Crate foundry_compilers

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§Foundry Compilers

Originally part of ethers-rs as ethers-solc, Foundry Compilers is the compilation backend for Foundry.

ethers-rs’s ethers-solc is considered to be in maintenance mode, and any fixes to it will also be reflect on Foundry Compilers. No action is currently needed from devs, although we heavily recommend using Foundry Compilers instead of ethers-solc.

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§Supported Rust Versions

Foundry Compilers will keep a rolling MSRV (minimum supported rust version) policy of at least 6 months. When increasing the MSRV, the new Rust version must have been released at least six months ago. The current MSRV is 1.65.0.

Note that the MSRV is not increased automatically, and only as part of a minor release.


Thanks for your help improving the project! We are so happy to have you! We have a contributing guide to help you get involved in the Foundry Compilers project.

Pull requests will not be merged unless CI passes, so please ensure that your contribution follows the linting rules and passes clippy.


To install, simply add foundry-compilers to your cargo dependencies.

foundry-compilers = { git = "" }

Example usage:

use foundry_compilers::{Project, ProjectPathsConfig};

// configure the project with all its paths, solc, cache etc.
let project = Project::builder()
let output = project.compile().unwrap();

// Tell Cargo that if a source file changes, to rerun this build script.








  • A trait representation for a crate::Contract artifact
  • Handler invoked with the output of solc
  • A predicate property that determines whether a file satisfies a certain condition
  • This trait behaves in a similar way to FileFilter but used to configure OutputSelection configuration. In certain cases, we might want to include some of the file dependencies into the compiler output even if we might not be directly interested in them.