Crate ghee

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  • Get the index which places the predicate xattrs earliest in its primary key order The idea is that this will maximally speed up traversal of records, but this may depend on the cardinality / distribution of the subkey values
  • If path itself is not initialized as a Ghee table, its ancestor directories will be searched to see if it is part of an initialized table, in which case the containing table’s indices are returned.
  • Mark dir1, dir2, the indices of dir1, and the indices of dir2 all as indices of each other.
  • Marks dir1 and dir2 as indices of each other.
  • Whether a path should be skipped when iterating over records
  • The number of records recursively found in a directory
  • Get information about the table at path dir if one exists. If no table info is found, or dir is actually a file, Ok(None) is returned.
  • Write file extended attribute values to disk. Creates an empty file at the path if none exists.
  • Get the specified xattr value for the given path; like xattr::get but parsed into our format.
  • Get all xattr values for the given path; like xattr::list and xattr::get but parsed into our format.
  • For a path under a base_path, interpret the sub-paths beneath base_path as values of the given key; partial key matches are OK, e.g. just age on a key of (age, name).