Module gitlab::webhooks[][src]

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Web hook structures

These hooks are received from Gitlab when registered as a web hook within a project.

Gitlab does not have consistent structures for its hooks, so they often change from version to version.


Build commit information exposed in hooks.

A build hook.

Project information exposed in build hooks.

Build user information exposed in hooks.

Commit information exposed in hooks.

Diff information exposed in hooks.

The identity of a user exposed through a hook.

A wrapper struct for dates in web hooks.

An issue hook.

Issue information exposed in hooks.

A merge request hook.

Merge request information exposed in hooks.

Merge parameters for a merge request.

A note hook.

Note (comment) information exposed in hooks.

Project information exposed in hooks.

Wiki project information exposed in hooks.

A push hook.

Snippet information exposed in hooks.

User information exposed in hooks.

A wiki page hook.

Wiki information exposed in hooks.


Actions which may occur on an issue.

Actions which may occur on a merge request.

The type of a snippet.

A deserializable structure for all Gitlab web hooks.

Actions which may occur on a wiki page.