[][src]Trait gdk_pixbuf::IsA

pub unsafe trait IsA<T>: 'static + ObjectType + AsRef<T> where
    T: ObjectType
{ }

Declares the "is a" relationship.

Self is said to implement T.

For instance, since originally GtkWidget is a subclass of GObject and implements the GtkBuildable interface, gtk::Widget implements IsA<glib::Object> and IsA<gtk::Buildable>.

The trait can only be implemented if the appropriate ToGlibPtr implementations exist.

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl IsA<Seekable> for BufferedOutputStream

impl IsA<Action> for SimpleAction

impl IsA<OutputStream> for BufferedOutputStream

impl IsA<Converter> for ZlibCompressor

impl IsA<Seekable> for MemoryInputStream

impl IsA<Seekable> for BufferedInputStream

impl IsA<InputStream> for BufferedInputStream

impl IsA<OutputStream> for FileOutputStream

impl IsA<FilterOutputStream> for BufferedOutputStream

impl IsA<IOStream> for TlsConnection

impl IsA<SocketAddress> for InetSocketAddress

impl IsA<IOStream> for TlsServerConnection

impl IsA<OutputStream> for UnixOutputStream

impl IsA<Icon> for Emblem

impl IsA<PollableOutputStream> for UnixOutputStream

impl IsA<Icon> for EmblemedIcon

impl IsA<SocketConnectable> for NetworkService

impl IsA<SocketConnectable> for UnixSocketAddress

impl IsA<FilterOutputStream> for DataOutputStream

impl IsA<Seekable> for FileOutputStream

impl IsA<SocketConnectable> for NetworkAddress

impl IsA<FilterInputStream> for DataInputStream

impl IsA<SocketConnectable> for InetSocketAddress

impl IsA<Icon> for BytesIcon

impl IsA<Seekable> for DataOutputStream

impl IsA<BufferedInputStream> for DataInputStream

impl IsA<ActionGroup> for SimpleActionGroup

impl IsA<SocketService> for ThreadedSocketService

impl IsA<ActionGroup> for Application

impl IsA<InetSocketAddress> for ProxyAddress

impl IsA<OutputStream> for FilterOutputStream

impl IsA<InputStream> for FilterInputStream

impl IsA<Seekable> for FileInputStream

impl IsA<Seekable> for FileIOStream

impl IsA<InputStream> for ConverterInputStream

impl IsA<FilterInputStream> for ConverterInputStream

impl IsA<InputStream> for MemoryInputStream

impl IsA<Seekable> for MemoryOutputStream

impl IsA<InputStream> for FileInputStream

impl IsA<InputStream> for UnixInputStream

impl IsA<Converter> for CharsetConverter

impl IsA<Converter> for ZlibDecompressor

impl IsA<ActionMap> for Application

impl IsA<IOStream> for TcpConnection

impl IsA<IOStream> for SocketConnection

impl IsA<Permission> for SimplePermission

impl IsA<PollableOutputStream> for MemoryOutputStream

impl IsA<FilterOutputStream> for ConverterOutputStream

impl IsA<PollableInputStream> for MemoryInputStream

impl IsA<SocketConnectable> for ProxyAddress

impl IsA<TlsConnection> for TlsServerConnection

impl IsA<Seekable> for DataInputStream

impl IsA<AppInfo> for DesktopAppInfo

impl IsA<PollableInputStream> for ConverterInputStream

impl IsA<SocketAddress> for ProxyAddress

impl IsA<OutputStream> for ConverterOutputStream

impl IsA<Icon> for ThemedIcon

impl IsA<MenuModel> for Menu

impl IsA<SocketListener> for SocketService

impl IsA<InputStream> for PollableInputStream

impl IsA<Action> for PropertyAction

impl IsA<PollableOutputStream> for ConverterOutputStream

impl IsA<Icon> for LoadableIcon

impl IsA<Icon> for FileIcon

impl IsA<LoadableIcon> for FileIcon

impl IsA<IOStream> for TlsClientConnection

impl IsA<SocketAddress> for UnixSocketAddress

impl IsA<SocketListener> for ThreadedSocketService

impl IsA<OutputStream> for PollableOutputStream

impl IsA<FilterInputStream> for BufferedInputStream

impl IsA<OutputStream> for DataOutputStream

impl IsA<PollableInputStream> for UnixInputStream

impl IsA<SocketConnectable> for SocketAddress

impl IsA<ActionGroup> for RemoteActionGroup

impl IsA<IOStream> for FileIOStream

impl IsA<ActionMap> for SimpleActionGroup

impl IsA<TlsConnection> for TlsClientConnection

impl IsA<LoadableIcon> for BytesIcon

impl IsA<InputStream> for DataInputStream

impl IsA<OutputStream> for MemoryOutputStream

impl IsA<TlsDatabase> for TlsFileDatabase

impl IsA<SocketConnection> for TcpConnection

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impl IsA<PixbufAnimation> for PixbufSimpleAnim

impl IsA<Icon> for Pixbuf

impl IsA<LoadableIcon> for Pixbuf

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