Crate full2half

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A simple library for converting full-width characters to half-width characters and vice versa.


Wikipedia Unicode

§Basic Example

This is the most basic use case, where no customization is needed.

use full2half::CharacterWidth;

let full_width_string = "Hello World!";
let half_width_string = "Hello World!";

assert_eq!(full_width_string.to_half_width(), half_width_string);
assert_eq!(half_width_string.to_full_width(), full_width_string);

§Extended Example

Furthermore this library allows to customize which charactersets and specific characters to ignore.

use full2half::CharacterWidth;

let full_width_string = "Hello World!";
let expected_string = "Hello World!";
let ignore = vec!["!", "e"];

assert_eq!(full_width_string.to_half_width_ext(ignore, true, true, true, false).unwrap(), expected_string);


  • Trait for converting full-width characters to half-width characters and vice versa.