git-co 0.3.1

A command-line tool for simplified git branch checkout.
git-co-0.3.1 is not a library.


git-co is a command-line tool that replaces the git checkout <BRANCH_NAME> command, enabling you to switch branches by selecting from the list of branch names.


  • Effortlessly switch between branches using intuitive key-based navigation
  • Simplifies the branch selection process by presenting a list of available branches


You can install git-co using cargo, the package manager for Rust:

cargo install git-co

Make sure you have Rust and Cargo installed on your system before running the above command.


To use git-co, simply execute the command. This will launch the branch selection screen where you can choose the branch you want to check out.


The branch selection screen will display a list of available branches. Use the arrow keys or other supported keys to navigate through the list. Once you've highlighted your desired branch, press Enter to check it out.


MIT License