Trait geos::Geom[][src]

pub trait Geom<'a>: AsRaw<RawType = GEOSGeometry> + ContextHandling<Context = Arc<ContextHandle<'a>>> {
Show methods fn get_type(&self) -> GResult<String>;
fn geometry_type(&self) -> GeometryTypes;
fn is_valid(&self) -> bool;
fn is_valid_reason(&self) -> GResult<String>;
fn get_coord_seq(&self) -> GResult<CoordSeq<'a>>;
fn area(&self) -> GResult<f64>;
fn to_wkt(&self) -> GResult<String>;
fn to_wkt_precision(&self, precision: u32) -> GResult<String>;
fn is_ring(&self) -> GResult<bool>;
fn intersects<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>;
fn crosses<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>;
fn disjoint<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>;
fn touches<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>;
fn overlaps<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>;
fn within<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>;
fn equals<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>;
fn equals_exact<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
        other: &G,
        precision: f64
    ) -> GResult<bool>;
fn covers<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>;
fn covered_by<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>;
fn contains<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>;
fn buffer(&self, width: f64, quadsegs: i32) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn is_empty(&self) -> GResult<bool>;
fn is_simple(&self) -> GResult<bool>;
fn difference<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn envelope(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn sym_difference<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
        other: &G
    ) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn union<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn get_centroid(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn unary_union(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn voronoi<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
        envelope: Option<&G>,
        tolerance: f64,
        only_edges: bool
    ) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn intersection<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn convex_hull(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn boundary(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn has_z(&self) -> GResult<bool>;
fn is_closed(&self) -> GResult<bool>;
fn length(&self) -> GResult<f64>;
fn distance<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>;
fn distance_indexed<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>;
fn hausdorff_distance<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>;
fn hausdorff_distance_densify<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
        other: &G,
        distance_frac: f64
    ) -> GResult<f64>;
fn frechet_distance<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>;
fn frechet_distance_densify<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
        other: &G,
        distance_frac: f64
    ) -> GResult<f64>;
fn get_length(&self) -> GResult<f64>;
fn snap<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
        other: &G,
        tolerance: f64
    ) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn extract_unique_points(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn nearest_points<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
        other: &G
    ) -> GResult<CoordSeq<'a>>;
fn get_x(&self) -> GResult<f64>;
fn get_y(&self) -> GResult<f64>;
fn get_z(&self) -> GResult<f64>;
fn get_point_n(&self, n: usize) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn get_start_point(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn get_end_point(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn get_num_points(&self) -> GResult<usize>;
fn get_num_interior_rings(&self) -> GResult<usize>;
fn get_num_coordinates(&self) -> GResult<usize>;
fn get_num_dimensions(&self) -> GResult<usize>;
fn get_coordinate_dimension(&self) -> GResult<Dimensions>;
fn make_valid(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn get_num_geometries(&self) -> GResult<usize>;
fn get_srid(&self) -> GResult<usize>;
fn get_precision(&self) -> GResult<f64>;
fn set_precision(
        grid_size: f64,
        flags: Precision
    ) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn get_x_max(&self) -> GResult<f64>;
fn get_x_min(&self) -> GResult<f64>;
fn get_y_max(&self) -> GResult<f64>;
fn get_y_min(&self) -> GResult<f64>;
fn minimum_clearance(&self) -> GResult<f64>;
fn minimum_clearance_line(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn minimum_rotated_rectangle(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn minimum_width(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn delaunay_triangulation(
        tolerance: f64,
        only_edges: bool
    ) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn interpolate(&self, d: f64) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn interpolate_normalized(&self, d: f64) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn project<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, p: &G) -> GResult<f64>;
fn project_normalized<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, p: &G) -> GResult<f64>;
fn node(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn offset_curve(
        width: f64,
        quadrant_segments: i32,
        join_style: JoinStyle,
        mitre_limit: f64
    ) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn point_on_surface(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn polygonize_full(
    ) -> GResult<(Geometry<'a>, Option<Geometry<'a>>, Option<Geometry<'a>>, Option<Geometry<'a>>)>;
fn shared_paths<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>;
fn to_hex(&self) -> GResult<CVec<u8>>;
fn to_wkb(&self) -> GResult<CVec<u8>>;
fn to_prepared_geom(&self) -> GResult<PreparedGeometry<'a>>;
fn clone(&self) -> Geometry<'a>;
fn get_geometry_n<'c>(&'c self, n: usize) -> GResult<ConstGeometry<'a, 'c>>;
fn get_interior_ring_n<'c>(
        &'c self,
        n: u32
    ) -> GResult<ConstGeometry<'a, 'c>>;
fn get_exterior_ring<'c>(&'c self) -> GResult<ConstGeometry<'a, 'c>>;

Required methods

fn get_type(&self) -> GResult<String>[src]

Expand description

Returns the type of the geometry.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON((0 0, 1 1, 1 2, 1 1, 0 0))")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom.get_type(), Ok("Polygon".to_owned()));

fn geometry_type(&self) -> GeometryTypes[src]

fn is_valid(&self) -> bool[src]

Expand description

Checks if the geometry is valid.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON((0 0, 1 1, 1 2, 1 1, 0 0))")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
assert!(geom.is_valid() == false);

fn is_valid_reason(&self) -> GResult<String>[src]

Expand description

Returns an explanation on why the geometry is invalid.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON((0 0, 1 1, 1 2, 1 1, 0 0))")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
    Ok("Self-intersection[0 0]".to_owned()),

fn get_coord_seq(&self) -> GResult<CoordSeq<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Get the underlying geos CoordSeq object from the geometry

Note: this clones the underlying CoordSeq to avoid double free (because CoordSeq handles the object ptr and the CoordSeq is still owned by the geos geometry) if this method’s performance becomes a bottleneck, feel free to open an issue, we could skip this clone with cleaner code.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2 3)")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
let coord_seq = geom.get_coord_seq().expect("get_coord_seq failed");

assert_eq!(coord_seq.get_x(0), Ok(2.));
assert_eq!(coord_seq.get_y(0), Ok(3.));

fn area(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the area of the geometry. Units are specified by the SRID of the given geometry.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON((0 0, 10 0, 10 6, 0 6, 0 0))")
                     .expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom1.area(), Ok(60.));

fn to_wkt(&self) -> GResult<String>[src]

Expand description

Returns a WKT representation of the geometry. It defaults to 2 dimensions output. Use WKTWriter type directly if you want more control.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry, OutputDimension, WKTWriter};

let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5)")
                          .expect("Invalid geometry");
    "POINT (2.5000000000000000 2.5000000000000000)",

// A three dimension point will be output just as a 2 dimension:
let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5 3)")
                          .expect("Invalid geometry");
    "POINT (2.5000000000000000 2.5000000000000000)",

// To "fix" it, use `WKTWriter` instead:
let mut wkt_writer = WKTWriter::new()
                               .expect("Failed to create WKTWriter");
    "POINT Z (2.5000000000000000 2.5000000000000000 3.0000000000000000)",

fn to_wkt_precision(&self, precision: u32) -> GResult<String>[src]

Expand description

Returns a WKT representation of the geometry with the given precision. It is a wrapper around WKTWriter::set_rounding_precision.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry, WKTWriter};

let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5)").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(point_geom.to_wkt_precision(2).unwrap(), "POINT (2.50 2.50)");

// It is a wrapper around:
let mut writer = WKTWriter::new().expect("Failed to create WKTWriter");
assert_eq!(writer.write(&point_geom).unwrap(), "POINT (2.50 2.50)");

fn is_ring(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if the geometry is a ring.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let circle = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 0 0)").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(circle.is_ring(), Ok(true));

fn intersects<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if self shares any portion of space with other. So if any of this is true:

  • self overlaps other
  • self touches other
  • self is within other

Then intersects will return true as well.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(0 0)").expect("invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(2 0, 0 2)").expect("invalid geometry");
let geom3 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(0 0, 0 2)").expect("invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.intersects(&geom2), Ok(false));
assert_eq!(geom1.intersects(&geom3), Ok(true));

fn crosses<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if self and other have at least one interior into each other.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(1 1,2 2)").expect("invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(2 1,1 2)").expect("invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.crosses(&geom2), Ok(true));

fn disjoint<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if self doesn’t:

  • Overlap other
  • Touch other
  • Is within other


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(0 0)").expect("invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(2 0, 0 2)").expect("invalid geometry");
let geom3 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(0 0, 0 2)").expect("invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.disjoint(&geom2), Ok(true));
assert_eq!(geom1.disjoint(&geom3), Ok(false));

fn touches<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if the only points in common between self and other lie in the union of the boundaries of self and other.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1, 0 2)").expect("invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(1 1)").expect("invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.touches(&geom2), Ok(false));

let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(0 2)").expect("invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.touches(&geom2), Ok(true));

fn overlaps<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if self spatially overlaps other.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(1 0.5)").expect("invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(1 0, 1 1, 3 5)").expect("invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.overlaps(&geom2), Ok(false));

let geom1 = geom1.buffer(3., 8).expect("buffer failed");
let geom2 = geom2.buffer(0.5, 8).expect("buffer failed");

assert_eq!(geom1.overlaps(&geom2), Ok(true));

fn within<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if self is completely inside other.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(50 50)").expect("invalid geometry");
let small_geom = geom.buffer(20., 8).expect("buffer failed");
let big_geom = geom.buffer(40., 8).expect("buffer failed");

assert_eq!(small_geom.within(&small_geom), Ok(true));
assert_eq!(small_geom.within(&big_geom), Ok(true));
assert_eq!(big_geom.within(&small_geom), Ok(false));

fn equals<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Checks if the two Geometry objects are equal.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (3.8 3.8)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom3 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5)").expect("Invalid geometry");

assert!(geom1.equals(&geom2) == Ok(false));
assert!(geom1.equals(&geom3) == Ok(true));

Note that you can also use method through the PartialEq trait:

use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (3.8 3.8)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom3 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5)").expect("Invalid geometry");

assert!(geom1 != geom2);
assert!(geom1 == geom3);

fn equals_exact<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    other: &G,
    precision: f64
) -> GResult<bool>

Expand description

Checks if the two Geometry objects are exactly equal.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (3.8 3.8)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom3 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5)").expect("Invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.equals_exact(&geom2, 0.1), Ok(false));
assert_eq!(geom1.equals_exact(&geom3, 0.1), Ok(true));

fn covers<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if no point of other is outside of self.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (1 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let little_geom = geom.buffer(10., 8).expect("buffer failed");
let big_geom = geom.buffer(20., 8).expect("buffer failed");

assert_eq!(little_geom.covers(&big_geom), Ok(false));
assert_eq!(big_geom.covers(&little_geom), Ok(true));

fn covered_by<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if no point of self is outside of other.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (1 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let little_geom = geom.buffer(10., 8).expect("buffer failed");
let big_geom = geom.buffer(20., 8).expect("buffer failed");

assert_eq!(little_geom.covered_by(&big_geom), Ok(true));
assert_eq!(big_geom.covered_by(&little_geom), Ok(false));

fn contains<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if no points of the other geometry is outside the exterior of self.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON((0 0, 10 0, 10 6, 0 6, 0 0))").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5)").expect("Invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.contains(&geom2), Ok(true));

fn buffer(&self, width: f64, quadsegs: i32) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns a geometry which represents all points whose distance from self is less than or equal to distance.

You can find nice examples about this in postgis documentation.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(1 3)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let buffer_geom = geom.buffer(50., 2).expect("buffer failed");

           "POLYGON ((51.0 3.0, 36.4 -32.4, 1.0 -47.0, -34.4 -32.4, -49.0 3.0, -34.4 38.4, \
                      1.0 53.0, 36.4 38.4, 51.0 3.0))");

fn is_empty(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if the given geometry is empty.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::create_empty_polygon().expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom.is_empty(), Ok(true));

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON EMPTY").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom.is_empty(), Ok(true));

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(1 3)").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom.is_empty(), Ok(false));

fn is_simple(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if the given geometry has no anomalous geometric points, such as self intersection or self tangency.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5)")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom.is_simple(), Ok(true));

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(1 1,2 2,2 3.5,1 3,1 2,2 1)")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom.is_simple(), Ok(false));

fn difference<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns a geometry which represents part of self that doesn’t intersect with other.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(50 100, 50 200)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(50 50, 50 150)").expect("Invalid geometry");

let difference_geom = geom1.difference(&geom2).expect("envelope failed");

           "LINESTRING (50.0 150.0, 50.0 200.0)");

fn envelope(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns the minimum bouding box of the given geometry.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(1 3)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let envelope_geom = geom.envelope().expect("envelope failed");

assert_eq!(envelope_geom.to_wkt_precision(1).unwrap(), "POINT (1.0 3.0)");

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(0 0, 1 3)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let envelope_geom = geom.envelope().expect("envelope failed");

           "POLYGON ((0.0 0.0, 1.0 0.0, 1.0 3.0, 0.0 3.0, 0.0 0.0))");

fn sym_difference<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns a geometry which represents the parts of self and other that don’t intersect.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(50 100, 50 200)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(50 50, 50 150)").expect("Invalid geometry");

let sym_diff_geom = geom1.sym_difference(&geom2).expect("sym_difference failed");

           "MULTILINESTRING ((50.0 150.0, 50.0 200.0), (50.0 50.0, 50.0 100.0))");

fn union<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Aggregates the given geometry with another one.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(1 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(3 4)").expect("Invalid geometry");

let union_geom = geom1.union(&geom2).expect("union failed");

assert_eq!(union_geom.to_wkt_precision(1).unwrap(), "MULTIPOINT (1.0 2.0, 3.0 4.0)");

fn get_centroid(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns the geometric center or (equivalently) the center of mass of the given geometry as a point.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("MULTIPOINT(-1 0, -1 2, -1 3, -1 4, -1 7, 0 1, 0 3, 1 1)")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
let centroid = geom.get_centroid().expect("failed to get centroid");

assert_eq!(centroid.to_wkt_precision(1).unwrap(), "POINT (-0.5 2.6)");

fn unary_union(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Documentation from postgis:

Unlike ST_Union, ST_UnaryUnion does dissolve boundaries between components of a multipolygon (invalid) and does perform union between the components of a geometrycollection. Each components of the input geometry is assumed to be valid, so you won’t get a valid multipolygon out of a bow-tie polygon (invalid).

You may use this function to node a set of linestrings. You may mix ST_UnaryUnion with ST_Collect to fine-tune how many geometries at once you want to dissolve to be nice on both memory size and CPU time, finding the balance between ST_Union and ST_MemUnion.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON((0 0, 10 0, 10 6, 0 6, 0 0))")
                     .expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON((1 1, 2 1, 2 5, 1 5, 1 1))")
                     .expect("Invalid geometry");

let geom = Geometry::create_multipolygon(vec![geom1, geom2])
                    .expect("Failed to build multipolygon");

let union_geom = geom.unary_union().expect("unary_union failed");

           "POLYGON ((0.0 0.0, 0.0 6.0, 10.0 6.0, 10.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0))");

fn voronoi<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    envelope: Option<&G>,
    tolerance: f64,
    only_edges: bool
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

Expand description

Create a voronoi diagram.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let input = Geometry::new_from_wkt("MULTIPOINT((100 200), (105 202), (110 200), (140 230),
                                               (210 240), (220 190), (170 170), (170 260),
                                               (213 245), (220 190))")
                  .expect("Invalid geometry");
let mut expected = Geometry::new_from_wkt(
    "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON ((-20 50, -20 380, -3.75 380, 105 235, 105 115, 77.14285714285714 50, -20 50)),\
                         POLYGON ((247 50, 77.14285714285714 50, 105 115, 145 195, 178.33333333333334 211.66666666666666, 183.51851851851853 208.7037037037037, 247 50)),\
                         POLYGON ((-3.75 380, 20.000000000000007 380, 176.66666666666666 223.33333333333334, 178.33333333333334 211.66666666666666, 145 195, 105 235, -3.75 380)),\
                         POLYGON ((105 115, 105 235, 145 195, 105 115)),\
                         POLYGON ((20.000000000000007 380, 255 380, 176.66666666666666 223.33333333333334, 20.000000000000007 380)),\
                         POLYGON ((255 380, 340 380, 340 240, 183.51851851851853 208.7037037037037, 178.33333333333334 211.66666666666666, 176.66666666666666 223.33333333333334, 255 380)),\
                         POLYGON ((340 240, 340 50, 247 50, 183.51851851851853 208.7037037037037, 340 240)))")
                            .expect("Invalid geometry");

let mut voronoi = input.voronoi(None::<&Geometry>, 6., false)
                       .expect("voronoi failed");

expected.normalize().expect("normalize failed");
voronoi.normalize().expect("normalize failed");

assert_eq!(expected.equals(&voronoi), Ok(true));

fn intersection<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns a geometry representing the intersection between self and other.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let mut geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(0 0)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let mut geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(2 0, 0 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");

let intersection_geom = geom1.intersection(&geom2).expect("intersection failed");

// No intersection.
assert_eq!(intersection_geom.is_empty(), Ok(true));

// We slighty change the linestring so we have an intersection:
let mut geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(0 0, 0 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");

let intersection_geom = geom1.intersection(&geom2).expect("intersection failed");

// Intersection!
assert_eq!(intersection_geom.to_wkt_precision(1).unwrap(), "POINT (0.0 0.0)");

fn convex_hull(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Documentation from postgis:

The convex hull of a geometry represents the minimum convex geometry that encloses all geometries within the set.

One can think of the convex hull as the geometry you get by wrapping an elastic band around a set of geometries. This is different from a concave hull which is analogous to shrink-wrapping your geometries.

It is usually used with MULTI and Geometry Collections. Although it is not an aggregate - you can use it in conjunction with ST_Collect to get the convex hull of a set of points. ST_ConvexHull(ST_Collect(somepointfield)).

It is often used to determine an affected area based on a set of point observations.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let mut geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("MULTILINESTRING((100 190,10 8),
                                                        (150 10, 20 30))")
                         .expect("Invalid geometry");
let mut geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("MULTIPOINT(50 5, 150 30, 50 10, 10 10)")
                         .expect("Invalid geometry");

let geom = geom1.union(&geom2).expect("union failed");
let convex_hull_geom = geom.convex_hull().expect("convex_hull failed");

           "POLYGON ((50.0 5.0, 10.0 8.0, 10.0 10.0, 100.0 190.0, 150.0 30.0, 150.0 10.0, 50.0 5.0))");

fn boundary(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of self.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(1 1,0 0, -1 1)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let boundary_geom = geom.boundary().expect("boundary failed");

assert_eq!(boundary_geom.to_wkt_precision(1).unwrap(), "MULTIPOINT (1.0 1.0, -1.0 1.0)");

fn has_z(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if self has a Z coordinate.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(1 2 3)").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom.has_z(), Ok(true));

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(1 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom.has_z(), Ok(false));

fn is_closed(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

Expand description

Returns true if start and end point are coincident.

Only works on LineString and MultiLineString.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom.is_closed(), Ok(false));

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 0 0)").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom.is_closed(), Ok(true));

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 0 0),(0 0, 1 1))")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom.is_closed(), Ok(false));

fn length(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the length of self. The unit depends of the SRID.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(743238 2967416,743238 2967450)")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");

    geom.length().map(|x| format!("{:.2}", x)).unwrap(),

fn distance<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the distance between self and other. The unit depends of the SRID.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (1 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.distance(&geom2).map(|x| format!("{:.2}", x)).unwrap(), "1.00");

fn distance_indexed<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the indexed distance between self and other. The unit depends of the SRID.

Available using the v3_7_0 feature.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (1 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.distance_indexed(&geom2).map(|x| format!("{:.2}", x)).unwrap(), "1.00");

fn hausdorff_distance<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the hausdorff distance between self and other. The unit depends of the SRID.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (1 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.hausdorff_distance(&geom2).map(|x| format!("{:.2}", x)).unwrap(), "1.00");

fn hausdorff_distance_densify<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    other: &G,
    distance_frac: f64
) -> GResult<f64>

Expand description

Returns the hausdorff distance between self and other. The unit depends of the SRID.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (1 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2 2)").expect("Invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.hausdorff_distance_densify(&geom2, 1.).map(|x| format!("{:.2}", x))
                                                       .unwrap(), "1.00");

fn frechet_distance<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the frechet distance between self and other. The unit depends of the SRID.

Available using the v3_7_0 feature.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING (0 0, 100 0)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING (0 0, 50 50, 100 0)").expect("Invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.frechet_distance(&geom2).map(|x| format!("{:.2}", x)).unwrap(), "70.71");

fn frechet_distance_densify<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    other: &G,
    distance_frac: f64
) -> GResult<f64>

Expand description

Returns the frechet distance between self and other. The unit depends of the SRID.

Available using the v3_7_0 feature.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING (0 0, 100 0)").expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING (0 0, 50 50, 100 0)").expect("Invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom1.frechet_distance_densify(&geom2, 1.).map(|x| format!("{:.2}", x))
                                                     .unwrap(), "70.71");

fn get_length(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the length of the given geometry.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING (1 2, 3 4, 5 6)")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom.get_length().map(|x| format!("{:.2}", x)).unwrap(), "5.66");

fn snap<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    other: &G,
    tolerance: f64
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

Expand description

Documentation from postgis:

Snaps the vertices and segments of a geometry another Geometry’s vertices. A snap distance tolerance is used to control where snapping is performed. The result geometry is the input geometry with the vertices snapped. If no snapping occurs then the input geometry is returned unchanged.

Snapping one geometry to another can improve robustness for overlay operations by eliminating nearly-coincident edges (which cause problems during noding and intersection calculation).

Too much snapping can result in invalid topology being created, so the number and location of snapped vertices is decided using heuristics to determine when it is safe to snap. This can result in some potential snaps being omitted, however.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("MULTIPOLYGON(((26 125, 26 200, 126 200, 126 125, 26 125),
                                                  (51 150, 101 150, 76 175, 51 150)),
                                                 ((151 100, 151 200, 176 175, 151 100)))")
                     .expect("Invalid geometry");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(5 107, 54 84, 101 100)")
                     .expect("Invalid geometry");

let distance = geom1.distance(&geom2).expect("distance failed");
let snap_geom = geom1.snap(&geom2, distance * 1.25).expect("snap failed");

           "MULTIPOLYGON (((5.0 107.0, 26.0 200.0, 126.0 200.0, 126.0 125.0, 101.0 100.0, 54.0 84.0, 5.0 107.0), \
                           (51.0 150.0, 101.0 150.0, 76.0 175.0, 51.0 150.0)), \
                          ((151.0 100.0, 151.0 200.0, 176.0 175.0, 151.0 100.0)))");

fn extract_unique_points(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns unique points of self.

fn nearest_points<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<CoordSeq<'a>>[src]

fn get_x(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the X position. The given Geometry must be a Point, otherwise it’ll fail.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (1.5 2.5 3.5)").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert!(point_geom.get_x() == Ok(1.5));

fn get_y(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the Y position. The given Geometry must be a Point, otherwise it’ll fail.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (1.5 2.5 3.5)").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert!(point_geom.get_y() == Ok(2.5));

fn get_z(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the Z position. The given Geometry must be a Point, otherwise it’ll fail.

Available using the v3_7_0 feature.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5 4.0)").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert!(point_geom.get_z() == Ok(4.0));

fn get_point_n(&self, n: usize) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns the nth point of the given geometry.

The given Geometry must be a LineString, otherwise it’ll fail.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING (1 2, 3 4, 5 6)")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
let nth_point = geom.get_point_n(1).expect("get_point_n failed");

assert_eq!(nth_point.to_wkt_precision(1).unwrap(), "POINT (3.0 4.0)");

fn get_start_point(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns the start point of self.

The given Geometry must be a LineString, otherwise it’ll fail.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING (1 2, 3 4)")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
let start_point = geom.get_start_point().expect("get_start_point failed");

assert_eq!(start_point.to_wkt_precision(1).unwrap(), "POINT (1.0 2.0)");

fn get_end_point(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns the end point of self.

The given Geometry must be a LineString, otherwise it’ll fail.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING (1 2, 3 4)")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
let end_point = geom.get_end_point().expect("get_end_point failed");

assert_eq!(end_point.to_wkt_precision(1).unwrap(), "POINT (3.0 4.0)");

fn get_num_points(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

Expand description

Returns the number of points of self.

The given Geometry must be a LineString, otherwise it’ll fail.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING (1 2, 3 4)")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom.get_num_points(), Ok(2));

fn get_num_interior_rings(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

Expand description

Returns the number of interior rings.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON((0 0, 10 0, 10 6, 0 6, 0 0),\
                                           (1 1, 2 1, 2 5, 1 5, 1 1),\
                                           (8 5, 8 4, 9 4, 9 5, 8 5))")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom.get_num_interior_rings(), Ok(2));

fn get_num_coordinates(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

Expand description

Returns the number of coordinates inside self.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON((0 0, 10 0, 10 6, 0 6, 0 0))")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom.get_num_coordinates(), Ok(5));

fn get_num_dimensions(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

Expand description

Returns the number of dimensions used in self.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON((0 0, 10 0, 10 6, 0 6, 0 0))")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");

assert_eq!(geom.get_num_dimensions(), Ok(2));

fn get_coordinate_dimension(&self) -> GResult<Dimensions>[src]

Expand description

Return in which coordinate dimension the geometry is.


use geos::{Dimensions, Geom, Geometry};

let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5 4.0)").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert!(point_geom.get_coordinate_dimension() == Ok(Dimensions::ThreeD));

let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 4.0)").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert!(point_geom.get_coordinate_dimension() == Ok(Dimensions::TwoD));

fn make_valid(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

This functions attempts to return a valid representation of self.

Available using the v3_8_0 feature.

fn get_num_geometries(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

Expand description

Returns the number of geometries.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(77.29 29.07,77.42 29.26,77.27 29.31,77.29 29.07)")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom.get_num_geometries(), Ok(1));

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(MULTIPOINT(-2 3 , -2 2),\
                                                      LINESTRING(5 5 ,10 10),\
                                                      POLYGON((-7 4.2,-7.1 5,-7.1 4.3,-7 4.2)))")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(geom.get_num_geometries(), Ok(3));

fn get_srid(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

Expand description

Get SRID of self.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let mut point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5 4.0)")
                              .expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(point_geom.get_srid(), Ok(4326));

fn get_precision(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the precision of self.

Available using the v3_6_0 feature.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5 4.0)").expect("Invalid geometry");
assert_eq!(point_geom.get_precision().map(|x| format!("{:.2}", x)).unwrap(), "0.00");

fn set_precision(
    grid_size: f64,
    flags: Precision
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

Expand description

Returns the precision of self.

Available using the v3_6_0 feature.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry, Precision};

let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5 4.0)").expect("Invalid geometry");

point_geom.set_precision(1., Precision::KeepCollapsed);
assert_eq!(point_geom.get_precision().map(|x| format!("{:.2}", x)).unwrap(), "0.00");

fn get_x_max(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the biggest X of the geometry.

Available using the v3_7_0 feature.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let line = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(1 3 4, 5 6 7)").expect("Invalid WKT");
assert_eq!(line.get_x_max(), Ok(5.));

fn get_x_min(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the smallest X of the geometry.

Available using the v3_7_0 feature.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let line = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(1 3 4, 5 6 7)").expect("Invalid WKT");
assert_eq!(line.get_x_min(), Ok(1.));

fn get_y_max(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the biggest Y of the geometry.

Available using the v3_7_0 feature.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let line = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(1 3 4, 5 6 7)").expect("Invalid WKT");
assert_eq!(line.get_y_max(), Ok(6.));

fn get_y_min(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the smallest Y of the geometry.

Available using the v3_7_0 feature.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let line = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(1 3 4, 5 6 7)").expect("Invalid WKT");
assert_eq!(line.get_y_min(), Ok(3.));

fn minimum_clearance(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

Expand description

Returns the smallest distance by which a vertex of self could be moved to produce an invalid geometry.

Available using the v3_6_0 feature.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("LINESTRING(1 3 4, 5 6 7)").expect("Invalid WKT");
assert_eq!(geom.minimum_clearance().map(|x| format!("{:.8}", x)).unwrap(), "5.00000000");

fn minimum_clearance_line(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns the two-point LineString spanning of self’s minimum clearance.

Available using the v3_6_0 feature.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON ((0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0.5 3.2e-4, 0 0))")
                    .expect("Invalid WKT");
let line = geom.minimum_clearance_line().expect("minimum_clearance_line failed");
assert_eq!(line.to_wkt_precision(1).unwrap(), "LINESTRING (0.5 0.0, 0.5 0.0)");

fn minimum_rotated_rectangle(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns the minimum rotated rectangle inside of self.

Available using the v3_6_0 feature.

fn minimum_width(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Returns the minimum width inside of self.

Available using the v3_6_0 feature.

fn delaunay_triangulation(
    tolerance: f64,
    only_edges: bool
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

Expand description

Returns a delaunay triangulation around the vertices of self.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom1 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON((175 150, 20 40, 50 60, 125 100, 175 150))")
                     .expect("Invalid WKT");
let geom2 = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT(110 170)").expect("Invalid WKT");
let geom2 = geom2.buffer(20., 8).expect("buffer failed");

let geom = geom1.union(&geom2).expect("union failed");

let final_geom = geom.delaunay_triangulation(0.001, false).expect("delaunay_triangulation failed");

fn interpolate(&self, d: f64) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn interpolate_normalized(&self, d: f64) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn project<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, p: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn project_normalized<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, p: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn node(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn offset_curve(
    width: f64,
    quadrant_segments: i32,
    join_style: JoinStyle,
    mitre_limit: f64
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

Expand description

Return an offset line at a given distance and side from an input line. All points of the returned geometries are not further than the given distance from the input geometry.

Parameters description:


  • If width is positive, the offset will be at the left side of the input line and retain the same direction.
  • If width is negative, it’ll be at the right side and in the opposite direction.


  • If quadrant_segments is >= 1, joins are round, and quadrant_segments indicates the number of segments to use to approximate a quarter-circle.
  • If quadrant_segments == 0, joins are bevelled (flat).
  • If quadrant_segments < 0, joins are mitred, and the value of quadrant_segments indicates the mitre ration limit as mitre_limit = |quadrant_segments|


The mitre ratio is the ratio of the distance from the corner to the end of the mitred offset corner. When two line segments meet at a sharp angle, a miter join will extend far beyond the original geometry (and in the extreme case will be infinitely far). To prevent unreasonable geometry, the mitre limit allows controlling the maximum length of the join corner. Corners with a ratio which exceed the limit will be beveled.

fn point_on_surface(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn polygonize_full(
) -> GResult<(Geometry<'a>, Option<Geometry<'a>>, Option<Geometry<'a>>, Option<Geometry<'a>>)>

Expand description

Returns, in the tuple elements order:

  1. The polygonized geometry.
  2. The cuts geometries collection.
  3. The dangles geometries collection.
  4. The invalid geometries collection.

fn shared_paths<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn to_hex(&self) -> GResult<CVec<u8>>[src]

Expand description

Converts a Geometry to the HEX format. For more control over the generated output, use the [WKBWriter] type.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5)")
                          .expect("Invalid geometry");
let hex_buf = point_geom.to_hex().expect("conversion to WKB failed");

fn to_wkb(&self) -> GResult<CVec<u8>>[src]

Expand description

Converts a Geometry to the WKB format. For more control over the generated output, use the [WKBWriter] type.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5)")
                          .expect("Invalid geometry");
let wkb_buf = point_geom.to_wkb().expect("conversion to WKB failed");

fn to_prepared_geom(&self) -> GResult<PreparedGeometry<'a>>[src]

Expand description

Creates a new PreparedGeometry from the current Geometry.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POINT (2.5 2.5)")
                          .expect("Invalid geometry");
let prepared_geom = point_geom.to_prepared_geom().expect("failed to create prepared geom");

fn clone(&self) -> Geometry<'a>[src]

Expand description

Also passes the context to the newly created Geometry.

fn get_geometry_n<'c>(&'c self, n: usize) -> GResult<ConstGeometry<'a, 'c>>[src]

Expand description

Returns the 1-based nth geometry.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("MULTIPOINT(1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4)")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
let point_nb3 = geom
    .expect("failed to get third point");
    "POINT (3.0000000000000000 3.0000000000000000)",

fn get_interior_ring_n<'c>(&'c self, n: u32) -> GResult<ConstGeometry<'a, 'c>>[src]

Expand description

Returns the nth interior ring.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON((0 0, 10 0, 10 6, 0 6, 0 0),\
                                           (1 1, 2 1, 2 5, 1 5, 1 1),\
                                           (8 5, 8 4, 9 4, 9 5, 8 5))")
                    .expect("Invalid geometry");
let interior = geom
    .expect("failed to get interior ring");
           "LINEARRING (1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000, \
                        2.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000, \
                        2.0000000000000000 5.0000000000000000, \
                        1.0000000000000000 5.0000000000000000, \
                        1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000)");

fn get_exterior_ring<'c>(&'c self) -> GResult<ConstGeometry<'a, 'c>>[src]

Expand description

Returns the exterior ring.


use geos::{Geom, Geometry};

let point_geom = Geometry::new_from_wkt("POLYGON((0 0, 10 0, 10 6, 0 6, 0 0),\
                                              (1 1, 2 1, 2 5, 1 5, 1 1))")
                          .expect("Invalid geometry");

let exterior = point_geom
    .expect("failed to get exterior ring");
           "LINEARRING (0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000, \
                        10.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000, \
                        10.0000000000000000 6.0000000000000000, \
                        0.0000000000000000 6.0000000000000000, \
                        0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000)");
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impl<'a> Geom<'a> for Geometry<'a>[src]

fn get_type(&self) -> GResult<String>[src]

fn geometry_type(&self) -> GeometryTypes[src]

fn is_valid(&self) -> bool[src]

fn is_valid_reason(&self) -> GResult<String>[src]

fn get_coord_seq(&self) -> GResult<CoordSeq<'a>>[src]

fn area(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn to_wkt(&self) -> GResult<String>[src]

fn to_wkt_precision(&self, precision: u32) -> GResult<String>[src]

fn is_ring(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn intersects<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn crosses<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn disjoint<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn touches<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn overlaps<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn within<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn equals<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn equals_exact<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    other: &G,
    precision: f64
) -> GResult<bool>

fn covers<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn covered_by<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn contains<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn buffer(&self, width: f64, quadsegs: i32) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn is_empty(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn is_simple(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn difference<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn envelope(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn sym_difference<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn union<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn get_centroid(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn unary_union(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn voronoi<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    envelope: Option<&G>,
    tolerance: f64,
    only_edges: bool
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

fn intersection<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn convex_hull(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn boundary(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn has_z(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn is_closed(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn length(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn distance<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn distance_indexed<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn hausdorff_distance<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn hausdorff_distance_densify<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    other: &G,
    distance_frac: f64
) -> GResult<f64>

fn frechet_distance<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn frechet_distance_densify<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    other: &G,
    distance_frac: f64
) -> GResult<f64>

fn get_length(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn snap<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    other: &G,
    tolerance: f64
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

fn extract_unique_points(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn nearest_points<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<CoordSeq<'a>>[src]

fn get_x(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn get_y(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn get_z(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn get_point_n(&self, n: usize) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn get_start_point(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn get_end_point(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn get_num_points(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

fn get_num_interior_rings(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

fn get_num_coordinates(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

fn get_num_dimensions(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

fn get_coordinate_dimension(&self) -> GResult<Dimensions>[src]

fn make_valid(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn get_num_geometries(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

fn get_srid(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

fn get_precision(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn set_precision(
    grid_size: f64,
    flags: Precision
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

fn get_x_max(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn get_x_min(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn get_y_max(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn get_y_min(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn minimum_clearance(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn minimum_clearance_line(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn minimum_rotated_rectangle(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn minimum_width(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn delaunay_triangulation(
    tolerance: f64,
    only_edges: bool
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

fn interpolate(&self, d: f64) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn interpolate_normalized(&self, d: f64) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn project<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, p: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn project_normalized<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, p: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn node(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn offset_curve(
    width: f64,
    quadrant_segments: i32,
    join_style: JoinStyle,
    mitre_limit: f64
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

fn point_on_surface(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn polygonize_full(
) -> GResult<(Geometry<'a>, Option<Geometry<'a>>, Option<Geometry<'a>>, Option<Geometry<'a>>)>

fn shared_paths<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn to_hex(&self) -> GResult<CVec<u8>>[src]

fn to_wkb(&self) -> GResult<CVec<u8>>[src]

fn to_prepared_geom(&self) -> GResult<PreparedGeometry<'a>>[src]

fn clone(&self) -> Geometry<'a>[src]

fn get_geometry_n<'c>(&'c self, n: usize) -> GResult<ConstGeometry<'a, 'c>>[src]

fn get_interior_ring_n<'c>(&'c self, n: u32) -> GResult<ConstGeometry<'a, 'c>>[src]

fn get_exterior_ring<'c>(&'c self) -> GResult<ConstGeometry<'a, 'c>>[src]

impl<'a, 'd> Geom<'a> for ConstGeometry<'a, 'd>[src]

fn get_type(&self) -> GResult<String>[src]

fn geometry_type(&self) -> GeometryTypes[src]

fn is_valid(&self) -> bool[src]

fn is_valid_reason(&self) -> GResult<String>[src]

fn get_coord_seq(&self) -> GResult<CoordSeq<'a>>[src]

fn area(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn to_wkt(&self) -> GResult<String>[src]

fn to_wkt_precision(&self, precision: u32) -> GResult<String>[src]

fn is_ring(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn intersects<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn crosses<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn disjoint<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn touches<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn overlaps<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn within<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn equals<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn equals_exact<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    other: &G,
    precision: f64
) -> GResult<bool>

fn covers<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn covered_by<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn contains<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn buffer(&self, width: f64, quadsegs: i32) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn is_empty(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn is_simple(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn difference<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn envelope(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn sym_difference<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn union<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn get_centroid(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn unary_union(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn voronoi<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    envelope: Option<&G>,
    tolerance: f64,
    only_edges: bool
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

fn intersection<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn convex_hull(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn boundary(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn has_z(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn is_closed(&self) -> GResult<bool>[src]

fn length(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn distance<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn distance_indexed<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn hausdorff_distance<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn hausdorff_distance_densify<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    other: &G,
    distance_frac: f64
) -> GResult<f64>

fn frechet_distance<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn frechet_distance_densify<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    other: &G,
    distance_frac: f64
) -> GResult<f64>

fn get_length(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn snap<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(
    other: &G,
    tolerance: f64
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

fn extract_unique_points(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn nearest_points<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<CoordSeq<'a>>[src]

fn get_x(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn get_y(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn get_z(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn get_point_n(&self, n: usize) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn get_start_point(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn get_end_point(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn get_num_points(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

fn get_num_interior_rings(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

fn get_num_coordinates(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

fn get_num_dimensions(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

fn get_coordinate_dimension(&self) -> GResult<Dimensions>[src]

fn make_valid(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn get_num_geometries(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

fn get_srid(&self) -> GResult<usize>[src]

fn get_precision(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn set_precision(
    grid_size: f64,
    flags: Precision
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

fn get_x_max(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn get_x_min(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn get_y_max(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn get_y_min(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn minimum_clearance(&self) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn minimum_clearance_line(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn minimum_rotated_rectangle(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn minimum_width(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn delaunay_triangulation(
    tolerance: f64,
    only_edges: bool
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

fn interpolate(&self, d: f64) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn interpolate_normalized(&self, d: f64) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn project<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, p: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn project_normalized<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, p: &G) -> GResult<f64>[src]

fn node(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn offset_curve(
    width: f64,
    quadrant_segments: i32,
    join_style: JoinStyle,
    mitre_limit: f64
) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>

fn point_on_surface(&self) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn polygonize_full(
) -> GResult<(Geometry<'a>, Option<Geometry<'a>>, Option<Geometry<'a>>, Option<Geometry<'a>>)>

fn shared_paths<'b, G: Geom<'b>>(&self, other: &G) -> GResult<Geometry<'a>>[src]

fn to_hex(&self) -> GResult<CVec<u8>>[src]

fn to_wkb(&self) -> GResult<CVec<u8>>[src]

fn to_prepared_geom(&self) -> GResult<PreparedGeometry<'a>>[src]

fn clone(&self) -> Geometry<'a>[src]

fn get_geometry_n<'c>(&'c self, n: usize) -> GResult<ConstGeometry<'a, 'c>>[src]

fn get_interior_ring_n<'c>(&'c self, n: u32) -> GResult<ConstGeometry<'a, 'c>>[src]

fn get_exterior_ring<'c>(&'c self) -> GResult<ConstGeometry<'a, 'c>>[src]

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