pub trait ToVariant {
    fn to_variant(&self) -> Variant;
Expand description

Types that can be converted to a Variant.

Wrappers and collections

Implementations are provided for a few common Rust wrappers and collections:

  • Option<T> is unwrapped to inner value, or Nil if None
  • Result<T, E> is represented as an externally tagged Dictionary (see below).
  • PhantomData<T> is represented as Nil.
  • &[T] and Vec<T> are represented as VariantArrays. FromVariant is only implemented for Vec<T>.

Deriving ToVariant

The derive macro does the following mapping between Rust structures and Godot types:

  • Newtype(inner) is unwrapped to inner
  • Tuple(a, b, c) is represented as a VariantArray ([a, b, c])
  • Struct { a, b, c } is represented as a Dictionary ({ "a": a, "b": b, "c": c })
  • Unit is represented as an empty Dictionary ({})
  • Enum::Variant(a, b, c) is represented as an externally tagged Dictionary ({ "Variant": [a, b, c] }), unless another representation is specified with #[variant(enum)] (see below).

Behavior of the derive macros can be customized using attributes:

Item attributes

  • #[variant(enum = "str")]

Only applicable to field-less enums. Variants of types annotated with this attribute are represented as stringified values of their names, i.e. "Variant" for Enum::Variant.

  • #[variant(enum = "repr")]

Only applicable to field-less enums with a explicit primitive #[repr] type. Variants of types annotated with this attribute are represented as their primitive integral values.

Field attributes

  • #[variant(to_variant_with = "path::to::func")]

Use the given function to convert the field to Variant. The function’s signature is expected to be fn(&T) -> Variant, although it can be generic over T.

  • #[variant(from_variant_with = "path::to::func")]

Use the given function to convert from a Variant. The function’s signature is expected to be fn(&Variant) -> Result<T, FromVariantError>, although it can be generic over T.

  • #[variant(with = "path::to::mod")]

Convenience attribute that sets to_variant_with to path::to::mod::to_variant and from_variant_with to path::to::mod::from_variant.

  • #[variant(skip_to_variant)]

Skip the field when converting to Variant.

  • #[variant(skip_from_variant)]

Skip the field when converting from Variant. A default vale will be obtained using Default::default().

  • #[variant(skip)]

Convenience attribute that sets skip_to_variant and skip_from_variant.

Required Methods§

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl ToVariant for bool


impl<T> ToVariant for &[T]where
    T: ToVariant,


impl<T11, T12> ToVariant for (T11, T12)where
    T11: ToVariant,
    T12: ToVariant,


impl<T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12> ToVariant for (T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12)where
    T5: ToVariant,
    T6: ToVariant,
    T7: ToVariant,
    T8: ToVariant,
    T9: ToVariant,
    T10: ToVariant,
    T11: ToVariant,
    T12: ToVariant,


impl<T> ToVariant for PhantomData<T>


impl<T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12> ToVariant for (T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12)where
    T4: ToVariant,
    T5: ToVariant,
    T6: ToVariant,
    T7: ToVariant,
    T8: ToVariant,
    T9: ToVariant,
    T10: ToVariant,
    T11: ToVariant,
    T12: ToVariant,


impl<T, E> ToVariant for Result<T, E>where
    T: ToVariant,
    E: ToVariant,


impl ToVariant for String


impl ToVariant for u8


impl<T> ToVariant for Vec<T, Global>where
    T: ToVariant,


impl ToVariant for usize


impl<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12> ToVariant for (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12)where
    T1: ToVariant,
    T2: ToVariant,
    T3: ToVariant,
    T4: ToVariant,
    T5: ToVariant,
    T6: ToVariant,
    T7: ToVariant,
    T8: ToVariant,
    T9: ToVariant,
    T10: ToVariant,
    T11: ToVariant,
    T12: ToVariant,


impl ToVariant for u64


impl<T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12> ToVariant for (T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12)where
    T6: ToVariant,
    T7: ToVariant,
    T8: ToVariant,
    T9: ToVariant,
    T10: ToVariant,
    T11: ToVariant,
    T12: ToVariant,


impl ToVariant for u16


impl ToVariant for i8


impl ToVariant for isize


impl<K, V> ToVariant for HashMap<K, V, RandomState>where
    K: ToVariant + Hash + ToVariantEq,
    V: ToVariant,

Converts the hash map to a Dictionary, wrapped in a Variant.

Note that Rust’s HashMap is non-deterministically ordered for security reasons, meaning that the order of the same elements will differ between two program invocations. To provide a deterministic output in Godot (e.g. UI elements for properties), the elements are sorted by key.


impl<T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12> ToVariant for (T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12)where
    T2: ToVariant,
    T3: ToVariant,
    T4: ToVariant,
    T5: ToVariant,
    T6: ToVariant,
    T7: ToVariant,
    T8: ToVariant,
    T9: ToVariant,
    T10: ToVariant,
    T11: ToVariant,
    T12: ToVariant,


impl ToVariant for i32


impl<T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12> ToVariant for (T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12)where
    T3: ToVariant,
    T4: ToVariant,
    T5: ToVariant,
    T6: ToVariant,
    T7: ToVariant,
    T8: ToVariant,
    T9: ToVariant,
    T10: ToVariant,
    T11: ToVariant,
    T12: ToVariant,


impl<'a, T> ToVariant for &'a mut Twhere
    T: ToVariant + ?Sized,


impl ToVariant for ()


impl<T10, T11, T12> ToVariant for (T10, T11, T12)where
    T10: ToVariant,
    T11: ToVariant,
    T12: ToVariant,


impl<T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12> ToVariant for (T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12)where
    T7: ToVariant,
    T8: ToVariant,
    T9: ToVariant,
    T10: ToVariant,
    T11: ToVariant,
    T12: ToVariant,


impl<T9, T10, T11, T12> ToVariant for (T9, T10, T11, T12)where
    T9: ToVariant,
    T10: ToVariant,
    T11: ToVariant,
    T12: ToVariant,


impl ToVariant for i64


impl ToVariant for f32


impl<T8, T9, T10, T11, T12> ToVariant for (T8, T9, T10, T11, T12)where
    T8: ToVariant,
    T9: ToVariant,
    T10: ToVariant,
    T11: ToVariant,
    T12: ToVariant,


impl<T> ToVariant for Option<T>where
    T: ToVariant,


impl<T> ToVariant for HashSet<T, RandomState>where
    T: ToVariant,

Converts the hash set to a VariantArray, wrapped in a Variant.

Note that Rust’s HashSet is non-deterministically ordered for security reasons, meaning that the order of the same elements will differ between two program invocations. To provide a deterministic output in Godot (e.g. UI elements for properties), the elements are sorted by key.


impl<'a, T> ToVariant for &'a Twhere
    T: ToVariant + ?Sized,


impl ToVariant for u32


impl ToVariant for i16


impl<T12> ToVariant for (T12,)where
    T12: ToVariant,


impl ToVariant for str


impl ToVariant for f64
