Expand description

This module includes all the functions of geometric calculations


pub use kernels::HasKernel;
pub use kernels::Kernel;
pub use kernels::Orientation;
pub use area::Area;
pub use bearing::Bearing;
pub use bool_ops::BooleanOps;
pub use bool_ops::OpType;
pub use bounding_rect::BoundingRect;
pub use centroid::Centroid;
pub use chaikin_smoothing::ChaikinSmoothing;
pub use chamberlain_duquette_area::ChamberlainDuquetteArea;
pub use closest_point::ClosestPoint;
pub use concave_hull::ConcaveHull;
pub use contains::Contains;
pub use convert::Convert;
pub use convert::TryConvert;
pub use convex_hull::ConvexHull;
pub use coordinate_position::CoordinatePosition;
pub use coords_iter::CoordsIter;
pub use densify::Densify;
pub use dimensions::HasDimensions;
pub use euclidean_distance::EuclideanDistance;
pub use euclidean_length::EuclideanLength;
pub use extremes::Extremes;
pub use frechet_distance::FrechetDistance;
pub use geodesic_distance::GeodesicDistance;
pub use geodesic_intermediate::GeodesicIntermediate;
pub use geodesic_length::GeodesicLength;
pub use haversine_destination::HaversineDestination;
pub use haversine_distance::HaversineDistance;
pub use haversine_intermediate::HaversineIntermediate;
pub use haversine_length::HaversineLength;
pub use interior_point::InteriorPoint;
pub use intersects::Intersects;
pub use is_convex::IsConvex;
pub use k_nearest_concave_hull::KNearestConcaveHull;
pub use line_interpolate_point::LineInterpolatePoint;
pub use line_intersection::LineIntersection;
pub use line_locate_point::LineLocatePoint;
pub use lines_iter::LinesIter;
pub use orient::Orient;
pub use relate::Relate;
pub use rotate::Rotate;
pub use scale::Scale;
pub use skew::Skew;
pub use affine_ops::AffineOps;
pub use affine_ops::AffineTransform;
pub use simplify::Simplify;
pub use simplify::SimplifyIdx;
pub use simplifyvw::SimplifyVW;
pub use simplifyvw::SimplifyVWPreserve;
pub use simplifyvw::SimplifyVwIdx;
pub use translate::Translate;
pub use vincenty_distance::VincentyDistance;
pub use vincenty_length::VincentyLength;
pub use winding_order::Winding;
pub use within::Within;


Composable affine operations such as rotate, scale, skew, and translate

Calculate the area of the surface of a Geometry.

Calculate the bearing to another Point, in degrees.

Boolean Ops such as union, xor, difference;

Calculate the bounding rectangle of a Geometry.

Calculate the centroid of a Geometry.

Smoothen LineString, Polygon, MultiLineString and MultiPolygon using Chaikins algorithm.

Calculate the signed approximate geodesic area of a Geometry.

Calculate the closest Point between a Geometry and an input Point.

Calculate the concave hull of a Geometry.

Determine whether Geometry A completely encloses Geometry B.

Convert the type of a geometry’s coordinate value.

Calculate the convex hull of a Geometry.

Determine whether a Coordinate lies inside, outside, or on the boundary of a geometry.

Iterate over geometry coordinates.

Densify linear geometry components

Dimensionality of a geometry and its boundary, based on OGC-SFA.

Calculate the minimum Euclidean distance between two Geometries.

Calculate the length of a planar line between two Geometries.

Calculate the extreme coordinates and indices of a geometry.

Calculate the Frechet distance between two LineStrings.

Calculate the Geodesic distance between two Points.

Calculate a new Point lying on a Geodesic arc between two Points.

Calculate the Geodesic length of a line.

Calculate a destination Point, given a distance and a bearing.

Calculate the Haversine distance between two Geometries.

Calculate a new Point lying on a Great Circle arc between two Points.

Calculate the Haversine length of a Line.

Calculate a representative Point inside a Geometry

Determine whether Geometry A intersects Geometry B.

Determines whether a LineString is convex.

Calculate concave hull using k-nearest algorithm

Kernels to compute various predicates

Interpolate a point along a Line or LineString.

Computes the intersection of two Lines.

Locate a point along a Line or LineString.

Iterate over the lines in a geometry.

Apply a function to all Coordinates of a Geometry.

Orient a Polygon’s exterior and interior rings.

Relate two geometries based on DE-9IM

Rotate a Geometry by an angle given in degrees.

Scale a Geometry up or down by a factor

Simplify Geometries using the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm.

Simplify Geometries using the Visvalingam-Whyatt algorithm. Includes a topology-preserving variant.

Skew a Geometry by shearing it at angles along the x and y dimensions

Planar sweep algorithm and related utils

Translate a Geometry along the given offsets.

Calculate the Vincenty distance between two Points.

Calculate the Vincenty length of a LineString.

Calculate and work with the winding order of Linestrings.

Determine whether Geometry A is completely within by Geometry B.


Map a function over all the coordinates in an object, returning a new one

Map a function over all the coordinates in an object in place


Map a fallible function over all the coordinates in a geometry, returning a Result