[][src]Struct freetype::tt_os2::TT_OS2

#[repr(C)]pub struct TT_OS2 {
    pub version: FT_UShort,
    pub xAvgCharWidth: FT_Short,
    pub usWeightClass: FT_UShort,
    pub usWidthClass: FT_UShort,
    pub fsType: FT_Short,
    pub ySubscriptXSize: FT_Short,
    pub ySubscriptYSize: FT_Short,
    pub ySubscriptXOffset: FT_Short,
    pub ySubscriptYOffset: FT_Short,
    pub ySuperscriptXSize: FT_Short,
    pub ySuperscriptYSize: FT_Short,
    pub ySuperscriptXOffset: FT_Short,
    pub ySuperscriptYOffset: FT_Short,
    pub yStrikeoutSize: FT_Short,
    pub yStrikeoutPosition: FT_Short,
    pub sFamilyClass: FT_Short,
    pub panose: [FT_Byte; 10],
    pub ulUnicodeRange1: FT_ULong,
    pub ulUnicodeRange2: FT_ULong,
    pub ulUnicodeRange3: FT_ULong,
    pub ulUnicodeRange4: FT_ULong,
    pub achVendID: [FT_Char; 4],
    pub fsSelection: FT_UShort,
    pub usFirstCharIndex: FT_UShort,
    pub usLastCharIndex: FT_UShort,
    pub sTypoAscender: FT_Short,
    pub sTypoDescender: FT_Short,
    pub sTypoLineGap: FT_Short,
    pub usWinAscent: FT_UShort,
    pub usWinDescent: FT_UShort,
    pub ulCodePageRange1: FT_ULong,
    pub ulCodePageRange2: FT_ULong,
    pub sxHeight: FT_Short,
    pub sCapHeight: FT_Short,
    pub usDefaultChar: FT_UShort,
    pub usBreakChar: FT_UShort,
    pub usMaxContext: FT_UShort,


version: FT_UShortxAvgCharWidth: FT_ShortusWeightClass: FT_UShortusWidthClass: FT_UShortfsType: FT_ShortySubscriptXSize: FT_ShortySubscriptYSize: FT_ShortySubscriptXOffset: FT_ShortySubscriptYOffset: FT_ShortySuperscriptXSize: FT_ShortySuperscriptYSize: FT_ShortySuperscriptXOffset: FT_ShortySuperscriptYOffset: FT_ShortyStrikeoutSize: FT_ShortyStrikeoutPosition: FT_ShortsFamilyClass: FT_Shortpanose: [FT_Byte; 10]ulUnicodeRange1: FT_ULongulUnicodeRange2: FT_ULongulUnicodeRange3: FT_ULongulUnicodeRange4: FT_ULongachVendID: [FT_Char; 4]fsSelection: FT_UShortusFirstCharIndex: FT_UShortusLastCharIndex: FT_UShortsTypoAscender: FT_ShortsTypoDescender: FT_ShortsTypoLineGap: FT_ShortusWinAscent: FT_UShortusWinDescent: FT_UShortulCodePageRange1: FT_ULongulCodePageRange2: FT_ULongsxHeight: FT_ShortsCapHeight: FT_ShortusDefaultChar: FT_UShortusBreakChar: FT_UShortusMaxContext: FT_UShort

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for TT_OS2

impl Send for TT_OS2

impl Sync for TT_OS2

impl Unpin for TT_OS2

impl UnwindSafe for TT_OS2

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.