[][src]Macro genco::prelude::quote

quote!() { /* proc-macro */ }

Language neutral whitespace sensitive quasi-quoting.

use genco::prelude::*;

let hash_map = &dart::import("dart:collection", "HashMap");

let tokens: dart::Tokens = quote! {
    print_greeting(String name) {
        print(#_(Hello $(name)));

    #hash_map<int, String> map() {
        return new #hash_map<int, String>();

println!("{}", tokens.to_file_string()?);


Variables are interpolated using #, so to include the variable test, you could write #test. Interpolated variables implements FormatInto.

Expressions can be interpolated with #(<expr>).

Note: # can be escaped by repeating it twice. So ## would produce a single # token.

use genco::prelude::*;

let hash_map = rust::import("std::collections", "HashMap");

let tokens: rust::Tokens = quote! {
    struct Quoted {
        field: #hash_map<u32, u32>,

        "use std::collections::HashMap;",
        "struct Quoted {",
        "    field: HashMap<u32, u32>,",

Expressions interpolated with #(<expr>).

use genco::prelude::*;

let tokens: genco::Tokens = quote! {
    hello #("world".to_uppercase())

assert_eq!("hello WORLD", tokens.to_string()?);

Interpolations are evaluated in the same scope as the macro, so you can freely make use of the try keyword (?) when appropriate.

use std::error::Error;

use genco::prelude::*;

fn age_fn(age: &str) -> Result<rust::Tokens, Box<dyn Error>> {
    Ok(quote! {
        fn age() {
            println!("You are {} years old!", #(str::parse::<u32>(age)?));

Escape Sequences

Because this macro is whitespace sensitive, it might sometimes be necessary to provide hints of where they should be inserted.

quote! trims any trailing and leading whitespace that it sees. So quote!(Hello ) is the same as quote!(Hello). To include a space at the end, we can use the special #<space> escape sequence: quote!(Hello#<space>).

The available escape sequences are:

  • #<space> — Inserts a space between tokens. This corresponds to the Tokens::space function.

  • #<push> — Inserts a push operation. Push operations makes sure that any following tokens are on their own dedicated line. This corresponds to the Tokens::push function.

  • #<line> — Inserts a forced line. Line operations makes sure that any following tokens have an empty line separating them. This corresponds to the Tokens::line function.

use genco::prelude::*;

let numbers = 3..=5;

let tokens: Tokens<()> = quote!(foo#<push>bar#<line>baz#<space>biz);

assert_eq!("foo\nbar\n\nbaz biz", tokens.to_string()?);

String Quoting

Literal strings like "hello" are automatically quoted for the target language according to its Lang::write_quoted implementation.

use genco::prelude::*;

let tokens: java::Tokens = quote! {
    "hello world 😊"
    #(quoted("hello world 😊"))
    #("\"hello world 😊\"")
    #_(hello world #("😊"))

        "\"hello world \\ud83d\\ude0a\"",
        "\"hello world \\ud83d\\ude0a\"",
        "\"hello world 😊\"",
        "\"hello world \\ud83d\\ude0a\"",

Efficient String Quoting

It's worth investigating the different forms of tokens produced by the above example.

  • The first one is a static quoted string.
  • The second one is a boxed quoted string, who's content will be copied and is stored on the heap.
  • The third one is a static literal which bypasses language quoting entirely.
  • Finally the fourth one is an interpolated string. They are really neat, and will be covered more in the next section. It's worth noting that #("😊") is used, because 😊 is not a valid identifier in Rust. So this example showcases how strings can be directly embedded in an interpolation.

Here you can see the items produced by the macro.

use genco::tokens::{Item, ItemStr};

        Item::Literal(ItemStr::Static("hello world 😊")),
        Item::Literal(ItemStr::Box("hello world 😊".into())),
        Item::Literal(ItemStr::Static("\"hello world 😊\"")),
        Item::Literal(ItemStr::Static("hello world 😊")),

Quoted String Interpolation

Some languages support interpolating values into strings.

Examples of this are:

The quote! macro supports this through #_(<content>). This will produce literal strings with the appropriate language-specific quoting and string interpolation formats used.

Interpolated values are specified with $(<quoted>). And $ itself is escaped by repeating it twice through $$. The <quoted> section is interpreted the same as in the quote! macro, but is whitespace sensitive. This means that $(foo) is not the same as $(foo ) since the latter will have a space preserved at the end.

Raw items can be interpolated with #(<expr>) or #<ident>. Escaping # is done similarly with ##. Note that [control flow][#control-flow] is not supported inside of quoted strings.

use genco::prelude::*;

let smile = "😊";

let t: dart::Tokens = quote!(#_(Hello #smile $(world)));
assert_eq!("\"Hello 😊 $world\"", t.to_string()?);

let t: dart::Tokens = quote!(#_(Hello #smile $(a + b)));
assert_eq!("\"Hello 😊 ${a + b}\"", t.to_string()?);

let t: js::Tokens = quote!(#_(Hello #smile $(world)));
assert_eq!("`Hello 😊 ${world}`", t.to_string()?);

Control Flow

quote! provides some limited mechanisms for control flow inside of the macro for convenience. The supported mechanisms are:

  • Loops - #(for <bindings> in <expr> [join (<quoted>)] => <quoted>).
  • Conditionals - #(if <pattern> => <quoted>).
  • Match Statements - #(match <expr> { [<pattern> => <quoted>,]* }).


To repeat a pattern you can use #(for <bindings> in <expr> { <quoted> }), where is an iterator.

It is also possible to use the more compact #(for <bindings> in <expr> => <quoted>) (note the arrow).

<quoted> will be treated as a quoted expression, so anything which works during regular quoting will work here as well, with the addition that anything defined in <bindings> will be made available to the statement.

use genco::prelude::*;

let numbers = 3..=5;

let tokens: Tokens<()> = quote! {
    Your numbers are: #(for n in numbers => #n#<space>)

assert_eq!("Your numbers are: 3 4 5", tokens.to_string()?);

Joining Loops

You can add join (<quoted>) to the end of a repitition specification.

The expression specified in join (<quoted>) is added between each element produced by the loop.

Note: The argument to join us whitespace sensitive, so leading and trailing is preserved. join (,) and join (, ) would therefore produce different results.

use genco::prelude::*;

let numbers = 3..=5;

let tokens: Tokens<()> = quote! {
    Your numbers are: #(for n in numbers join (, ) => #n).

assert_eq!("Your numbers are: 3, 4, 5.", tokens.to_string()?);


You can specify a conditional with #(if <pattern> => <then>) where is an pattern or expression evaluating to a bool, and <then> is a quoted expressions.

It's also possible to specify a condition with an else branch, by using #(if <pattern> { <then> } else { <else> }). <else> is also a quoted expression.

use genco::prelude::*;

fn greeting(hello: bool, name: &str) -> Tokens<()> {
    quote!(Custom Greeting: #(if hello {
        Hello #name
    } else {
        Goodbye #name

let tokens = greeting(true, "John");
assert_eq!("Custom Greeting: Hello John", tokens.to_string()?);

let tokens = greeting(false, "John");
assert_eq!("Custom Greeting: Goodbye John", tokens.to_string()?);

The <else> branch is optional, so the following is a valid expression that if false, won't result in any tokens:

use genco::prelude::*;

fn greeting(hello: bool, name: &str) -> Tokens<()> {
    quote!(Custom Greeting:#(if hello {
        #<space>Hello #name

let tokens = greeting(true, "John");
assert_eq!("Custom Greeting: Hello John", tokens.to_string()?);

let tokens = greeting(false, "John");
assert_eq!("Custom Greeting:", tokens.to_string()?);

Match Statements

You can specify a match statement with #(match <expr> { [<pattern> => <quoted>,]* }, where is an evaluated expression that is match against each subsequent . If a pattern matches, the arm with the matching <quoted> block is evaluated.

use genco::prelude::*;

enum Greeting {

fn greeting(greeting: Greeting, name: &str) -> Tokens<()> {
    quote!(Custom Greeting: #(match greeting {
        Greeting::Hello => Hello #name,
        Greeting::Goodbye => Goodbye #name,

let tokens = greeting(Greeting::Hello, "John");
assert_eq!("Custom Greeting: Hello John", tokens.to_string()?);

let tokens = greeting(Greeting::Goodbye, "John");
assert_eq!("Custom Greeting: Goodbye John", tokens.to_string()?);


You can use #(ref <binding> { <expr> }) to gain mutable access to the active token stream. This is an alternative to existing control flow operators if you want to run something custom during evaluation.

For a more compact variant you can omit the braces with #(ref <binding> => <expr>).

use genco::prelude::*;

fn quote_greeting(surname: &str, lastname: Option<&str>) -> rust::Tokens {
    quote! {
        Hello #surname#(ref toks {
            if let Some(lastname) = lastname {

assert_eq!("Hello John", quote_greeting("John", None).to_string()?);
assert_eq!("Hello John Doe", quote_greeting("John", Some("Doe")).to_string()?);

Whitespace Detection

The quote! macro has the following rules for dealing with indentation and spacing.

Spaces — Two tokens that are separated, are spaced. Regardless of how many spaces there are between them. This can also be controlled manually by inserting the #<space> escape in the token stream.

use genco::prelude::*;

let tokens: rust::Tokens = quote! {
    fn     test()     {
        println!("Hello... ");


        "fn test() {",
        "    println!(\"Hello... \");",
        "    println!(\"World!\");",

Line breaking — Line breaks are detected by leaving two empty lines between two tokens. This can also be controlled manually by inserting the #<line> escape in the token stream.

use genco::prelude::*;

let tokens: rust::Tokens = quote! {
    fn test() {
        println!("Hello... ");


        "fn test() {",
        "    println!(\"Hello... \");",
        "    println!(\"World!\");",

Indentation — Indentation is determined on a row-by-row basis. If a column is further in than the one on the preceeding row, it is indented one level deeper.

If a column starts shallower than a previous row, it will be matched against previously known indentation levels.

All indentations inserted during the macro will be unrolled at the end of it. So any trailing indentations will be matched by unindentations.

use genco::prelude::*;

let tokens: rust::Tokens = quote! {
    fn test() {
            println!("Hello... ");


        "fn test() {",
        "    println!(\"Hello... \");",
        "    println!(\"World!\");",

A mismatched indentation would result in an error:

This example deliberately fails to compile
use genco::prelude::*;

let tokens: rust::Tokens = quote! {
    fn test() {
            println!("Hello... ");

---- src\lib.rs -  (line 150) stdout ----
error: expected 4 less spaces of indentation
--> src\lib.rs:157:9
10 |         println!("World!");
   |         ^^^^^^^