Expand description

Gear message processor.


  • Common structures for processing.
  • Configurations.
  • Informational functions for core-processor and executor.


  • The instance returned by precharge_for_code. Existence of the instance means that corresponding counters were successfully charged for fetching the binary code from storage.
  • The instance returned by precharge_for_instrumentation. Existence of the instance means that corresponding counters were successfully charged for reinstrumentation of the code.
  • Structure providing externalities for running host functions.
  • Checked parameters for message execution across processing runs.
  • Processor context.



  • Trait to which ext must have to work in processor wasm executor. Currently used only for lazy-pages support.


  • Calculates gas amount required to charge for code loading.
  • Calculates gas amount required to charge for program loading.
  • Execute wasm with dispatch and return dispatch result.
  • Handle some journal records passing them to the journal handler.
  • Charge a message for the program binary code beforehand.
  • Charge a message for fetching the actual length of the binary code from a storage. The updated value of binary code length should be kept in standalone storage. The caller has to call this function to charge gas-counters accordingly before fetching the value.
  • Charge a message for instrumentation of the binary code beforehand.
  • Charge a message for program memory and module instantiation beforehand.
  • Charge a message for program data beforehand.
  • Process program & dispatch for it and return journal for updates.