Struct gdnative::api::Image

source ·
pub struct Image { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

core class Image inherits Resource (reference-counted).

This class has related types in the image module.

Official documentation

See the documentation of this class in the Godot engine’s official documentation. The method descriptions are generated from it and typically contain code samples in GDScript, not Rust.

Memory management

The lifetime of this object is automatically managed through reference counting.

Class hierarchy

Image inherits methods from:


All types in the Godot API have interior mutability in Rust parlance. To enforce that the official thread-safety guidelines are followed, the typestate pattern is used in the Ref and TRef smart pointers, and the Instance API. The typestate Ownership in these types tracks whether ownership is unique, shared, or exclusive to the current thread. For more information, see the type-level documentation on Ref.



impl Image



pub const ALPHA_NONE: i64 = 0i64


pub const COMPRESS_S3TC: i64 = 0i64


pub const COMPRESS_SOURCE_GENERIC: i64 = 0i64


pub const FORMAT_L8: i64 = 0i64


pub const INTERPOLATE_NEAREST: i64 = 0i64


pub const ALPHA_BIT: i64 = 1i64


pub const COMPRESS_PVRTC2: i64 = 1i64


pub const COMPRESS_SOURCE_SRGB: i64 = 1i64


pub const FORMAT_LA8: i64 = 1i64


pub const INTERPOLATE_BILINEAR: i64 = 1i64


pub const ALPHA_BLEND: i64 = 2i64


pub const COMPRESS_PVRTC4: i64 = 2i64


pub const COMPRESS_SOURCE_NORMAL: i64 = 2i64


pub const FORMAT_R8: i64 = 2i64


pub const INTERPOLATE_CUBIC: i64 = 2i64


pub const COMPRESS_ETC: i64 = 3i64


pub const COMPRESS_SOURCE_LAYERED: i64 = 3i64


pub const FORMAT_RG8: i64 = 3i64


pub const INTERPOLATE_TRILINEAR: i64 = 3i64


pub const COMPRESS_ETC2: i64 = 4i64


pub const FORMAT_RGB8: i64 = 4i64


pub const INTERPOLATE_LANCZOS: i64 = 4i64


pub const FORMAT_RGBA8: i64 = 5i64


pub const FORMAT_RGBA4444: i64 = 6i64


pub const FORMAT_RGBA5551: i64 = 7i64


pub const FORMAT_RF: i64 = 8i64


pub const FORMAT_RGF: i64 = 9i64


pub const FORMAT_RGBF: i64 = 10i64


pub const FORMAT_RGBAF: i64 = 11i64


pub const FORMAT_RH: i64 = 12i64


pub const FORMAT_RGH: i64 = 13i64


pub const FORMAT_RGBH: i64 = 14i64


pub const FORMAT_RGBAH: i64 = 15i64


pub const FORMAT_RGBE9995: i64 = 16i64


pub const FORMAT_DXT1: i64 = 17i64


pub const FORMAT_DXT3: i64 = 18i64


pub const FORMAT_DXT5: i64 = 19i64


pub const FORMAT_RGTC_R: i64 = 20i64


pub const FORMAT_RGTC_RG: i64 = 21i64


pub const FORMAT_BPTC_RGBA: i64 = 22i64


pub const FORMAT_BPTC_RGBF: i64 = 23i64


pub const FORMAT_BPTC_RGBFU: i64 = 24i64


pub const FORMAT_PVRTC2: i64 = 25i64


pub const FORMAT_PVRTC2A: i64 = 26i64


pub const FORMAT_PVRTC4: i64 = 27i64


pub const FORMAT_PVRTC4A: i64 = 28i64


pub const FORMAT_ETC: i64 = 29i64


pub const FORMAT_ETC2_R11: i64 = 30i64


pub const FORMAT_ETC2_R11S: i64 = 31i64


pub const FORMAT_ETC2_RG11: i64 = 32i64


pub const FORMAT_ETC2_RG11S: i64 = 33i64


pub const FORMAT_ETC2_RGB8: i64 = 34i64


pub const FORMAT_ETC2_RGBA8: i64 = 35i64


pub const FORMAT_ETC2_RGB8A1: i64 = 36i64


pub const FORMAT_MAX: i64 = 37i64


pub const MAX_HEIGHT: i64 = 16_384i64


pub const MAX_WIDTH: i64 = 16_384i64


impl Image


pub fn new() -> Ref<Image, Unique>

Creates a new instance of this object.

This is a reference-counted type. The returned object is automatically managed by Ref.


pub fn blend_rect(&self, src: impl AsArg<Image>, src_rect: Rect2, dst: Vector2)

Alpha-blends src_rect from src image to this image at coordinates dest, clipped accordingly to both image bounds. This image and src image must have the same format. src_rect with not positive size is treated as empty.


pub fn blend_rect_mask(
    src: impl AsArg<Image>,
    mask: impl AsArg<Image>,
    src_rect: Rect2,
    dst: Vector2

Alpha-blends src_rect from src image to this image using mask image at coordinates dst, clipped accordingly to both image bounds. Alpha channels are required for both src and mask. dst pixels and src pixels will blend if the corresponding mask pixel’s alpha value is not 0. This image and src image must have the same format. src image and mask image must have the same size (width and height) but they can have different formats. src_rect with not positive size is treated as empty.


pub fn blit_rect(&self, src: impl AsArg<Image>, src_rect: Rect2, dst: Vector2)

Copies src_rect from src image to this image at coordinates dst, clipped accordingly to both image bounds. This image and src image must have the same format. src_rect with not positive size is treated as empty.


pub fn blit_rect_mask(
    src: impl AsArg<Image>,
    mask: impl AsArg<Image>,
    src_rect: Rect2,
    dst: Vector2

Blits src_rect area from src image to this image at the coordinates given by dst, clipped accordingly to both image bounds. src pixel is copied onto dst if the corresponding mask pixel’s alpha value is not 0. This image and src image must have the same format. src image and mask image must have the same size (width and height) but they can have different formats. src_rect with not positive size is treated as empty.


pub fn bumpmap_to_normalmap(&self, bump_scale: f64)

Converts a bumpmap to a normalmap. A bumpmap provides a height offset per-pixel, while a normalmap provides a normal direction per pixel.

Default Arguments
  • bump_scale - 1.0

pub fn clear_mipmaps(&self)

Removes the image’s mipmaps.


pub fn compress(
    mode: i64,
    source: i64,
    lossy_quality: f64
) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Compresses the image to use less memory. Can not directly access pixel data while the image is compressed. Returns error if the chosen compression mode is not available. See CompressMode and CompressSource constants.


pub fn convert(&self, format: i64)

Converts the image’s format. See Format constants.


pub fn copy_from(&self, src: impl AsArg<Image>)

Copies src image to this image.


pub fn create(&self, width: i64, height: i64, use_mipmaps: bool, format: i64)

Creates an empty image of given size and format. See Format constants. If use_mipmaps is true then generate mipmaps for this image. See the generate_mipmaps.


pub fn create_from_data(
    width: i64,
    height: i64,
    use_mipmaps: bool,
    format: i64,
    data: PoolArray<u8>

Creates a new image of given size and format. See Format constants. Fills the image with the given raw data. If use_mipmaps is true then loads mipmaps for this image from data. See generate_mipmaps.


pub fn crop(&self, width: i64, height: i64)

Crops the image to the given width and height. If the specified size is larger than the current size, the extra area is filled with black pixels.


pub fn decompress(&self) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Decompresses the image if it is compressed. Returns an error if decompress function is not available.


pub fn detect_alpha(&self) -> AlphaMode

Returns ALPHA_BLEND if the image has data for alpha values. Returns ALPHA_BIT if all the alpha values are stored in a single bit. Returns ALPHA_NONE if no data for alpha values is found.


pub fn expand_x2_hq2x(&self)

Stretches the image and enlarges it by a factor of 2. No interpolation is done.


pub fn fill(&self, color: Color)

Fills the image with color.


pub fn fill_rect(&self, rect: Rect2, color: Color)

Fills rect with color.


pub fn fix_alpha_edges(&self)

Blends low-alpha pixels with nearby pixels.


pub fn flip_x(&self)

Flips the image horizontally.


pub fn flip_y(&self)

Flips the image vertically.


pub fn generate_mipmaps(&self, renormalize: bool) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Generates mipmaps for the image. Mipmaps are precalculated lower-resolution copies of the image that are automatically used if the image needs to be scaled down when rendered. They help improve image quality and performance when rendering. This method returns an error if the image is compressed, in a custom format, or if the image’s width/height is 0. Note: Mipmap generation is done on the CPU, is single-threaded and is always done on the main thread. This means generating mipmaps will result in noticeable stuttering during gameplay, even if generate_mipmaps is called from a Thread.

Default Arguments
  • renormalize - false

pub fn get_data(&self) -> PoolArray<u8>

Returns a copy of the image’s raw data.


pub fn get_format(&self) -> Format

Returns the image’s format. See Format constants.


pub fn get_height(&self) -> i64

Returns the image’s height.


pub fn get_mipmap_offset(&self, mipmap: i64) -> i64

Returns the offset where the image’s mipmap with index mipmap is stored in the data dictionary.


pub fn get_pixel(&self, x: i64, y: i64) -> Color

Returns the color of the pixel at (x, y) if the image is locked. If the image is unlocked, it always returns a Color with the value (0, 0, 0, 1.0). This is the same as get_pixelv, but two integer arguments instead of a Vector2 argument.


pub fn get_pixelv(&self, src: Vector2) -> Color

Returns the color of the pixel at src if the image is locked. If the image is unlocked, it always returns a Color with the value (0, 0, 0, 1.0). This is the same as get_pixel, but with a Vector2 argument instead of two integer arguments.


pub fn get_rect(&self, rect: Rect2) -> Option<Ref<Image, Shared>>

Returns a new image that is a copy of the image’s area specified with rect.


pub fn get_size(&self) -> Vector2

Returns the image’s size (width and height).


pub fn get_used_rect(&self) -> Rect2

Returns a Rect2 enclosing the visible portion of the image, considering each pixel with a non-zero alpha channel as visible.


pub fn get_width(&self) -> i64

Returns the image’s width.


pub fn has_mipmaps(&self) -> bool

Returns true if the image has generated mipmaps.


pub fn is_compressed(&self) -> bool

Returns true if the image is compressed.


pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool

Returns true if the image has no data.


pub fn is_invisible(&self) -> bool

Returns true if all the image’s pixels have an alpha value of 0. Returns false if any pixel has an alpha value higher than 0.


pub fn load(&self, path: impl Into<GodotString>) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Loads an image from file path. See Supported image formats for a list of supported image formats and limitations. Warning: This method should only be used in the editor or in cases when you need to load external images at run-time, such as images located at the user:// directory, and may not work in exported projects. See also ImageTexture description for usage examples.


pub fn load_bmp_from_buffer(
    buffer: PoolArray<u8>
) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Loads an image from the binary contents of a BMP file. Note: Godot’s BMP module doesn’t support 16-bit per pixel images. Only 1-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit, and 32-bit per pixel images are supported.


pub fn load_jpg_from_buffer(
    buffer: PoolArray<u8>
) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Loads an image from the binary contents of a JPEG file.


pub fn load_png_from_buffer(
    buffer: PoolArray<u8>
) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Loads an image from the binary contents of a PNG file.


pub fn load_tga_from_buffer(
    buffer: PoolArray<u8>
) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Loads an image from the binary contents of a TGA file.


pub fn load_webp_from_buffer(
    buffer: PoolArray<u8>
) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Loads an image from the binary contents of a WebP file.


pub fn lock(&self)

Locks the data for reading and writing access. Sends an error to the console if the image is not locked when reading or writing a pixel.


pub fn normalmap_to_xy(&self)

Converts the image’s data to represent coordinates on a 3D plane. This is used when the image represents a normalmap. A normalmap can add lots of detail to a 3D surface without increasing the polygon count.


pub fn premultiply_alpha(&self)

Multiplies color values with alpha values. Resulting color values for a pixel are (color * alpha)/256.


pub fn resize(&self, width: i64, height: i64, interpolation: i64)

Resizes the image to the given width and height. New pixels are calculated using the interpolation mode defined via Interpolation constants.

Default Arguments
  • interpolation - 1

pub fn resize_to_po2(&self, square: bool, interpolation: i64)

Resizes the image to the nearest power of 2 for the width and height. If square is true then set width and height to be the same. New pixels are calculated using the interpolation mode defined via Interpolation constants.

Default Arguments
  • square - false
  • interpolation - 1

pub fn rgbe_to_srgb(&self) -> Option<Ref<Image, Shared>>

Converts a standard RGBE (Red Green Blue Exponent) image to an sRGB image.


pub fn save_exr(
    path: impl Into<GodotString>,
    grayscale: bool
) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Saves the image as an EXR file to path. If grayscale is true and the image has only one channel, it will be saved explicitly as monochrome rather than one red channel. This function will return [ERR_UNAVAILABLE][Self::ERR_UNAVAILABLE] if Godot was compiled without the TinyEXR module. Note: The TinyEXR module is disabled in non-editor builds, which means save_exr will return [ERR_UNAVAILABLE][Self::ERR_UNAVAILABLE] when it is called from an exported project.

Default Arguments
  • grayscale - false

pub fn save_png(&self, path: impl Into<GodotString>) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Saves the image as a PNG file to path.


pub fn save_png_to_buffer(&self) -> PoolArray<u8>


pub fn set_pixel(&self, x: i64, y: i64, color: Color)

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Sets the Color of the pixel at (x, y) if the image is locked. Example:

var img =
img.create(img_width, img_height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8)
img.set_pixel(x, y, color) # Works
img.set_pixel(x, y, color) # Does not have an effect

pub fn set_pixelv(&self, dst: Vector2, color: Color)

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Sets the Color of the pixel at (dst.x, dst.y) if the image is locked. Note that the dst values must be integers. Example:

var img =
img.create(img_width, img_height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8)
img.set_pixelv(Vector2(x, y), color) # Works
img.set_pixelv(Vector2(x, y), color) # Does not have an effect

pub fn shrink_x2(&self)

Shrinks the image by a factor of 2.


pub fn srgb_to_linear(&self)

Converts the raw data from the sRGB colorspace to a linear scale.


pub fn unlock(&self)

Unlocks the data and prevents changes.

Methods from Deref<Target = Resource>§


pub fn duplicate(&self, subresources: bool) -> Option<Ref<Resource, Shared>>

Duplicates the resource, returning a new resource with the exported members copied. Note: To duplicate the resource the constructor is called without arguments. This method will error when the constructor doesn’t have default values. By default, sub-resources are shared between resource copies for efficiency. This can be changed by passing true to the subresources argument which will copy the subresources. Note: If subresources is true, this method will only perform a shallow copy. Nested resources within subresources will not be duplicated and will still be shared. Note: When duplicating a resource, only exported properties are copied. Other properties will be set to their default value in the new resource.

Default Arguments
  • subresources - false

pub fn emit_changed(&self)

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Emits the changed signal. If external objects which depend on this resource should be updated, this method must be called manually whenever the state of this resource has changed (such as modification of properties). The method is equivalent to:


Note: This method is called automatically for built-in resources.


pub fn get_local_scene(&self) -> Option<Ref<Node, Shared>>

If [resource_local_to_scene][Self::resource_local_to_scene] is enabled and the resource was loaded from a PackedScene instantiation, returns the local scene where this resource’s unique copy is in use. Otherwise, returns null.


pub fn name(&self) -> GodotString

The name of the resource. This is an optional identifier. If [resource_name][Self::resource_name] is not empty, its value will be displayed to represent the current resource in the editor inspector. For built-in scripts, the [resource_name][Self::resource_name] will be displayed as the tab name in the script editor.


pub fn path(&self) -> GodotString

The path to the resource. In case it has its own file, it will return its filepath. If it’s tied to the scene, it will return the scene’s path, followed by the resource’s index.


pub fn get_rid(&self) -> Rid

Returns the RID of the resource (or an empty RID). Many resources (such as Texture, Mesh, etc) are high-level abstractions of resources stored in a server, so this function will return the original RID.


pub fn is_local_to_scene(&self) -> bool

If true, the resource will be made unique in each instance of its local scene. It can thus be modified in a scene instance without impacting other instances of that same scene.


pub fn set_local_to_scene(&self, enable: bool)

If true, the resource will be made unique in each instance of its local scene. It can thus be modified in a scene instance without impacting other instances of that same scene.


pub fn set_name(&self, name: impl Into<GodotString>)

The name of the resource. This is an optional identifier. If [resource_name][Self::resource_name] is not empty, its value will be displayed to represent the current resource in the editor inspector. For built-in scripts, the [resource_name][Self::resource_name] will be displayed as the tab name in the script editor.


pub fn set_path(&self, path: impl Into<GodotString>)

The path to the resource. In case it has its own file, it will return its filepath. If it’s tied to the scene, it will return the scene’s path, followed by the resource’s index.


pub fn setup_local_to_scene(&self)

This method is called when a resource with [resource_local_to_scene][Self::resource_local_to_scene] enabled is loaded from a PackedScene instantiation. Its behavior can be customized by overriding [_setup_local_to_scene][Self::_setup_local_to_scene] from script. For most resources, this method performs no base logic. ViewportTexture performs custom logic to properly set the proxy texture and flags in the local viewport.


pub fn take_over_path(&self, path: impl Into<GodotString>)

Sets the path of the resource, potentially overriding an existing cache entry for this path. This differs from setting [resource_path][Self::resource_path], as the latter would error out if another resource was already cached for the given path.

Methods from Deref<Target = Object>§


pub fn add_user_signal(
    signal: impl Into<GodotString>,
    arguments: VariantArray<Shared>

Adds a user-defined signal. Arguments are optional, but can be added as an Array of dictionaries, each containing name: String and type: int (see [enum Variant.Type]) entries.

Default Arguments
  • arguments - [ ]

pub unsafe fn call(
    method: impl Into<GodotString>,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Calls the method on the object and returns the result. This method supports a variable number of arguments, so parameters are passed as a comma separated list. Example:

call("set", "position", Vector2(42.0, 0.0))

Note: In C#, the method name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn’t apply to user-defined methods where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).


This function bypasses Rust’s static type checks (aliasing, thread boundaries, calls to free(), …).


pub unsafe fn call_deferred(
    method: impl Into<GodotString>,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Calls the method on the object during idle time. This method supports a variable number of arguments, so parameters are passed as a comma separated list. Example:

call_deferred("set", "position", Vector2(42.0, 0.0))

Note: In C#, the method name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn’t apply to user-defined methods where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).


This function bypasses Rust’s static type checks (aliasing, thread boundaries, calls to free(), …).


pub unsafe fn callv(
    method: impl Into<GodotString>,
    arg_array: VariantArray<Shared>
) -> Variant

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Calls the method on the object and returns the result. Contrarily to call, this method does not support a variable number of arguments but expects all parameters to be via a single Array.

callv("set", [ "position", Vector2(42.0, 0.0) ])

This function bypasses Rust’s static type checks (aliasing, thread boundaries, calls to free(), …).


pub fn can_translate_messages(&self) -> bool

Returns true if the object can translate strings. See set_message_translation and tr.


pub fn connect(
    signal: impl Into<GodotString>,
    target: impl AsArg<Object>,
    method: impl Into<GodotString>,
    binds: VariantArray<Shared>,
    flags: i64
) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Connects a signal to a method on a target object. Pass optional binds to the call as an Array of parameters. These parameters will be passed to the method after any parameter used in the call to emit_signal. Use flags to set deferred or one-shot connections. See ConnectFlags constants. A signal can only be connected once to a method. It will print an error if already connected, unless the signal was connected with CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED. To avoid this, first, use is_connected to check for existing connections. If the target is destroyed in the game’s lifecycle, the connection will be lost. Examples:

connect("pressed", self, "_on_Button_pressed") # BaseButton signal
connect("text_entered", self, "_on_LineEdit_text_entered") # LineEdit signal
connect("hit", self, "_on_Player_hit", [ weapon_type, damage ]) # User-defined signal

An example of the relationship between binds passed to connect and parameters used when calling emit_signal:

connect("hit", self, "_on_Player_hit", [ weapon_type, damage ]) # weapon_type and damage are passed last
emit_signal("hit", "Dark lord", 5) # "Dark lord" and 5 are passed first
func _on_Player_hit(hit_by, level, weapon_type, damage):
    print("Hit by %s (lvl %d) with weapon %s for %d damage" % [hit_by, level, weapon_type, damage])
Default Arguments
  • binds - [ ]
  • flags - 0

pub fn disconnect(
    signal: impl Into<GodotString>,
    target: impl AsArg<Object>,
    method: impl Into<GodotString>

Disconnects a signal from a method on the given target. If you try to disconnect a connection that does not exist, the method will print an error. Use is_connected to ensure that the connection exists.


pub fn emit_signal(
    signal: impl Into<GodotString>,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Emits the given signal. The signal must exist, so it should be a built-in signal of this class or one of its parent classes, or a user-defined signal. This method supports a variable number of arguments, so parameters are passed as a comma separated list. Example:

emit_signal("hit", weapon_type, damage)

pub fn get(&self, property: impl Into<GodotString>) -> Variant

Returns the Variant value of the given property. If the property doesn’t exist, this will return null. Note: In C#, the property name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn’t apply to user-defined properties where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).


pub fn get_class(&self) -> GodotString

Returns the object’s class as a String. See also is_class. Note: get_class does not take class_name declarations into account. If the object has a class_name defined, the base class name will be returned instead.


pub fn get_incoming_connections(&self) -> VariantArray<Shared>

Returns an Array of dictionaries with information about signals that are connected to the object. Each Dictionary contains three String entries:

  • source is a reference to the signal emitter.
  • signal_name is the name of the connected signal.
  • method_name is the name of the method to which the signal is connected.

pub fn get_indexed(&self, property: impl Into<NodePath>) -> Variant

Gets the object’s property indexed by the given NodePath. The node path should be relative to the current object and can use the colon character (:) to access nested properties. Examples: "position:x" or "material:next_pass:blend_mode". Note: Even though the method takes NodePath argument, it doesn’t support actual paths to Nodes in the scene tree, only colon-separated sub-property paths. For the purpose of nodes, use Node.get_node_and_resource instead.


pub fn get_instance_id(&self) -> i64

Returns the object’s unique instance ID. This ID can be saved in EncodedObjectAsID, and can be used to retrieve the object instance with [method @GDScript.instance_from_id].


pub fn get_meta(
    name: impl Into<GodotString>,
    default: impl OwnedToVariant
) -> Variant

Returns the object’s metadata entry for the given name. Throws error if the entry does not exist, unless default is not null (in which case the default value will be returned).

Default Arguments
  • default - null

pub fn get_meta_list(&self) -> PoolArray<GodotString>

Returns the object’s metadata as a PoolStringArray.


pub fn get_method_list(&self) -> VariantArray<Shared>

Returns the object’s methods and their signatures as an Array.


pub fn get_property_list(&self) -> VariantArray<Shared>

Returns the object’s property list as an Array of dictionaries. Each property’s Dictionary contain at least name: String and type: int (see [enum Variant.Type]) entries. Optionally, it can also include hint: int (see [PropertyHint][PropertyHint]), hint_string: String, and usage: int (see [PropertyUsageFlags][PropertyUsageFlags]).


pub fn get_script(&self) -> Option<Ref<Reference, Shared>>

Returns the object’s Script instance, or null if none is assigned.


pub fn get_signal_connection_list(
    signal: impl Into<GodotString>
) -> VariantArray<Shared>

Returns an Array of connections for the given signal.


pub fn get_signal_list(&self) -> VariantArray<Shared>

Returns the list of signals as an Array of dictionaries.


pub fn has_meta(&self, name: impl Into<GodotString>) -> bool

Returns true if a metadata entry is found with the given name.


pub fn has_method(&self, method: impl Into<GodotString>) -> bool

Returns true if the object contains the given method.


pub fn has_signal(&self, signal: impl Into<GodotString>) -> bool

Returns true if the given signal exists.


pub fn has_user_signal(&self, signal: impl Into<GodotString>) -> bool

Returns true if the given user-defined signal exists. Only signals added using add_user_signal are taken into account.


pub fn is_blocking_signals(&self) -> bool

Returns true if signal emission blocking is enabled.


pub fn is_class(&self, class: impl Into<GodotString>) -> bool

Returns true if the object inherits from the given class. See also get_class. Note: is_class does not take class_name declarations into account. If the object has a class_name defined, is_class will return false for that name.


pub fn is_connected(
    signal: impl Into<GodotString>,
    target: impl AsArg<Object>,
    method: impl Into<GodotString>
) -> bool

Returns true if a connection exists for a given signal, target, and method.


pub fn is_queued_for_deletion(&self) -> bool

Returns true if the Node.queue_free method was called for the object.


pub fn notification(&self, what: i64, reversed: bool)

Send a given notification to the object, which will also trigger a call to the [_notification][Self::_notification] method of all classes that the object inherits from. If reversed is true, [_notification][Self::_notification] is called first on the object’s own class, and then up to its successive parent classes. If reversed is false, [_notification][Self::_notification] is called first on the highest ancestor (Object itself), and then down to its successive inheriting classes.

Default Arguments
  • reversed - false

pub fn property_list_changed_notify(&self)

Notify the editor that the property list has changed, so that editor plugins can take the new values into account. Does nothing on export builds.


pub fn remove_meta(&self, name: impl Into<GodotString>)

Removes a given entry from the object’s metadata. See also set_meta.


pub fn set(&self, property: impl Into<GodotString>, value: impl OwnedToVariant)

Assigns a new value to the given property. If the property does not exist or the given value’s type doesn’t match, nothing will happen. Note: In C#, the property name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn’t apply to user-defined properties where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).


pub fn set_block_signals(&self, enable: bool)

If set to true, signal emission is blocked.


pub fn set_deferred(
    property: impl Into<GodotString>,
    value: impl OwnedToVariant

Assigns a new value to the given property, after the current frame’s physics step. This is equivalent to calling set via call_deferred, i.e. call_deferred("set", property, value). Note: In C#, the property name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn’t apply to user-defined properties where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).


pub fn set_indexed(
    property: impl Into<NodePath>,
    value: impl OwnedToVariant

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Assigns a new value to the property identified by the NodePath. The node path should be relative to the current object and can use the colon character (:) to access nested properties. Example:

set_indexed("position", Vector2(42, 0))
set_indexed("position:y", -10)
print(position) # (42, -10)

pub fn set_message_translation(&self, enable: bool)

Defines whether the object can translate strings (with calls to tr). Enabled by default.


pub fn set_meta(&self, name: impl Into<GodotString>, value: impl OwnedToVariant)

Adds, changes or removes a given entry in the object’s metadata. Metadata are serialized and can take any Variant value. To remove a given entry from the object’s metadata, use remove_meta. Metadata is also removed if its value is set to null. This means you can also use set_meta("name", null) to remove metadata for "name".


pub fn set_script(&self, script: impl AsArg<Reference>)

Assigns a script to the object. Each object can have a single script assigned to it, which are used to extend its functionality. If the object already had a script, the previous script instance will be freed and its variables and state will be lost. The new script’s [_init][Self::_init] method will be called.


pub fn to_string(&self) -> GodotString

Returns a String representing the object. If not overridden, defaults to "[ClassName:RID]". Override the method [_to_string][Self::_to_string] to customize the String representation.


pub fn tr(&self, message: impl Into<GodotString>) -> GodotString

Translates a message using translation catalogs configured in the Project Settings. Only works if message translation is enabled (which it is by default), otherwise it returns the message unchanged. See set_message_translation.

Trait Implementations§


impl Debug for Image


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Deref for Image


type Target = Resource

The resulting type after dereferencing.

fn deref(&self) -> &Resource

Dereferences the value.

impl DerefMut for Image


fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Resource

Mutably dereferences the value.

impl GodotObject for Image


type Memory = RefCounted

The memory management kind of this type. This modifies the behavior of the Ref smart pointer. See its type-level documentation for more information.

fn class_name() -> &'static str


fn null() -> Null<Self>

Creates an explicitly null reference of Self as a method argument. This makes type inference easier for the compiler compared to Option.

fn new() -> Ref<Self, Unique>where
    Self: Instanciable,

Creates a new instance of Self using a zero-argument constructor, as a Unique reference.

fn cast<T>(&self) -> Option<&T>where
    T: GodotObject + SubClass<Self>,

Performs a dynamic reference downcast to target type. Read more

fn upcast<T>(&self) -> &Twhere
    T: GodotObject,
    Self: SubClass<T>,

Performs a static reference upcast to a supertype that is guaranteed to be valid. Read more

unsafe fn assume_shared(&self) -> Ref<Self, Shared>where
    Self: Sized,

Creates a persistent reference to the same Godot object with shared thread access. Read more

unsafe fn assume_thread_local(&self) -> Ref<Self, ThreadLocal>where
    Self: Sized + GodotObject<Memory = RefCounted>,

Creates a persistent reference to the same Godot object with thread-local thread access. Read more

unsafe fn assume_unique(&self) -> Ref<Self, Unique>where
    Self: Sized,

Creates a persistent reference to the same Godot object with unique access. Read more

unsafe fn try_from_instance_id<'a>(id: i64) -> Option<TRef<'a, Self, Shared>>

Recovers a instance ID previously returned by Object::get_instance_id if the object is still alive. See also TRef::try_from_instance_id. Read more

unsafe fn from_instance_id<'a>(id: i64) -> TRef<'a, Self, Shared>

Recovers a instance ID previously returned by Object::get_instance_id if the object is still alive, and panics otherwise. This does NOT guarantee that the resulting reference is safe to use. Read more

impl Instanciable for Image


impl SubClass<Object> for Image


impl SubClass<Reference> for Image


impl SubClass<Resource> for Image

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl RefUnwindSafe for Image


impl !Send for Image


impl !Sync for Image


impl Unpin for Image


impl UnwindSafe for Image

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for Twhere
    T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for Twhere
    T: ?Sized,

const: unstable · source§

fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
    T: ?Sized,

const: unstable · source§

fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T

const: unstable · source§

fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for Twhere
    U: From<T>,

const: unstable · source§

fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for Twhere
    U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
const: unstable · source§

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for Twhere
    U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
const: unstable · source§

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> SubClass<T> for Twhere
    T: GodotObject,