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Gemini Status Codes

This module contains types to represent Gemini response statuses, construct them from numbers or byte-strings, as well as to process them by Category to allow for “simple but complete” clients and servers as mentioned in the Gemini spec.


use gemini::{Category, Status};

assert_eq!(Status::from_u8(20).unwrap(), Status::SUCCESS);
assert_eq!(Status::NOT_FOUND.code_number(), 51);
assert_eq!(Status::TEMPORARY_REDIRECT.category(), Category::Redirect)

inspiration taken from https://github.com/hyperium/http/blob/master/src/status.rs

note: currently constant and Code doc comments are taken verbatim from the Gemini spec.




Error to indicate a failure in parsing a Status from a numeric or textual code.

A Gemini status response.


A high level category derived from the leading digit of a Status code.

The precise two digit numeric code associated with a Status.