Crate gdnative_core

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§Rust bindings for the Godot game engine

This crate contains high-level wrappers around the core types of Godot Engine’s GDNative API, and the NativeScript feature which enables Rust code to be used as scripts.

§Memory management for core types

Wrappers for most core types expose safe Rust interfaces, and it’s unnecessary to mind memory management most of the times. The exceptions are VariantArray and Dictionary, internally reference-counted collections with “interior mutability” in Rust parlance. These types are modelled using the “typestate” pattern to enforce that the official thread-safety guidelines. For more information, read the type-level documentation for these types.

Since it is easy to expect containers and other types to allocate a copy of their content when using the Clone trait, some types do not implement Clone and instead implement NewRef which provides a new_ref(&self) -> Self method to create references to the same collection or object.


  • Types that represent core types of Godot.
  • Derive macros and macro attributes.
  • Functionality for user-defined types exported to the engine (native scripts).
  • Global initialization and termination of the library.
  • Functions for using the engine’s logging system in the editor.
  • Provides types to interact with the Godot Object class hierarchy
  • Interface to Godot’s built-in profiler.


  • Convenience macro to create a profiling signature with a given tag.
  • Prints and returns the value of a given expression for quick and dirty debugging, using the engine’s logging system (visible in the editor).
  • Print an error using the engine’s logging system (visible in the editor).
  • Declare the API endpoint to initialize the gdnative API on startup.
  • Declare the API endpoint invoked during shutdown.
  • Declare all the API endpoints necessary to initialize a NativeScript library.
  • Declare the API endpoint to initialize export classes on startup.
  • Print a message using the engine’s logging system (visible in the editor).
  • Creates a Site value from the current position in code, optionally with a function path for identification.
  • Print a warning using the engine’s logging system (visible in the editor).
  • Convenience macro to wrap an object’s method into a Method implementor that can be passed to the engine when registering a class.