Module frame_support::traits

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Traits and associated utilities for use in the FRAME environment.

NOTE: If you’re looking for parameter_types, it has moved in to the top-level module.



  • Prelude module for all defensive traits to be imported at once.
  • Traits and associated utilities for scheduling dispatchables in FRAME.
  • Traits for working with tokens and their associated datastructures.


  • Adapter struct for turning an OrderedMembership impl into a Contains impl.
  • Some amount of backing from a group. The precise definition of what it means to “back” something is left flexible.
  • The function and pallet name of the Call.
  • Guard type for clearing all pushed constraints from a FilterStack and reinstating them when dropped.
  • Const getter for a basic type.
  • Const getter for a basic type.
  • Const getter for a basic type.
  • Const getter for a basic type.
  • Const getter for a basic type.
  • Const getter for a basic type.
  • Const getter for a basic type.
  • Const getter for a basic type.
  • Const getter for a basic type.
  • Const getter for a basic type.
  • Const getter for a basic type.
  • The version of a crate.
  • “OR gate” implementation of EnsureOrigin, Success type for both L and R must be equal.
  • “OR gate” implementation of EnsureOrigin allowing for different Success types for L and R, with them combined using an Either type.
  • EnsureOrigin implementation that checks that an origin has equal or higher privilege compared to the expected Origin.
  • Implementation of PrivilegeCmp that only checks for equal origins.
  • A Contains implementation that contains everything except the values in Exclude.
  • Guard type for pushing a constraint to a FilterStack and popping when dropped.
  • The resource footprint of a queue.
  • Converter struct to use a ContainsPair implementation for a Contains bound.
  • Implement Get by returning Default for any type that implements Default.
  • A Contains implementation which contains all members of These which are also members of Those.
  • Trivial utility for implementing Contains/OrderedMembership with a Vec.
  • A derivative EnsureOrigin implementation. It mutates the Success result of an Original implementation with a given Mutator.
  • EnsureOrigin implementation that always fails.
  • Services queues by doing nothing.
  • Information regarding an instance of a pallet.
  • A naive implementation of CurrencyConvert that simply saturates all conversions.
  • Metadata about storage from the runtime.
  • A shim for placing around a storage item in order to use it as a StoredValue. Ideally this wouldn’t be needed as StorageValues should blanket implement StoredValues, however this would break the ability to have custom impls of StoredValue. The other workaround is to implement it directly in the macro.
  • The storage version of a pallet.
  • A Contains implementation that contains all members of These excepting any members in Except.
  • Storage key with read/write tracking information.
  • Transform the origin of an EnqueueMessage via C::convert.
  • A derivative EnsureOrigin implementation. It mutates the Success result of an Original implementation with a given Mutator, allowing the possibility of an error to be returned from the mutator.
  • An implementation of CurrencyToVote tailored for chain’s that have a balance type of u128.
  • A wrapper for any type T which implement encode/decode in a way compatible with Vec<u8>.
  • A wrapper for any type T which implement encode/decode in a way compatible with Vec<u8>.




  • The trait implemented by the overarching enumeration of the different pallets’ origins. Unlike OriginTrait impls, this does not include any kind of dispatch/call filter. Also, this trait is more flexible in terms of how it can be used: it is a Parameter and Member, so it can be used as dispatchable parameters as well as in storage items.
  • Trait for type that can handle incremental changes to a set of account IDs.
  • A trait for querying whether a type can be said to “contain” a value.
  • A trait for querying bound for the length of an implementation of Contains
  • A trait for querying whether a type can be said to “contain” a pair-value.
  • A trait similar to Convert to convert values from B an abstract balance type into u64 and back from u128. (This conversion is used in election and other places where complex calculation over balance type is needed)
  • A trait to handle errors and options when you are really sure that a condition must hold, but not brave enough to expect on it, or a default fallback value makes more sense.
  • Defensively calculates the maximum of two values.
  • Defensively calculates the minimum of two values.
  • Subset of methods similar to Defensive that can only work for a Option.
  • Subset of methods similar to Defensive that can only work for a Result.
  • A variant of Defensive with the same rationale, for the arithmetic operations where in case an infallible operation fails, it saturates.
  • Construct an object by defensively truncating an input if the TryFrom conversion fails.
  • Trait used to check whether a given validator is currently disabled and should not be participating in consensus (e.g. because they equivocated).
  • Can enqueue messages for multiple origins.
  • A trait to ensure the inherent are before non-inherent in a block.
  • Some sort of check on the origin is performed by this object.
  • Some sort of check on the origin is performed by this object.
  • Something that can estimate the fee of a (frame-based) call.
  • Something that can estimate at which block scheduling of the next session will happen (i.e when we will try to fetch new validators).
  • Something that can estimate at which block the next session rotation will happen (i.e. a new session starts).
  • Something that can execute a given block.
  • An extrinsic on which we can get access to call.
  • FilterDeprecated
  • Trait to add a constraint onto the filter.
  • A trait for finding the author of a block header based on the PreRuntime digests contained within it.
  • A trait to define the build function of a genesis config, T and I are placeholder for pallet trait and pallet instance.
  • A trait for querying a single value from a type.
  • Retrieve the backing from an object’s ref.
  • Gets the function index of the Call.
  • Gets the metadata for the Call - function name and pallet name.
  • Gets the function name of the Call.
  • Provides information about the storage version of a pallet.
  • A simple, generic one-parameter event notifier/handler.
  • The pallet hooks trait. Implementing this lets you express some logic to execute.
  • Trait for type that can handle the initialization of account IDs at genesis.
  • An instance of a pallet in the storage.
  • Simple trait for providing a filter over a reference to some type, given an instance of itself.
  • Type that provide some integrity tests.
  • Something that can be checked to be a of sub type T.
  • Trait to be used when types are exactly same.
  • Something which can compute and check proofs of a historical key owner and return full identification data of that key owner.
  • Trait to be used by block producing consensus engine modules to determine how late the current block is (e.g. in a slot-based proposal mechanism how many slots were skipped since the previous block).
  • Anything that can have a ::len() method.
  • Off-chain computation trait.
  • The block finalization trait.
  • A trait that will be called at genesis.
  • The block’s on idle trait.
  • The block initialization trait.
  • The account with the given id was reaped.
  • Handler for when a new account has been created.
  • The runtime upgrade trait.
  • A trait which is called when the timestamp is set in the runtime.
  • A session handler for specific key type.
  • Methods available on frame_system::Config::RuntimeOrigin.
  • Trait indicating that the implementing type is going to be included as a field in a variant of the #[pallet::error] enum type.
  • Provides information about the pallet itself and its setup in the runtime.
  • Provides information about the pallet itself and its setup in the runtime.
  • Provide information about a bunch of pallets.
  • Similar to StorageInfoTrait, a trait to give partial information about storage.
  • A interface for looking up preimages from their hash on chain.
  • A interface for managing preimages to hashes on chain.
  • Something that can compare privileges of two origins.
  • Can process messages from a specific origin.
  • A interface for looking up preimages from their hash on chain.
  • A trait that is able to provide randomness.
  • Ranked membership data structure.
  • Can service queues and execute overweight messages.
  • A trait for a set which can enumerate its members in order.
  • A trait to give information about storage.
  • An instance of a storage in a pallet.
  • A interface for managing preimages to hashes on chain.
  • An abstraction of a value stored within storage, but possibly as part of a larger composite item.
  • Try and collect into a collection C.
  • A type for which some values make sense to be able to drop without further consideration.
  • A trait for querying a single value from a type defined in the trait.
  • Type that can be dispatched with an origin but without checking the origin filter.
  • Trait to deal with unix time.
  • Implementors of this trait provide information about whether or not some validator has been registered with them. The Session module is an implementor.
  • A trait for online node inspection in a session.
  • ValidatorSet combined with an identification.
  • A trait for verifying the seal of a header and returning the author.
  • Allows a pallet to specify storage keys to whitelist during benchmarking. This means those keys will be excluded from the benchmarking performance calculation.

Type Definitions