view_matrix, &eye, ¢er, &up); mat4::perspective(&mut proj_matrix, to_radian(45.), canvas_w / canvas_h, 0.1, Some(100.0));
common | Common utilities |
mat2 | 2x2 Matrix |
mat2d | 2x3 Matrix |
mat3 | 3x3 Matrix |
mat4 | 4x4 Matrix |
quat | Quaternion |
quat2 | Dual Quaternion |
vec2 | 2 Dimensional Vector |
vec3 | 3 Dimensional Vector |
vec4 | 4 Dimensional Vector |