
Scrapes a Github profile, and generates a contributions heatmap in Unicode
A Contribution instance represents an invidividual heatmap node, with a heat level corresponding to the data-level attribute set on the scraped SVG Rect element.
A ContributionWeek instance represents an entire week of contributions in a Github contribution heatmap. Typically visible as a column of heatmap nodes on a Github profile page.
A Heatmap instance represents a fully scraped and parsed Github constribution heatmap.


A collection of error variants related to making a request to a Github profile page prior to scraping.
A collection of error variants related to parsing a Github contribution heatmap.


Attempts to parse a Github profile slug, based on a regular expression typically used while restricting profile names. Assures that only valid profile slugs are being provided as an argument to Clap.
Attempts to parse a provided Year argument, based on simple regular expression. Assures that only valid calendar years are being provided as an argument to clap.