Crate geqslib

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  • Contains error types for different errors that this crate may throw.
  • Contains extern "C" function definitions for linking this library against projects in different languages. Not intended for use in other Rust projects.
  • Contains root-finding algorithms for building equation-solving tools.
  • Contains a basic shunting yard algorithm for evaluating strings as mathematical expressions.
  • Contains functions for checking whether systems or equations are properly constrained for solving.
  • Contains the Variable type for numbers that exist on a user-specified domain.


  • Solves an equation given as a string for a SINGLE unknown variable. This function infers the unknown variable from the given expression, using a new default ContextHashMap to account for common constants and functions.
  • Solves an equation given as a string for the SINGLE unknown that is inferred based on the context and the given equation string. The given context must contain all known symbols in the equation but NOT the variable that is to be solved for. E.g. the context for "x + sin(y) = 9" must define a value for "y" and "sin", but NO value for "x" if "x" is the variable to be solved for.