Function gemgui::respack::pack

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pub fn pack<PathStr>(directory: PathStr, try_minify: bool)where
    PathStr: AsRef<Path>,
Expand description

Pack a folder as a resources Assumed to be called at, i.e. build time only Generates a source file “” that can be included in the application sources and be loaded as a filemap for a dynamic access.

Add in Cargo.toml

gemgui = "...""

…and apply ‘gui’ refers to directory the resources all locate. All files in the directory are read in resources.

fn main() {
    gemgui::respack::pack("gui", false);

Then resources can be read in sources as

include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));

…and read in for the Ui as

let fm = gemgui::filemap_from(RESOURCES);
let mut ui = Ui::new(fm, "hello.html", 12345)?;


´directory´ - Directory to read in resources. Does not read sub directories.

´try_minify´ - May to apply minify / compress.