Trait gfx::traits::Factory

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pub trait Factory<R>where
    R: Resources,{
Show 36 methods // Required methods fn get_capabilities(&self) -> &Capabilities; fn create_buffer_raw( &mut self, _: Info ) -> Result<RawBuffer<R>, CreationError>; fn create_buffer_immutable_raw( &mut self, data: &[u8], stride: usize, _: Role, _: Bind ) -> Result<RawBuffer<R>, CreationError>; fn create_pipeline_state_raw( &mut self, _: &Program<R>, _: &Descriptor ) -> Result<RawPipelineState<R>, CreationError>; fn create_program( &mut self, shader_set: &ShaderSet<R> ) -> Result<Program<R>, CreateProgramError>; fn create_shader( &mut self, stage: Stage, code: &[u8] ) -> Result<Shader<R>, CreateShaderError>; fn create_sampler(&mut self, _: SamplerInfo) -> Sampler<R>; fn read_mapping<T, 'a, 'b>( &'a mut self, buf: &'b Buffer<R, T> ) -> Result<Reader<'b, R, T>, Error> where T: Copy; fn write_mapping<T, 'a, 'b>( &'a mut self, buf: &'b Buffer<R, T> ) -> Result<Writer<'b, R, T>, Error> where T: Copy; fn create_texture_raw( &mut self, _: Info, _: Option<ChannelType>, _: Option<(&[&[u8]], Mipmap)> ) -> Result<RawTexture<R>, CreationError>; fn view_buffer_as_shader_resource_raw( &mut self, _: &RawBuffer<R>, _: Format ) -> Result<RawShaderResourceView<R>, ResourceViewError>; fn view_buffer_as_unordered_access_raw( &mut self, _: &RawBuffer<R> ) -> Result<RawUnorderedAccessView<R>, ResourceViewError>; fn view_texture_as_shader_resource_raw( &mut self, _: &RawTexture<R>, _: ResourceDesc ) -> Result<RawShaderResourceView<R>, ResourceViewError>; fn view_texture_as_unordered_access_raw( &mut self, _: &RawTexture<R> ) -> Result<RawUnorderedAccessView<R>, ResourceViewError>; fn view_texture_as_render_target_raw( &mut self, _: &RawTexture<R>, _: RenderDesc ) -> Result<RawRenderTargetView<R>, TargetViewError>; fn view_texture_as_depth_stencil_raw( &mut self, _: &RawTexture<R>, _: DepthStencilDesc ) -> Result<RawDepthStencilView<R>, TargetViewError>; // Provided methods fn create_buffer_immutable<T>( &mut self, data: &[T], role: Role, bind: Bind ) -> Result<Buffer<R, T>, CreationError> where T: Pod { ... } fn create_buffer<T>( &mut self, num: usize, role: Role, usage: Usage, bind: Bind ) -> Result<Buffer<R, T>, CreationError> { ... } fn create_shader_vertex( &mut self, code: &[u8] ) -> Result<VertexShader<R>, CreateShaderError> { ... } fn create_shader_hull( &mut self, code: &[u8] ) -> Result<HullShader<R>, CreateShaderError> { ... } fn create_shader_domain( &mut self, code: &[u8] ) -> Result<DomainShader<R>, CreateShaderError> { ... } fn create_shader_geometry( &mut self, code: &[u8] ) -> Result<GeometryShader<R>, CreateShaderError> { ... } fn create_shader_pixel( &mut self, code: &[u8] ) -> Result<PixelShader<R>, CreateShaderError> { ... } fn create_texture<S>( &mut self, kind: Kind, levels: u8, bind: Bind, usage: Usage, channel_hint: Option<ChannelType> ) -> Result<Texture<R, S>, CreationError> where S: SurfaceTyped { ... } fn view_buffer_as_shader_resource<T>( &mut self, buf: &Buffer<R, T> ) -> Result<ShaderResourceView<R, T>, ResourceViewError> where T: Formatted { ... } fn view_buffer_as_unordered_access<T>( &mut self, buf: &Buffer<R, T> ) -> Result<UnorderedAccessView<R, T>, ResourceViewError> { ... } fn view_texture_as_shader_resource<T>( &mut self, tex: &Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, levels: (u8, u8), swizzle: Swizzle ) -> Result<ShaderResourceView<R, <T as Formatted>::View>, ResourceViewError> where T: TextureFormat { ... } fn view_texture_as_unordered_access<T>( &mut self, tex: &Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface> ) -> Result<UnorderedAccessView<R, <T as Formatted>::View>, ResourceViewError> where T: TextureFormat { ... } fn view_texture_as_render_target<T>( &mut self, tex: &Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, level: u8, layer: Option<u16> ) -> Result<RenderTargetView<R, T>, TargetViewError> where T: RenderFormat { ... } fn view_texture_as_depth_stencil<T>( &mut self, tex: &Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, level: u8, layer: Option<u16>, flags: DepthStencilFlags ) -> Result<DepthStencilView<R, T>, TargetViewError> where T: DepthFormat { ... } fn view_texture_as_depth_stencil_trivial<T>( &mut self, tex: &Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface> ) -> Result<DepthStencilView<R, T>, TargetViewError> where T: DepthFormat { ... } fn create_texture_immutable_u8<T>( &mut self, kind: Kind, mipmap: Mipmap, data: &[&[u8]] ) -> Result<(Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, ShaderResourceView<R, <T as Formatted>::View>), CombinedError> where T: TextureFormat { ... } fn create_texture_immutable<T>( &mut self, kind: Kind, mipmap: Mipmap, data: &[&[<<T as Formatted>::Surface as SurfaceTyped>::DataType]] ) -> Result<(Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, ShaderResourceView<R, <T as Formatted>::View>), CombinedError> where T: TextureFormat { ... } fn create_render_target<T>( &mut self, width: u16, height: u16 ) -> Result<(Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, ShaderResourceView<R, <T as Formatted>::View>, RenderTargetView<R, T>), CombinedError> where T: RenderFormat + TextureFormat { ... } fn create_depth_stencil<T>( &mut self, width: u16, height: u16 ) -> Result<(Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, ShaderResourceView<R, <T as Formatted>::View>, DepthStencilView<R, T>), CombinedError> where T: DepthFormat + TextureFormat { ... } fn create_depth_stencil_view_only<T>( &mut self, width: u16, height: u16 ) -> Result<DepthStencilView<R, T>, CombinedError> where T: DepthFormat + TextureFormat { ... }
Expand description


A Factory is responsible for creating and managing resources for the context it was created with.

Construction and Handling

A Factory is typically created along with other objects using a helper function of the appropriate gfx_window module (e.g. gfx_window_glutin::init()).

This factory structure can then be used to create and manage different resources, like buffers, shader programs and textures. See the individual methods for more information.

This trait is extended by the gfx::FactoryExt trait. All types implementing Factory also implement FactoryExt.

Immutable resources

Immutable buffers and textures can only be read by the GPU. They cannot be written by the GPU and cannot be accessed at all by the CPU.


Raw resources

The term “raw” is used in the context of types of functions that have a strongly typed and an untyped equivalent, to refer to the untyped equivalent.

For example ‘Factory::create_buffer_raw’ and ‘Factory::create_buffer’

Shader resource views and unordered access views

This terminology is borrowed from D3D.

Shader resource views typically wrap textures and buffers to provide read-only access in shaders. An unordered access view provides similar functionality, but enables reading and writing to the buffer or texture in any order.


Required Methods§


fn get_capabilities(&self) -> &Capabilities

Returns the capabilities of this Factory. This usually depends on the graphics API being used.


fn create_buffer_raw(&mut self, _: Info) -> Result<RawBuffer<R>, CreationError>


fn create_buffer_immutable_raw( &mut self, data: &[u8], stride: usize, _: Role, _: Bind ) -> Result<RawBuffer<R>, CreationError>


fn create_pipeline_state_raw( &mut self, _: &Program<R>, _: &Descriptor ) -> Result<RawPipelineState<R>, CreationError>

Creates a new RawPipelineState. To create a safely typed PipelineState, see the FactoryExt trait and pso module, both in the gfx crate.


fn create_program( &mut self, shader_set: &ShaderSet<R> ) -> Result<Program<R>, CreateProgramError>

Creates a new shader Program for the supplied ShaderSet.


fn create_shader( &mut self, stage: Stage, code: &[u8] ) -> Result<Shader<R>, CreateShaderError>

Compiles a shader source into a Shader object that can be used to create a shader Program.


fn create_sampler(&mut self, _: SamplerInfo) -> Sampler<R>


fn read_mapping<T, 'a, 'b>( &'a mut self, buf: &'b Buffer<R, T> ) -> Result<Reader<'b, R, T>, Error>where T: Copy,

Acquire a mapping Reader

See write_mapping for more information.


fn write_mapping<T, 'a, 'b>( &'a mut self, buf: &'b Buffer<R, T> ) -> Result<Writer<'b, R, T>, Error>where T: Copy,

Acquire a mapping Writer

While holding this writer, you hold CPU-side exclusive access. Any access overlap will result in an error. Submitting commands involving this buffer to the device implicitly requires exclusive access. Additionally, further access will be stalled until execution completion.


fn create_texture_raw( &mut self, _: Info, _: Option<ChannelType>, _: Option<(&[&[u8]], Mipmap)> ) -> Result<RawTexture<R>, CreationError>

Create a new empty raw texture with no data. The channel type parameter is a hint, required to assist backends that have no concept of typeless formats (OpenGL). The initial data, if given, has to be provided for all mip levels and slices: Slice0.Mip0, Slice0.Mip1, …, Slice1.Mip0, …


fn view_buffer_as_shader_resource_raw( &mut self, _: &RawBuffer<R>, _: Format ) -> Result<RawShaderResourceView<R>, ResourceViewError>


fn view_buffer_as_unordered_access_raw( &mut self, _: &RawBuffer<R> ) -> Result<RawUnorderedAccessView<R>, ResourceViewError>


fn view_texture_as_shader_resource_raw( &mut self, _: &RawTexture<R>, _: ResourceDesc ) -> Result<RawShaderResourceView<R>, ResourceViewError>


fn view_texture_as_unordered_access_raw( &mut self, _: &RawTexture<R> ) -> Result<RawUnorderedAccessView<R>, ResourceViewError>


fn view_texture_as_render_target_raw( &mut self, _: &RawTexture<R>, _: RenderDesc ) -> Result<RawRenderTargetView<R>, TargetViewError>


fn view_texture_as_depth_stencil_raw( &mut self, _: &RawTexture<R>, _: DepthStencilDesc ) -> Result<RawDepthStencilView<R>, TargetViewError>

Provided Methods§


fn create_buffer_immutable<T>( &mut self, data: &[T], role: Role, bind: Bind ) -> Result<Buffer<R, T>, CreationError>where T: Pod,


fn create_buffer<T>( &mut self, num: usize, role: Role, usage: Usage, bind: Bind ) -> Result<Buffer<R, T>, CreationError>


fn create_shader_vertex( &mut self, code: &[u8] ) -> Result<VertexShader<R>, CreateShaderError>

Compiles a VertexShader from source.


fn create_shader_hull( &mut self, code: &[u8] ) -> Result<HullShader<R>, CreateShaderError>

Compiles a HullShader from source.


fn create_shader_domain( &mut self, code: &[u8] ) -> Result<DomainShader<R>, CreateShaderError>

Compiles a VertexShader from source.


fn create_shader_geometry( &mut self, code: &[u8] ) -> Result<GeometryShader<R>, CreateShaderError>

Compiles a GeometryShader from source.


fn create_shader_pixel( &mut self, code: &[u8] ) -> Result<PixelShader<R>, CreateShaderError>

Compiles a PixelShader from source. This is the same as what some APIs call a fragment shader.


fn create_texture<S>( &mut self, kind: Kind, levels: u8, bind: Bind, usage: Usage, channel_hint: Option<ChannelType> ) -> Result<Texture<R, S>, CreationError>where S: SurfaceTyped,


fn view_buffer_as_shader_resource<T>( &mut self, buf: &Buffer<R, T> ) -> Result<ShaderResourceView<R, T>, ResourceViewError>where T: Formatted,


fn view_buffer_as_unordered_access<T>( &mut self, buf: &Buffer<R, T> ) -> Result<UnorderedAccessView<R, T>, ResourceViewError>


fn view_texture_as_shader_resource<T>( &mut self, tex: &Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, levels: (u8, u8), swizzle: Swizzle ) -> Result<ShaderResourceView<R, <T as Formatted>::View>, ResourceViewError>where T: TextureFormat,


fn view_texture_as_unordered_access<T>( &mut self, tex: &Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface> ) -> Result<UnorderedAccessView<R, <T as Formatted>::View>, ResourceViewError>where T: TextureFormat,


fn view_texture_as_render_target<T>( &mut self, tex: &Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, level: u8, layer: Option<u16> ) -> Result<RenderTargetView<R, T>, TargetViewError>where T: RenderFormat,


fn view_texture_as_depth_stencil<T>( &mut self, tex: &Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, level: u8, layer: Option<u16>, flags: DepthStencilFlags ) -> Result<DepthStencilView<R, T>, TargetViewError>where T: DepthFormat,


fn view_texture_as_depth_stencil_trivial<T>( &mut self, tex: &Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface> ) -> Result<DepthStencilView<R, T>, TargetViewError>where T: DepthFormat,


fn create_texture_immutable_u8<T>( &mut self, kind: Kind, mipmap: Mipmap, data: &[&[u8]] ) -> Result<(Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, ShaderResourceView<R, <T as Formatted>::View>), CombinedError>where T: TextureFormat,


fn create_texture_immutable<T>( &mut self, kind: Kind, mipmap: Mipmap, data: &[&[<<T as Formatted>::Surface as SurfaceTyped>::DataType]] ) -> Result<(Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, ShaderResourceView<R, <T as Formatted>::View>), CombinedError>where T: TextureFormat,


fn create_render_target<T>( &mut self, width: u16, height: u16 ) -> Result<(Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, ShaderResourceView<R, <T as Formatted>::View>, RenderTargetView<R, T>), CombinedError>where T: RenderFormat + TextureFormat,


fn create_depth_stencil<T>( &mut self, width: u16, height: u16 ) -> Result<(Texture<R, <T as Formatted>::Surface>, ShaderResourceView<R, <T as Formatted>::View>, DepthStencilView<R, T>), CombinedError>where T: DepthFormat + TextureFormat,


fn create_depth_stencil_view_only<T>( &mut self, width: u16, height: u16 ) -> Result<DepthStencilView<R, T>, CombinedError>where T: DepthFormat + TextureFormat,
