[][src]Module garando_syntax2::ext::tt



This is an Earley-like parser, without support for in-grammar nonterminals, only by calling out to the main rust parser for named nonterminals (which it commits to fully when it hits one in a grammar). This means that there are no completer or predictor rules, and therefore no need to store one column per token: instead, there's a set of current Earley items and a set of next ones. Instead of NTs, we have a special case for Kleene star. The big-O, in pathological cases, is worse than traditional Earley parsing, but it's an easier fit for Macro-by-Example-style rules, and I think the overhead is lower. (In order to prevent the pathological case, we'd need to lazily construct the resulting NamedMatches at the very end. It'd be a pain, and require more memory to keep around old items, but it would also save overhead)
