Crate frida_gum

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Gum bindings for Rust

Gum provides a number of utilities for instrumenting binary applications, and traditionally is consumed via the JavaScript API known as GumJS. This crate aims to provide a complete interface to the instrumentation API provided by Gum, rather than GumJS (s.t. these bindings exclude the Java and ObjC modules).

Quick Start

First, ensure that your platform is supported by Gum. You can find a listing of development kits on the Frida releases page. To get started using Gum, you need to obtain a global Gum object; this is required to safely ensure that Gum has been properly initialized as required. Next, you are free to use any available APIs, such as the stalker::Stalker:

use frida_gum::{Gum, stalker::{Stalker, Transformer}};
#[cfg(feature = "event-sink")]
use frida_gum::stalker::NoneEventSink;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;

lazy_static! {
    static ref GUM: Gum = unsafe { Gum::obtain() };

fn main() {
    let mut stalker = Stalker::new(&GUM);

    let transformer = Transformer::from_callback(&GUM, |basic_block, _output| {
        for instr in basic_block {

    #[cfg(feature = "event-sink")]
    stalker.follow_me::<NoneEventSink>(&transformer, None);
    #[cfg(not(feature = "event-sink"))]


Instruction writer interface.
Function hooking engine.
Code tracing engine.


Platform-dependent access to processor state.
Module export details returned by Module::enumerate_exports.
The file association to a page.
Context required for instantiation of all structures under the Gum namespace.
Details a range of virtual memory.
Module symbol details returned by Module::enumerate_symbols.


Custom Error for Frida
The memory protection of an unassociated page.