Module gdal_sys::GDALResampleAlg

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  • Average (computes the weighted average of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)
  • Bilinear (2x2 kernel)
  • Cubic Convolution Approximation (4x4 kernel)
  • Cubic B-Spline Approximation (4x4 kernel)
  • @cond Doxygen_Suppress
  • Lanczos windowed sinc interpolation (6x6 kernel)
  • Max (selects maximum of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)
  • Med (selects median of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)
  • Min (selects minimum of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)
  • Mode (selects the value which appears most often of all the sampled points)
  • Nearest neighbour (select on one input pixel)
  • Q1 (selects first quartile of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)
  • Q3 (selects third quartile of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)
  • RMS (weighted root mean square (quadratic mean) of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)
  • Sum (weighed sum of all non-NODATA contributing pixels). Added in GDAL 3.1

Type Aliases§

  • Warp Resampling Algorithm